Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere

“My real question is why do the people who voted for these authorities accept this behavior? Politicians always want to see that they still have support for their actions. After all, if they lose the support of their base, they won’t get reelected. That tells me that their base still supports these actions.” Grover
From the Oregonian:
“A new poll shows a majority of Portland voters support a November ballot measure to create a new community-driven police oversight system, believe there is a systemic problem in the city’s policing system and have an “unfavorable” impression of Mayor Ted Wheeler and the police union that represents the majority of city officers.”
Sorry, it’s not from Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube, but this will have to suffice. Hope that meets standards.

Hey, unless you popped an artery, that we don’t know about, you seem perfectly calm!

I first thought that this might be an explanation. It’s not an official version (i.e. no French captions for the English dialogue) so I hope it doesn’t cause concern for the members in the western provinces (that’s a joke, OK?).

In BC we are (also) ripe for a devastating fire as the amount of fuel on the forest floor is staggering; around 1600AD a fire consumed everything on the east side of Vancouver Island from the height of land to seawater, from Campbell river to Victoria; They presumed this from charcoal pits all of the same age (up and down the coast) and forest growth all dating to the same time. I have a piece of old growth fir (I know its history and origin) that shows a 6 fold variation in growth rates over 800 years (tree rings 90/inch to 16/inch) near the outside of a tree that was greater than 6 ft in diameter (greater than 2-3000 years old) when it was felled.

Posted by Kristin Morris on Facebook:
As much as I enjoy having people who neither live in this state nor have probably ever visited try to educate me on the place I have called home for more than 25 years… I feel compelled to share the latest faces of arson- oops! Did I say arson?? I meant “climate change”. These charming individuals just managed to speed the process up a little I guess…
Borrowed from another page:
“As wildfires scorch millions of acres in our region, we thank Oregon law enforcement for apprehending these arsonists. These are the facts and cannot be disputed.
First pic From left:
Jett Thomas, 36, has been arrested in Portland & charged w/1st-degree felony arson, felony unlawful use of a weapon, 2 counts of felony criminal mischief & more. Law enforcement says Thomas tried to set a NW Portland hotel gas pipe on fire.
Elias Newton Pendergrass, 44, was arrested on first degree arson in a wildfire that burned almost 400 acres, and caused evacuations west of Eugene.
Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, was charged with two counts of arson, along with 15 counts of criminal mischief and 14 counts of reckless endangering for allegedly setting a fire in southern Oregon.

  1. Why did the violent riots stop in downtown Portland the exact night the fires started?
  2. Why do the fires in Washington state stop at the Canadian border? (Google map it for yourself)
  3. Why has the Oregon State Fire Marshal been put in leave today? Then resigned right after?
  4. Why has a Clackamas County Deputy been put on leave for speaking up specifically against Antifa arsonists?
  5. Why does the media so obviously go overboard with the narrative of “nothing to see here”, when the Police scanner is one call after another regarding suspicious cars, people and activity specifically for arson?
    Start asking questions. Start listening to the facts.”
    My edit:
    The last two lookers were arrested last night in my county, Clackamas county- the one that has been under threat for several days now. There IS blatant arson. There IS looting. There IS suspicious and criminal behavior happening all around us right now, and my friends and I are not going anywhere!
    From someone who is living in the middle of this, I can tell you that our Governor and the news is LYING TO YOU about what is going on out here!!

Regardless of the origin of these fires I have lived in California for 20 years and Oregon for 5 years of my childhood and the last 3 as an adult. I have never seen anything like this . I live in Salem and the AQI is hovering between 200 - 500. I wonder how this will affect COVID 19 severity not to mention premature deaths from worsening of chronic heart and lung conditions. Like many states in the US there is a great deal of poverty here and my heart breaks for those many that do not have HVAC systems or the ability to create 1 clean room. I am a triage nurse at Kaiser and luckily I work from home, but so many essential workers have to be out in this air or even stuck in a car commuting breathing this toxic air. The issues we face all seem to be accelerating and coming to a head. I am starting to think moving to Iceland might be the only sane decision left to make , with few areas in the USA spared extreme weather in one form or another. Anyone want to go in on buying acreage and setting up a greenhouse farm in Iceland, 1/2 joking 1/2 serious. For all those in Oregon I agree with Suzi, if on a Level 2 evacuation order that is the time to leave, as we learned with the Paradise fire, they spread much faster and deadlier the last few years then even seasoned firefighters have ever witnessed. Stay safe all and get a good quality air filter to create a clean room now if you can IQ Air is the brand I recommend. Don’t forget Anti Oxidants and Liver support to help the system detox these PM 2.5 toxins. I use Liv on Labs liposomal Vitamin C and Glutathione. Lisa
We are at a loss for words. Deputies & @Corbett_Fire responded to a small brush fire in the 1700 block of NE Brower Rd in Corbett at 3:52pm. Neighbors heard pops and saw 6ft flames in the forest. Using a shovel and water, they were able to put it out. Deputies found fireworks…
The fireworks were placed about 100-150 yards off the road. Deputies are conducting high visibility patrols in rural Multnomah County. @Corbett_Fire
will remain in the area. If you have any information on this, call the non-emergency line. If you see an active fire, call 911.
While the FBI may have investigated several fires and found them to be non-suspicious, clearly at least one was caused by fireworks.
Factoid: SAIC Cannon, who runs the Portland FBI office, was put in place by Comey in November 2016. Immediately prior to this, he had worked as the section chief of the Leadership Development Program in the Human Resources Branch at FBI HQ in Washington.

The protests are mostly peaceful. The fires are mostly naturally occurring. Policies re: forest management are mostly effective. It is racist to suspect Antifa/BLM of setting any fires (outside the city limits of Portland and Seattle). The best thing citizens can do is hunker down where they can and evacuate where they must. Let the professionals fight fires after they get started and let the professional investigators figure out how hundreds of fires started without speculating yourself. It would be racist for citizens to patrol their local wooded areas for arsonists and it would be super racist to do so while carrying a gun. You’d be literally Hitler for calling the police to come investigate people you see for possibly setting fires or being equipped to do so. That would also be racial profiling, even if the suspects are white (though who can tell when they’re wearing all black including gloves, hoodies and masks). Wait for the Gates/Fauci vaccine. Vote Harris/Biden 2020, as often as possible.
We’re all in this together!

There probably aren’t all that many people sociopathic (or - programmed?) thoroughly enough to be in the core Antifa/BLM teams. This is why it is a critical part of the plan for friendly prosecutors to let them walk. If a significant number of them are arrested and are forced to stay in prison awaiting trial, pretty soon, bad things stop happening.
Notice: when it became a federal 10-years-in-prison crime to topple a statue, the statue-toppling stopped almost immediately.
Notice too: they had to bus Antifa from Oregon to Kenosha. If it were a big group, they could ship them in from within the state, or closer nearby.
My guess #1: the core group is just a few hundred people.
My guess #2: if they are taken off the board, most likely, the problems go away.
That’s the good news.
The bad news is, the FBI is probably having a hard time doing this, since some chunk of the current mid-level FBI leadership are - again my guess - still executing on the same “insurance policy” that Strzok & Page were working on back in 2016.
SAIC Portland was a Comey appointee that was dropped into place immediately after Trump won the election in 2016.
I have to chuckle at the nerdy looking man being interviewed who says this is “highly unusual…we really don’t see this often” I am paraphrasing but …here is another person incapable of connecting dots. Did the chains saws do this on their own? Was Paul Bunyan on an acid trip? Let’s at least acknowlege that bad people did this! And who are the bad actors that have been setting fires for the past 100 days? Time to try to connect the dots. I guess when you are thoroughly programmed by the MSM your mind cannot fully function. Let’s call this new mental disease “Dot Dimentia”.
This guy has a direct link to Ferguson…antifa…illegal firearm possession…Coincidence?

agitating prop,
Thank you for posting those links! I gave you a “thumbs up” for answering me, but not necessarily that I agree with what was posted.
I was quite excited that the poll showed that the Portland voters were overwhelmingly disgusted with Mayor Ted Wheeler’s handling of the affair. (I’m not sure if he was a hopeful idiot or an ideological zealot.) Nonetheless, the situation exploded beyond his ability to contain it. Approximately 2 out of 3 voters think he’s doing a bad job. (Yeah, Portland voters!) Then, the survey said that 92% approve of “nonviolent protests” while 67% approve of “these protests” - referring to the nightly riots in Portland. I’m assuming that illegal activities don’t bother them.
Then, I read about Hardesty’s plan to supervise the police force with a “community driven police oversight system.” Portland voters will vote on the proposal on election day. The proposal is basically a wish list of what should occur. Oh, and it will consume approximately 5% of the Portland Police Force budget which currently equates to $11.5 million. (More taxes.) The plan is to take 18 months to flesh out the plans. There aren’t too many specifics; however, the Portland voters who were surveyed approved.
This essentially would add another layer of bureaucracy to the already overburdened bureaucratic Portland city system. Have you ever seen when another layer of bureaucracy has improved processes? More likely, this will increase investigative times while increasing bureaucratic turf wars. Yet, the Portland voters (who were surveyed) think this is a great idea.
I was a civil engineer during my working career. As such, we had numerous public projects to engineer and oversee the construction engineering. I’ve dealt with bureaucratic bullshit again and again. I’ve never seen where adding another layer of bureaucracy improved the processes or reduced the time to deal with the additional bureaucratic nonsense - NEVER! Bureaucracies have to complicate the issue to promote their own necessity. When they don’t, there isn’t any reason to fund them.
When I was assigned to a new project, one of the basic questions I wanted answered was “what was the real purpose of this project?” Identifying the purpose and need went a long way to deciding what options to consider and which to throw away. For dealing with the Portland Police Bureau, it doesn’t appear that this question has been answered by anyone. People aren’t rushing to an answer as much as rushing away from a problem.
So, is the problem that there is systemic racism in the police force? By systemic, I mean that it is widespread, acknowledged by leadership, and promoted by same leadership. If there is racism, is it isolated, yet prevalent? Why can’t leadership deal with miscreants within their ranks? Does the union support all members regardless of alleged transgressions? What does a card carrying member have to do to be excommunicated?
I doubt the PPB or their union leadership is promoting racism. That wouldn’t be a supportable situation! If they can’t identify and correct individual police member’s actions due to State regulations or union realities, what makes anyone think that adding a new bureaucracy will suddenly solve this? There are either State Laws or union requirements that preclude any solution. Adding another layer of bureaucracy won’t solve this issue.
If the problem is that the Police union protects its members from corrections due to racism concerns — and anti-racism is considered a community standard, then the solution is to get rid of the police union. Reagan did this with the air traffic controllers’ union. If the union can’t be declared illegal, just wait until the contract expires and then don’t renew it. I believe the union would willingly throw miscreants under the bus if necessary for them to continue representing (and collecting dues from) the Portland Police Force members.
I’m also wondering if the Portland Police membership is being treated fairly. I’m not saying that there isn’t racism. I’m asking if the whole bureau is being unfairly blamed for the actions of a few. If there is racism, the police officers will treat a 90 year old black woman as badly as a black 20 something year old gangbanger wannabe. Do you really think that happens?
Put yourself in the police’s position. What would you do when stopping a car filled with young men dressed as gangstas. Wouldn’t you have your guard up? Wouldn’t you be acutely ready to respond at any provocation? I know I certainly would. What if that car filled with gangstas were predominately white? Would it change your readiness? It wouldn’t change mine. It’s a situational concern rather than a race concern.
The bottom line for me is that the Portland solution isn’t addressing the real problem. They’re going to be sorely disappointed when their solution doesn’t work. Since they already trust governmental solutions, they’ll probably add another layer on top of this layer. Many will wonder why their concerns aren’t addressed sooner. Hmmm.
Are other liberal cities wearing the same shoes?

Violent BLM protests have broken out in sleepy Lancaster, PA over a fatal police shooting of a black man. Is it another example of racist police killing of an unarmed black man? You decide. The mob has already made their decision.

Tom. Clearly they should have sent a social worker, not a cop. A defunded police department would totally solve this problem.
Well, until the first half-dozen social workers get stabbed, shot, punched, kicked, or otherwise assaulted by people too high or angry to control themselves. Then they will all quit.
Maybe Antifa/BLM would volunteer some of their people to act as “armed social workers.” After all, when a Antifa/BLM activist shoots someone, by definition it is always justified homicide/self defense/target was a Nazi.

Thanks for making me laugh- should be crying actually with the state of things. Your ironic message hits center home in my mind anyhow.

Man arrested for starting at least 7 brush fires along I-205

Domingo Lopez Jr. was arrested Sunday afternoon for allegedly starting 1 fire. He was released and arrested again hours later after police said he started 6 more.

I’m just guessing - voter turnout in rural Oregon might be higher than normal this year.
Unintended consequences.
Friend of mine on facebook posted this totally racist picture dating back to the 40s - said “this is what Trump stands for - if you vote for him, this is what you support, and I don’t want you as my friend if you support this.” Or words to that effect.
I realized two things at that moment:

  1. secret ballots are really important.
  2. the polls right now are almost certainly horribly inaccurate.
    More unintended consequences.

Back in the day, our shelter’s trap and release program at least made sure every critter had their requisite vaccines, and minor surgery to change the gender assigned at birth (in a matter of speaking, of course), before being released back into the “wild” to continue doing what they naturally do.

“this is what Trump stands for - if you vote for him, this is what you support, and I don’t want you as my friend if you support this.”
This is one of many reasons I bailed of FP a long time ago. I bet if you posted a picture of a KKK group and pointed out that it was a Democratic party affiliated organization your post would be removed as fake news or some such.
But whats even funnier is seeing people lose their shit over their ideas. I mean, I have opinions about the four year lawfare war the Democrats ran to dislodge a duly elected President by dishonest means, but I dont scream publicly that my friends and family are dead to me if they dont see it my way.

A news item that will likely be buried on Fox News and definitely not covered elsewhere. It is somewhat less polished than most ‘news’ but often interesting, and particularly relevant to the urban violence in the US and how it is supported.