Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere
Well, I guess he would know.

I can't figure out what to do besides remove myself from it all as much as possible while it tears itself apart. Gold, silver, land, cows, a garden and great friends along with a strong program of consistent self-defense training. That's my current personal strategy.
Chris has been sharing this message for over a decade. He also says I'd rather be a year early than a day late. We are rapidly approaching day late territory.

So Chris,
If I understand you correctly, you have an opinion on Ngo that is shaped by comments sections where you cannot source the responses… rather than article itself?
And you deride anything then that doesn’t conform to those opinions as “mainstream media?”
Media is all social now. It is opinion rather than facts driven. It is a gossip mill, a histrionic side show-- and factions of the deep state are leveraging influence and power using it as a vehicle. To think otherwise is incredibly naive.
The Portland antifa side show was winding down until federalized troops were sent in to “restore order.” When mayors and police forces “do nothing” it is likely due to a desire to deescalate.
Nobody is on the side of violence or destruction of property. It’s wrong and both anti-fa and the provocatuers who stir that hornet’s nest should be ashamed. But Man, have the MSM, particularly Fox ratcheted this up like crazy. Anti fa and left wing nonsense are apparent. But let’s not forget that the impetus that provides traction, are largely unseen.
Right-wing media widely claimed that Ngo had had a brain hemorrhage. If so, he improved remarkably quickly – Ngo was discharged and appeared on Fox News the next day.[29] Right-wing media also widely claimed that Ngo had been attacked by a “cement milkshake”, including Fox News[30] (who later backtracked their coverage)[31] and Ted Cruz. Such a milkshake, if used, would not be effective as mixtures with more than 1% sugar prevent cement from settling.[32]
Ngo’s reporting about these protests is full of misinformation, as shown in a Twitter thread by @RespectableLaw from August 2019.

In societies living under the Rule of Law, sworn Law Enforcement (LE) officers have always been considered fully justified in applying lethal force against violent mobs during arson riots, such as those which have been occurring with regularity in American cities during the terrible summer of 2020. This was the intent and meaning of police officials publicly “Reading the Riot Act,” announcing over a loudspeaker that a violent mob had been declared to be an unlawful assembly, that is to say, a riot. Rioters who lingered on the street after that final warning could be engaged by LE at any level up to and including the use of deadly force, with no further announcement.

This was, in prior more civilized times, a basic understanding of all citizens living under the Rule of Law. This is why a police officer’s standard-issue pump shotgun was traditionally referred to as a “riot gun” long before the development of modern less-than-lethal munitions. This is also why arson riots were uncommon and short-lived. Everyone understood the ground rules. There was no right to burn, loot or murder.

Thomas Sowell put it this way: “If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.” Note that he did not say “the government” or “the police department.” He said YOU.

ABR, my own acronym for the current working coalition of Antifa, BLM and the Revolutionary Communist Party of the U.S., are now routinely using Molotov cocktails (gasoline bombs) and other incendiary/explosive devices as offensive weapons in both an anti-personnel and anti-property (arson) role. As far as the BATFE is concerned, a Molotov cocktail is an illegal explosive device, and so are powerful high-altitude fireworks, when they are deployed at ground level as anti-personnel and anti-property explosive/incendiary grenades.

ABR deliberately uses the anonymity of their black-clad and face-masked mobs to conceal the identity of their individual bomb throwers, in exactly the same way that 19th Century Ku Klux Klan night riders carrying torches on arson missions concealed their identities with white robes and hoods. There is no moral or ethical requirement for either police or ordinary citizens protecting their communities from violent mobs to identify and ferret out the individual bomb throwers, when the rest of the mob is intentionally surrounding them in order to shield them from that identification. Because of the deliberately created synergy of bomb throwers utilizing the anonymity of the mob, the entire ABR mob becomes a legitimate target for police arrest or armed community self-defense.

Furthermore, at this writing in September of 2020, there is no moral or ethical requirement for a law-abiding American citizen to wait for a lit Molotov cocktail or any other incendiary or explosive device to crash through the window of their home or business, while ABR mobs are rampaging through the streets conducting arson attacks. Once the fires begin, morally and ethically, the same Rules for the Use of Force (RUF) should apply that would attach to a lynch mob, or to Ku Klux Klan night riders on their way to burn homes or businesses. Both KKK night riders bearing torches in olden times, and violent mobs of ABR terrorists with Molotov cocktails and other incendiary devices today, can and should be engaged by armed citizens with any necessary level of force required to halt their terroristic depredations.

In numerous recent cases, law enforcement under Leftist political control has repeatedly abdicated its traditional and expected role in breaking up violent riots and preventing arson and other terror attacks. Week by week, the level of ABR violence has been steadily escalating, and it’s logical to assume that it will only worsen as the hotly-contested presidential election draws near.

So let me be very clear: if Democrat Party governors, mayors and DAs have hamstrung their police for political reasons, and won’t allow them to protect the lives and property of their local citizens using all required force, abandoning their primary mission in order to bow to the ABR mob, then it is time for their undefended citizens to apply the clear intent of the Second Amendment. There should be deep regret about the abandonment of the Rule of Law by the Democrat Party political ruling class, but there should be no moral quibbles or hesitation by American citizens concerning the legitimacy of armed community self defense, in the absence of expected law enforcement protection.

Therefore, it is my carefully considered opinion that black-clad and masked ABR mobs, rampaging and terrorizing innocent citizens under the cover of darkness in the style of the KKK of old, may morally and ethically be taken under preemptive fire by armed citizens at any level necessary to drive them out of their peaceful neighborhoods and away from their businesses, before the terrorists can reach their targets and throw their Molotov cocktails and other explosive and incendiary devices.

As an historical note, it should be understood that the National Rifle Association was founded after the last American Civil War by former Union Army officers, (and Republicans at that), in order to empower freed African-American former slaves to defend themselves with firearms against KKK night raids. In the 19th Century, the Democrat Party, then allied with the Klan, (as the Democrats of today are aligned with Antifa and BLM), had favored strict gun control, in the form of narrowly written laws restricting the legal ownership of firearms by free black citizens.

The more things change…the more they stay the same.

A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

For emphasis: in American law possessing a Molotov cocktail is a felony and throwing one at people or at an occupied building is a life-threatening assault. Using lethal force to stop that attack is justified under the law.

It’s a big who’s who, right? Also note related articles at the same site. “Universities” have become breeding grounds for the leftist/socialist/Marxist agenda.

You have to ask yourself, who, just before an election, benefits from rioting? Is it the semi senile cream puff on the left or the right wing “law and order” nut job on the right?
Rioting is awful… It’s scary. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near it. But…it can also be a manufactured scenario where different groups are infiltrated and then manipulated. This isn’t purely a ‘law and order’ story. There is so much more going on and it revolves largely around social media.

CJ Sloan,
Thanks for that. Most of the left where I live are against cancel culture and baffled by identity politics. A few of my left leaning friends have drunk the kool-aid and are now right wing extremists, due to the rioting in the U.S. Who benefits?

I believe umbrella may can be found taking lunch at the nearest Fusion Center.

"police say ...."
What the Heck? Name of police source and badge number? In our house we cut cable and use YouTube. Its 24-hr made up AI select stories about our president and social injustice. You expect me to believe "police say"? I just can't make myself believe....

Gaslighted by the Ruling Class
“The public displays of solidarity are, as in the past, smoke and mirrors, a pantomime of faux anguish and empathy by bankrupt ruling elites, including most Black politicians groomed by the Democratic Party and out of touch with the daily humiliation, stress of economic misery and suffering that defines the lives of many of the protesters.
These elites have no intention of instituting anything more than cosmetic change. They refuse to ask the questions that matter because they do not want to hear the answers. They are systems managers. They use these symbolic gestures to gaslight the public and leave our failed democracy, from which they and their corporate benefactors benefit, untouched. What we are watching in this outpouring of televised solidarity with the victims of police violence is an example of what Bertram Gross calls “friendly fascism,” the “nice-guy mask” used to disguise the despotism of the ultra-rich and our corporate overseers. Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he is at least open about his racism, lust for state violence and commitment to white supremacy.”
Chris Hedges bio:
Christopher Lynn Hedges (born September 18, 1956) is an American Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Presbyterian minister, New York Times best selling author and television host. … Hedges spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, West Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Balkans.

Ahhh, yes youtube as the voice of reason, where google feeds you stories that appeal to your interests, creating a perfect echo chamber. And the “deep state” in a surveillance state wouldn’t be onto that and be using it to their own maximum advantage, too? Because why? The “deep state” supports the wealthy on both sides of the divide and it is a wonder to me that people haven’t figured this out and allow their outrage to be deflected…over and over and over.

My attendant response to the video was “it’s a big who’s who.” In other words, watch the video., but don’t necessarily believe or disbelieve. That’s religion. Capiche?

Having a really bad day: needing to evacuate ahead of the flames.
Having a really, really bad day: needing to evacuate north to the Portland Convention Center.
I was in contact with Suzie Gruber from this board. She is in Ashland, Oregon, with her car packed up. Many of these fires are arson caused, so no telling who will be in the path, next. Praying for all.

Our neighborhood was spared a fire about 8 years ago. Some thought it had to be God’s blessing. Will pray for you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers and Susie as well. Any info and updates you can post is appreciated…Surprised and saddened to hear some of these fires are deliberately set.

Wait! I thought the world was catching fire because of global warming.
Good luck to all of you regardless of the cause.

Rural Oregon people suffering now.
“They are setting fires.”

We have been having too hot weather and high winds all summer in Oregon. Weeks to go yet. The pioneer spirit is still strong, here. Horrible to get burned up in a fire. Couple was rescued after 18 hours taking refuge in a river, ran from home at 4am.
In the small, poor communities of Phoenix and Talent along I-5, north of Ashland, Mexican farm workers raced home, some to rescue their kids, some did not make it.
Thank you for prayers.
Big fires, wind driven out of the Cascades, heading for large cities along I-5. Coincidence? Portland, Salem, Roseburg, Ashland, all at risk.

Kunga - please be safe, and let us know how Suzie is doing?
The fire sound truly horrible and I’d be frantic with worry if I had to evacuate. What would we do with our cows and chickens? The pigs? What do we bring and what do we leave behind? I know my cats would hate every minute of the evac.
So sorry for everyone going through this, and I sincerely hope that the fires have not been intentionally set. Beyond those set by gender reveal parties I mean. Grrrrr…