Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere

Quick update on Suzie: she’s OK and hasn’t had to evacuate (yet).
But internet is down in her area, which explains why we haven’t heard from her on the site.
Thanks for all the concern & support from the PP community!

Unless you think the Oregon police are corrupt and left leaning to cover up their involvement. Come on, stop blaming Atifa for everything.

What the hell, I’ll just add this here for any Stalinists still interested. Where are the Mensheviks?

Arson investigators have opened a probe into the suspicious origins of a deadly Oregon wildfire that began in the town of Ashland and destroyed hundreds of homes in nearby communities, Ashland’s police chief said on Thursday.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your concern. I am safe at home with my car packed and no immediate threat nearby, although it’s very smoky.
Ashland got very lucky on Tuesday. Winds out of the southeast drove the fire to the northwest away from Ashland and towards Talent and Phoenix, two small towns that are now devastated. There are 600 homes lost and 50 people missing. There were never any Level 3 Go evacuation orders in Ashland. They put all of Jackson County under a Level 1 Be Ready order because of the warm east winds blowing Tuesday & Wednesday. The origin point of the fire is now a criminal investigation because they found someone dead nearby.
This has been a very useful test for my preps. My internet went down on Tuesday because the central office for Spectrum burned to the ground taking all of their internet, cable & phone service with it. Do not get internet-based cell phone or home phone service if you want redundancy. We need communication options across multiple systems in the hopes that at least one stays up. My biggest challenge was getting real information about what was happening. I can’t get over the air TV because of where my house is located and our local radio was mostly pathetic in staying on top of what was going on.
I resorted to an Android app called Scanner Radio Pro that I used to listen to Jackson County Police and Fire. Listening to this was extraordinarily helpful. I could get a real sense of what was happening rather than just what we were hearing in the media. There were several times while I was listening that there were reports of people with open flames in the Bear Creek Greenway where the fire started and traveled north. I will say that I was dependent on cell service to listen so I am considering getting a portable scanner. I will keep listening to this occasionally even after things settle down because I am able to get a real look at the underbelly of our area.
I know this has been said many times but I can’t stress more the importance of having a concrete evacuation plan. The fire started around 11am on Tuesday, shutting down Interstate 5 immediately. That meant that until 4:30pm that day, they routed all of the northbound I5 traffic through downtown Ashland, big rigs and all until they shut down I5 at the California border. The whole scenario left one and maybe two routes out of town for 20,000 people. If we had needed to evacuate, it would have been an utterly disastrous event. From that I made the firm decision that if we ever get to a level 2 Get Set, I am leaving. I will not wait until we are told to leave. Please, please, please if you live in an area prone to fire, assess this sort of thing for yourself.
My original evacuation plan was to head to my friend’s house in Medford which in general should be safe because it’s away from the forests. However, the particular path of this fire led to the evacuation of her house, so always have a plan A, B & C.
If you know anyone affected by the fires or any other disaster, here’s a resource my colleagues and I created in response to the Sonoma County fires that happened in 2017. It helps with the emotional side of experiences like these.
Also, for anyone with a little extra, here’s a link to donate to the Southern Oregon Fire Relief effort. Our local credit union is matching donations up to $50,000.
Thank you so much for your concern and for all of the teachings on this site. Although I feel tired and very sad about what happened to our community, I feel grateful for my deep resilience.

Here’s the dentist’s twitter link:
Part of her statement is: “Our town is fighting to save our property. If you do not believe in the Antifa thing listen to me now. They’re in our communities now. They are setting fires. Our friends are finding camps. Our friends are catching them and they are setting fires.”

From your post title and the fact you linked to Gateway Pundit, it was hard for me not to take away that you were blaming Antifa. Too many people are and now you have locals out with guns threatening photo journalists covering the fire. See the end of my earlier link and this newer link.
If that was not your intention, my mistake and you have my apology. Too many people though are doing just that, blaming Antifa for everything under the Sun now. I wish more people would take a minute or two to do a simple google search and see if the assumptions that they are about to post, are true or wild speculation.
Kunga, Suzi and anyone else in danger, please stay safe.

Well so here’s the thing. Antifa has been photographed setting a lot of fires over the past 3 months. Then, suddenly, there are a whole lot of fires that are happening in regions that (shall we say) don’t really support the whole Antifa campaign.
So perhaps Antifa did set them, and perhaps they didn’t. But, if your Antifa group’s MO clearly includes setting fires, and then a whole lot of fires suddenly appear in areas that are more or less anti-Antifa areas, you can’t really blame fire victims for imagining that this group of fire-setters - that also don’t like them much - are responsible for setting this new batch of fires.
After all, in marxist-land, “anti-revolutionaries” (Nazis, etc) more or less deserve whatever fate is coming to them.
Last point. Normal people connect dots. Its a human thing to do. Probably some pro-survival thing developed way back on the plains of Africa.
And - just maybe - Antifa really is setting them. “Because that’s what they do - they set fires.”

I get the sense that some people - shoe fits = you may wear it - think that this whole Antifa thing is a secret plot by Trump to enable him to say “Law and Order” and get the suburban women vote.
If this were true, then it would have been a very simple matter - 12 weeks ago - for the Democratic establishment to to get the state & local law enforcement (which they control) to come down like a ton of bricks on just the rioters. National guard, state police, local police - they could make this Antifa thing go away in an afternoon, if they really thought it was truly a Big Trump Plot. They could even get CNN not to cover it and/or pretend that “just a few bad apples” and/or “Trump-supported agitators” were arrested for trying to make the peaceful protests look bad.
There are lots of ways for them to shut this down, and look good doing it.
Once the national guard appears, the Antifa/BLM bullies flee in panic, and/or they are arrested to face charges (suddenly there are no friendly prosecutors that allow them to walk), and the problem is over. We saw this in Kenosha. The recipe is pretty simple.
And yet - for “some reason”, local politicians have mostly decided not to follow the recipe. Even though they totally have the power to do so.
I mean, I think they’re idiots; they were probably hoping to goad Trump into a Kent State event with Federal troops, and/or for Trump to send in the Army to try and occupy the cities, which would make him look like a Nazi. Trump didn’t fall for it, and now they appear to be stuck with the “coddling the rioters” policy, while ordering CNN not to cover it.
And if these people are the team you would prefer to support - I’m sure it sucks, it is a really stupid policy, it does play right into Trump’s hands, and you don’t want to believe that your gang is really that idiotic, and so you are trying hard to look for some other explanation. It has to be Trump’s 12-D chess in some crazy way.
Problem is, stopping the riots has a simple recipe. Everyone knows what it is. They aren’t following it. I’ve explained how they could even LOOK GOOD following it and get that suburban female vote. There is no explanation for this, other than this whole thing was a deliberate strategy.
Why do they keep not-following the recipe?
Just perhaps they need to keep the Antifa/BLM group on the board as part of a contingency plan if Biden ends up losing the election. Antifa/BLM riots might be able to keep things “confused” in enough battleground states long enough for Pelosi to roll into the White House on January 20th. If they use the anti-riot recipe, Antifa/BLM will be taken off the board, and then there is no contingency plan if Trump ends up winning.
So if Antifa/BLM were a key part of an “insurance policy” against an actual electoral defeat in November, then that would explain everything.
Do you have an alternative explanation as to why the mayors and governors aren’t using “the recipe” (and looking good while doing it) to take Antifa/BLM off the board? “We are just removing the Trump-Nazi agitators from among the legitimate peaceful protesters.” It really would be easy to do.

agitating prop,
You really didn’t answer my question. Why do the locals who elected the officials who allow this to occur still support the official actions? I suppose that many of them are feeling anxious and questioning the tactics … but won’t support anyone who isn’t on the Blue Team. That’s the conclusion I draw from what I’ve seen. I was hoping to have my disillusion dispelled.
As far as false flags, that happens. It is just as illegal (perhaps more so) than if any citizen did the same. “Umbrella Man” should be brought to justice. We have many examples of false flags being flown by people in government. Why? To galvanize support for unwarranted actions. Yet, people somehow fall for the scam and then resist (or shut down) when others point out the scam. Yesterday was the 19th anniversary of a very devastating false flag (9/11/2001.) We’ll continue to pay the price until the perpetrators are brought to justice.
When I see nightly riots erupting in the same cities, I have to wonder what the officials are thinking? Are they hapless and overwhelmed? Are they using the riots for ulterior motives - big payoff if Biden gets elected? Something else? Why do locals still support these actions? I just don’t get it.

…or, the map maker is only reporting US fires.

Dot connecting can be a valuable exercise–but is very difficult to do when you are marinating in propaganda–and that is all of us—all the time now.
The very ‘best’ dot connectors have paranoid schizophrenia. They tend to over interpret and catagorize too broadly because they are mentally ill. Then there is the folie a deux effect of like minded individuals mobbing up around a false idea and egging each other on. The witch hunts were a good example of that.
The best environment to connect dots is one where emotions are very calm, in an atmosphere unpolluted by propaganda. It should also be a more or less solitary venture where the “egging on” effect is absent.
Because fires have been set in Portland, doesn’t mean forest fires starting in the super dry, super hot parts of the state were started by anti-fascists. Arsonists? That’s possible for some of the fires. No need to put a political spin on it.

Here’s Canada:
And a screen grab from today, September 12:

This was the most obvious explanation. We really need to stay out of our foxholes and be willing to see something other than what we want to see.
There are obviously more fires in the U.S. we can debate whether arson explains some of that or whether differences in fire conditions (higher fire danger in U.S.) and more accidental fires do to a more dense and possibly less careful population explain the entire difference.
Of course, by far the most supportive evidence will be clear evidence of arson with clear links to a suspect and a motive.
The dentist in the video above may be write, or she might be subject to seeing what she wants to see (along with her friends) in a highly polarized environment. Time will (hopefully) tell.

No. I have the same information from a global system, which reports all wildfires on Earth. The ONLY Nations being consumed by wildfires ON EARTH right now is the U.S. and Australia. But, by FAR the U.S. is absolutely consumed with them, which can only be by ARSON terrorist efforts.
HMMMMM… Maybe this reporting application is NOT reporting Canada, but reports the other countries? I wonder why this is? Here is Australia from the same reporting service:
[caption id=“attachment_581844” align=“alignnone” width=“1226”]U.S. Wildfires TODAY active Current wildfires in the U.S.,which pay attention to our National borders.[/caption]

I present today’s real-time active forest fire map from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center that clearly shows active fires in Canada including 5 out of control fires in southern BC, 4 within about 100 miles of the border.
Note: I didn’t see that Ision’s post #274 was only 2 minutes after my post #273. Ision had not seen post #273 before posting #274. I’m leaving this post as is other than this added note to remind myself that I too jumped to conclusions.
Then you show another map which you claim shows all forest fires on earth that includes zero fires in Canada and claim that:

  1. Your map is the correct one - which implies those fires on the map I found are fake.
  2. That arson and terrorism are clearly the only possible explanation for all of the fires in the US. Let's not even ask if fire danger is significantly higher in the US. Let's not even look at the possibility that denser and less careful population could play a role as well. Not to mention the possibility of more lightning in the US (this true at least in a climatological sense, although I don't know about the past week). I don't know whether any of these other explanations are valid, but you imply they're not even worth looking at?
Please explain your reasoning.

I never read your post prior to placing mine. So, my post does not address yours, until I edited it and added the image of Australian wildfires from the same reporting system. This system shows the entire globe and its primary purpose is weather, but features reporting on earthquakes and wildfires, too.
I had no reason to think this service was not reporting Canadian information, as it was reporting so many other countries.
Clearly, my system is NOT reporting Canadian information, without informing me of this fact, and this created an obvious anomaly of fires heeding borders. I assumed Canada’s fires were reported by the system and this led to a false conclusion.
I then edited my comment, once I noticed you map of Canadian fires.

I can assure you we are having our forest fire problems here as well, but not to the extent that is happening in Washington and Oregon. Fingers crossed it does not change for the worse. There are a large quantity of smaller fires burning here on the Island. Too many human caused, typically by discarded cigarettes and sparks from ATVs or equipment.
Here in Victoria we have terribly smoky skies, grey and glowing with the sun trying to push through. Air quality is bad sending people indoors. The temperature has plummeted. This smoke is largely attributed to the smoke from the fires in NW USA blowing our way. I have not seen it this bad here before…
We are in drought conditions with extreme fire risk. As Suzie mentioned, for those who are potentially threatened it is wise to have the evacuation plans ready and preps reviewed for readiness. I am fine where I am from the fire perspective. One thing I acquired a few years ago for communication is a satellite based GPS device for sending status messages in emergencies. There are far more advanced models than mine now. This is a great tool to have in everyone’s emergency prep toolbox:
It is so sad and horrifying to watch all the riots, protests, violence and fires from afar. It leaves me speechless at times… Stay safe everyone! Good luck Suzie and Kunga, and anyone else who is close to danger zones.

Because fires have been set in Portland, doesn't mean forest fires starting in the super dry, super hot parts of the state were started by anti-fascists. Arsonists? That's possible for some of the fires. No need to put a political spin on it.
Sure, its possible that the arsonist-Antifa group had nothing to do with this rash of fires, all springing up right after that Antifa murder suspect was killed by police while resisting arrest. One fire might be happenstance, a second fire might be coincidence. But as we know, three fires = enemy action.  

Sorry about my intensity there. I should have noticed your post was only two minutes before mine. I’ll retract it.