It looks like a major development has just occurred in the fight against covid-19.
A ‘Big Data’ project shoved much of the data collected so far on the coronavirus into one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. It crunched the numbers for a week and came out with a very significant finding.
It appears that covid-19 causes an overproduction of bradykinin (creating a “Bradykinin Storm”), the compound that dilates blood vessels and makes them permeable. This leads to leaky blood vessels and results in the build-up of blood in the body’s soft tissues.
This conclusion explains how covid-19 spreads and damages the body, as well as the many puzzling symptoms caused by the coronavirus.
And, if indeed proven correct, this understanding opens up new, more effective ways to treat and defend against covid-19 infection:
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Possibly a similar mechanism responsible for many of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome M/E. Here is an article from May 2020. Nothing about covid in the article but the research here supports the premise that some people go on to develop a chronic CFS condition. One vasodilator,bradykinin, may be responsible for a host of effects including the inability of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system to increase blood volume to the proper levels, intracranial hypertension, small fiber neuropathy, sleep apnea and sleep problems. It’s a grand, unifying hypothesis, indeed. The authors, in fact, see three mechanisms by which these beta adrenergic receptors could be damaged in ME/CFS: autoantibodies (autoimmune attack), polymorphisms (e.g. mutations) in the gene that produces the receptor, and desensitization to chronic cardiovascular stress. Plus, problems with the endothelium (smooth muscle cells lining the blood vessels) or another form of vascular dysfunction could also strongly contribute.
The definition of integrity was mentioned. Doing what it is right even when nobody is looking, when doing something that isn’t right is beneficial isn’t much of a measure. Not violating ones personal morals to forgo a benefit, well, I don’t see much integrity in that either. What is moral can have too many descriptions, but what is immoral can be defined as behavior that is perceived to be detrimental to the tribe, community, or society. Principles are personal standards based on virtues. Integrity doesn’t come cheap or without trial. Integrity can be defined as the measure from which a person is willing to suffer, what cost they will bare to stand behind their principles, to be tested when the only referee and audience is the difference between who they think they are, and who they really are and know they are who they aspired to be. That is integrity, and by my definition I don’t see how people that believe in, or support obvious lies can have any. That pretty much covers all of Congress, the Executive Branch, and if the Judiciary that presided over the process for 91 million Americans having criminal records, and 2.3 million people being incarcerated is any measure, then the government is virtueless isn’t it?
Thanks so much for explaining CT thresholds. Came in handy listening to this neat vid:
Can’t ge the preview to come but “Michael Mina joins TWiV to reveal why frequent and rapid SARS-CoV-2 testing is more important than accuracy, how a daily $1 rapid test could control the pandemic, and why group testing works.”