Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere

My intuition is that many of “them” are counting on the rule of law to be reimposed to put down the insurrection. They’ve been waiting a long time and they’re getting restless. I suppose some event will ring the bell and the dogs of war will be loosed. I can think of no louder bell to ring than a big Trump victory the morning after the election followed by Democratic lawfare and fraud (as some of them have already said they’re going to conduct) which results in either a Biden victory or on January 20, 2021 the “temporary” installation of Nancy Pelosi as acting President.


By Rudyard Kipling It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate. Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate. It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
Channeling JFK who said “Ich bin ein Berliner!” I say “Many of us are Saxons now.”

Dave concluded,

Takeaway #1: you need one big trained and organized group to effectively deal with another big trained and organized group.
True, but the Portland or Seattle or NY police departments could put an end to the rioting if the mayor, governor, district attorney and judges weren’t enabling the rioting to continue. Does everyone here know that about 90% of the rioters are being immediately released without bail by the Portland D. A. (for instance), and they rejoin the riots the next night? If rioters were charged with the appropriate felonies and held without bail or on $100,000 cash bail the riots would be over in about 3-4 days. The 82nd Airborne would not be necessary to stop the riots. OTOH, small groups of skilled and trained counter revolutionaries could wreak havoc on the rioters if they ever conclude TPTB are NOT going to stop the riots because they are ideologically in support of them. For instance, here’s just one chilling thought experiment of what could happen.  
@mjtrac If, say, The Guardian or the BBC started reporting that a source with a reasonable expectation of knowledge of Biden's mental state had said he had early dementia, I'd begin to investigate. The fact that someone put together a video of (presumably) clips of Biden repeatedly saying a couple of words in awkward ways does not lead me to investigate. That's because like all humans I have limited time to personally investigate all facts about the world, so I've chosen to rely on experts. It's definitely true that if the experts start lying, it would take me some time to realize that they had. But it's still worthwhile for me to look at what selected news organizations have to say, and to assume that I can infer the truth from that. That's how, for example, I've decided that AGW is real, that childhood vaccinations are desirable, and that, despite the evidence of my eyes, the earth is, mostly, spherical and microscopic organisms exist.
This is absolutely incredible. You say I'm calling you a sheep, but you are yourself doing that, by rejecting your OWN EYES and relying on "experts" who are lying to you, as you can verify by simply WATCHING THE VIDEO provided. It's beyond pathetic. You're openly saying you allow corporations to do ALL thinking for you (you can't even watch two short videos PROVING that Biden has dementia and touches children totally inappropriately). You call yourself a free human being???? To say you are "brainwashed" would be the understatement of your life. Quit degrading yourself to such a sad degree.

…and the number will grow.
We wonder why the local and state government of Portland/Oregon allows this to continue. We don’t know the reason, but none of the possibilities are good. The (lack of) response there does nothing other than embolden this group and allow them to perfect their craft.
It is concerning that men with the experience of those in this story were taken aback by the situation/tactics. I don’t mean that to be critical at all. It is instructive to the level of response that will ultimately be required to correct the situation. This is only the beginning.

Having witnessed the French approach (in France) to riots and crowd control (where they have a long history of violent insurrections). We have yet to see any serious effort at crowd control (not for the faint at heart).

Thanks for posting that link. I remember reading that essay quite a while back. I specifically remember the long range sniper vehicles at 90° positions and the spraying of bullets into the MUYs position. I also remember the author talking about the quick assemblage of rioters/looters and just as quick dispersal which he likened to the game of Whack-a-mole.
Soon after the trucks stop bringing the necessities of life to these concrete jungles, violence will emerge. I agree with the author that ethnic or racial differences will play a large part. Look at the racial differences being magnified today over race-based slavery that ended generations ago. Some wounds never seem to heal. As soon as a someone (or a group) of one ethnicity wrongfully attacks someone from another ethnicity - and the event gets published - the battle lines will be drawn. It might get papered over during times of plenty, but mix in some hunger and it will be seen as life or death.
I read somewhere that this situation was described as a self cleaning oven. The problem will be limited resources and violent competition for those. It won’t end until law and order are reestablished enough that the truckers feel safe enough to bring needed supplies into the area. If law and order cannot be reestablished, the population will continue to plummet until whatever limiting resource is in balance with the population. (You might want to look at your situation and identify vulnerabilities.)
I’m trying to understand the motivations driving mayors of large cities to allow riots in their cities. I can imagine that they’re trying to be open minded while giving the dispossessed an opportunity to express themselves. Unfortunately, the dispossessed are joined by rioters and looters who want to use the innocent protesters as cover for their intended mayhem. Allowing the riots to continue hurts the productive portion of their citizenry particularly.
Can someone shed some light for me?

One of my thoughts is that the governing local officials are on the payroll of whomever the head disruptor might be. Without some serious reward being dangled what could the motive possibly be to allow such mayhem?

One of my thoughts is that the governing local officials are on the payroll of whomever the head disruptor might be. Without some serious reward being dangled what could the motive possibly be to allow such mayhem?
Sure. What local mayor wouldn't give his eye teeth to be Ambassador to Japan, or HHS secretary. Instant move to national prominence. If Biden wins, these mayors will get Federal jobs, and they won't ever have to deal with the problems of their stupid little city ever again. There are lots and lots of plums for Team Biden to pass out to their loyal soldiers. Lock your city or state down. Cause misery. Shut your schools. Don't open your restaurants. You won't be blamed. You're just "keeping your people safe." We'll blame Trump. I'm already seeing the ads on youtube that do just that.

Thanks, MarkM and DaveF. This has been mentioned before. The cynical side of me agrees that it is a powerful motive. Does it all boil down to stark political calculations? If so, do the supporters know they will pay the price eventually? Either taxes will rise or services will be cut to pay for all the damage. Who will pay - the “rich”? NYC and California are seeing what the “rich” do when taxes get too onerous. They find greener pastures elsewhere.
I was hoping that someone with a less cynical viewpoint would add their thoughts. After all, those who support these mayoral actions must think it is somehow positive. Otherwise, why support these actions … or the elected people performing these actions? I really want to understand the reasoning. I simply don’t get it.

Oye, Tom!
That’s one hell of an essay. Uncomfortably realistic. I most appreciate this from the penultimate paragraph:

We all deplore the conditions that might drive us toward such a hellish outcome, and we should work unceasingly to return America to the path of true brotherhood, peace and prosperity. Race hustlers of every stripe should be condemned.
But I'm afraid I'm increasingly discovering that where I used to be able to foster cross-divide conversations - as recently as just a few months ago - it's nearly impossible to do so now, and we who know we see things from across a divide now prefer silence to seeking common understanding. It can only get worse from here. So I sadly resonate with these last sentences:
John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If that is true, judging by current and even accelerating cultural shifts, we might already have passed the point of no return. The prudent American will trim his sails accordingly.
I will continue to pray for and seek resurrection of our national comity, however hopefulness weakens the closer we get to the election.

Agreed. Thanks for the early reporting. [Useless parting shot removed by Admin]

There is a lot of alt right nonsense gleaned from social media with photo-shopped pics and, no doubt, reports from Andy Ng, on this forum now.
I hope they get equal treament, unless you think Breitbart and facebook echo chambers are excellent sources of info.

Agitating Prop just pooped on Andy Ngo… so let me tell fellow truth seekers again who he is; He is a gay new media journalist in Portland who just happens to tell the truth about what is happening there in a time when mainstream media channels, as well as some of our gov’t leaders (Nadler called the riots a “myth”) outright lie. If you look at Ngo’s twitter feed tonight for instance, you can see how the insane mayor of Portland, who is also the Police Commissioner, has banned the use of tear gas by his department. You will also see the response from the Portland Police Union today, linked on Ngo’s twitter feed;
Ngo posts pictures of those arrested and released without bail each night, allowing us to see how the legal system works (or doesn’t) when run by a DA bent on destroying our country as we know it.
Those like agitating prop who are still enslaved by the propaganda system are taught to hate the truth tellers like Ngo. We live in a world of opposites. Either I am completely wrong… or agitating prop and his like are completely, utterly wrong. We can’t both be right. While I appreciate the attempts by Quercus to see both sides, there is no middle ground here.

One of our most sincere, high integrity conservative alt-media figures is Dr. Dave Janda. He retired as an ortho surgeon in 2017. His recent interview with friend and confidant General Tom McInerny recounts how Admiral Ace Lyons, on his death bed one day before he passed in Dec. 2018, told Tom that “The Hammer” was the key. The key to what you ask? The key to the illegal spying, the attempted (and ongoing) coup, and massive illegal surveillance. The truth is that the whole of FISA-gate is really about the cover up… the cover up of the illegal, parallel, unconstitutional spying platform that was used by leaders of the past administration to keep tabs on anyone they wanted to.
If you want to know what was really going on you won’t hear about it on the TV news or in the NYTimes. No way. You can though hear about it in this new interview by Dr. Dave Janda;

I enjoyed the video over on dollar collapse with Paul Craig Roberts this evening. Talks to several of the points you make, esp. arguments about ‘white privilege’ .

Jim H,
“Those like agitating prop who are still enslaved by the propaganda system are taught to hate the truth tellers like Ngo.”–Jim H

If you had any idea how extremely funny that statement is you likely wouldn’t have made it. As weird as I am and as willing as I am to entertain completely lunatic scenarios, Andy Ngo doesn’t pass the sniff test…at…all, not even to moi.
And btw, how do you know that its not YOU who is being effectively propaganized, along with other 'Truthtellers?"
Andy Ngo–Rolling Stone
But the issue wasn’t so much that Ngo had finally been “exposed” as a right-wing provocateur as opposed to a journalist. It was that he’d managed to successfully convince so many ostensibly reasonable people otherwise, despite significant evidence to the contrary — and, in so doing, did some serious damage in the process.

And btw, how do you know that its not YOU who is being effectively propaganized, along with other 'Truthtellers?" Andy Ngo--Rolling Stone But the issue wasn’t so much that Ngo had finally been “exposed” as a right-wing provocateur as opposed to a journalist. It was that he’d managed to successfully convince so many ostensibly reasonable people otherwise, despite significant evidence to the contrary — and, in so doing, did some serious damage in the process.
I read the article with interest. However as I read it my sense that it was heavily biased increased. Felt like a hit piece. Then I read the comments. Here are the first four comments, in order, without any cherry picking by me. Seems I wasn't alone in that view. I have to confess...DaveF has shaped my views here by pointing out how the Antifa shock troops have been given a free pass by various mayors and DA's, the press (as in this case) and it all seems a bit contrived. Like somebody powerful is trying to ignite something that I consider to be exceptionally dangerous; a breakdown of society. A ticking clock in the background only I have no idea what its counting down to. That the people calling this out are routinely savaged by the same "press" that brought us Russiagate and which can't figure out that Fauci is indescribably horrible in his role tells me that the polarization is systematic and pretty much complete. If the destruction of critical thinking was Act I, then this all feels like Act II. Again, I can't figure out what to do besides remove myself from it all as much as possible while it tears itself apart. Gold, silver, land, cows, a garden and great friends along with a strong program of consistent self-defense training. That's my current personal strategy.

I just listened to this great podcast It Could Happen Here. It breaks down how and why Civil War 2.0 could happen.
It’s decidedly left leaning but very prescient. Released in 2019 it has only become more relevant. Lots of talk about Portland. Cops v Protesters.
Particularly interesting the point that the same “facts” can be interpreted differently. Did that Sandman kid mock those Native Americans? Did DJT ask Russia to intervene in the 2016 election (“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”). Did Russia in fact, intervene? Or the latest, was Trump’s minimizing of the virus a good thing or a bad thing?
The worst possible division is left/right. Left being IDK, ‘Transgender Black Marxists’ seek to overthrow U.S., Trump backer Michele Bachmann says (LOL OK) or the right instituting a Christian Theocracy.
Best case scenario is probably class warfare. As wealth accumulates to the upper 1% everyone gets mad. Left/right distracts us from the real villains in this story.

In post #228, I wrote: I was hoping that someone with a less cynical viewpoint would add their thoughts. After all, those who support these mayoral actions must think it is somehow positive. Otherwise, why support these actions ... or the elected people performing these actions? I really want to understand the reasoning. I simply don't get it.
agitating prop, You apparently have a different viewpoint on this subject. I'd appreciate if you could share your thoughts concerning the actions of these authorities. I can support non-violent protests. That is people exercising their First Amendment rights. Once it becomes violent, it crosses over to criminal behavior. Why is that okay? If it isn't nipped in the bud, the violators become emboldened. Those who originally just wanted to protest peacefully see that violence is acceptable. I can imagine that many of them up their game to keep up with the more violent protestors. That's what happens in crowds. My real question is why do the people who voted for these authorities accept this behavior? Politicians always want to see that they still have support for their actions. After all, if they lose the support of their base, they won't get reelected. That tells me that their base still supports these actions. I'm not asking you to speak for these folks - just yourself. If you'd prefer to discuss this privately, send me a PM. (That invitation applies to anyone who can explain the situation.) I just want to understand. Grover

Go read Andy’s twitter feed. Judge for yourself. Source material beats someone else’s narrative any day of the week.
He is the antidote to the phrase: "mostly peaceful protests.’