System Failure: What's Coming & Actions You Can Take

Saudi Arabia’s New “the Line” wall city has 9 million seats… saudi arabian population today is 36 million…36 down to 9 math makes an even 75% reduction.

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UN had a report to cut by 90%, Georgia guide stones said 500 Million, Club of Rome wanted to freeze at 1968 numbers 3.5 billion but cut consumption by 3x… so divide by 3. with those numbers… so throwing all those together the range we get is .5 billion low end - 2 Billion high end “with current consumption levels”


Maybe a lottery.

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already in place… its called a jab and booster


I Think #2 deserves ALOT more attention… I can’t claim to have any expertise on it but I do remember hearing years back some scientists in Alaska were trying to tell Inuit Eskimo’s the ice was melting because of global warming and there elder supposedly responded… No our legends say something like when “the penguin walks backwards or some weird animal change” the poles are shifting and that brings on the melting of ice. Usually Indian legends have more truth than not… The one thing I don’t get is, IF the pole were shifting and going to cause a major disaster and I were a Trillionaire why bother with cutting population?.. pole shift would take care of that for me… Why not just find the safe zones move my chosen people there… buy everybody out and kick em out into the unsafe zones… heck they will never know the beach front condo i traded is going to get wiped out by a tidal wave next year? and keep the safe zones for me and my global parasite friends and bring in industry and infrastructure to the safe zones to rebuild my depopulated post pole shift world… In this case we should see build up of infrastructure in weird places like the Seed Vault in Northern Norway "does anybody really believe everybody pitched in to build that because they were SURPRISED a WAR in the MIDDLE EAST took out a seed vault? like nobody could see that coming? we couldn’t have just sent seeds to 2 different existing seed vaults? Anywhere else are there weird build ups? here some rumors about more activity in Antarctica… So on the surface depopulation for pole shift doesn’t make immediate sense… UNLESS it will happed so slowly refugees can survive and migrate to the safe zones and overwhelm what the safe zones could sustain… then I guess it make sense…


Jimmy Dore and Kim Iverson too. They are also honorable people speaking the truth.


Actually that was the IQ test…


 “we don’t have any energy crisis, we don’t have a water crisis, we don’t have a climate crisis and we don’t have an ecological crisis. We have a population crisis and all those other crises are derivatives of the population crisis.”
My observation as well. Thanks for stating it so succinctly Mike!


Real Anthony Fauci Part Ii Is Now Up - Still Free For A Week Much Better Than Part 1

if you dont have time for both you can skip part 1 and just hit part 2… its much better than part 1… whole thing is worth watching but if you only have 20 minutes even that is worth it

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Berkey Water Filters

Hi Chris and Evie and the Remnant Clan,
Sorry for posting this comment here. İ wanted to post it to the live replay but comments there are closed so please read this as if it were referring to that video.
“Wonderful interchange as usual!!! Thank you!!!
I’ve been meaning to ask about the Berkeys.
İ bought one back in 2020 at your recommendation and i am wondering if you have heard the latest scuttlebutt about these filters?
Here is a guy who had been a proponent in the past and has changed his mind. İ think it’s important info:
İ am now skeptical of Berkey’s claims.
What do you think?
Anyone else have any info or thoughts?”
Thanks, clan!
Much love,
Deni aka danina


Another disillusionment, and so late in life, ha ha… I got hooked decades ago because of the story that missionaries used them all the time in the jungles.
But there are several other brands of filters fitting the Berkey filter units . Maybe they are better. Seems someone might take advantage of this news and produce a good filter that fits.

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Seriously I’m starting to think everything is corrupt!


İ know, Mike, right!?!
İt’s back to the drawing board to figure out what to get to replace the Berkeys.

Petey, I’m starting to think the same way.
Years ago, when i was a youngun, i knew i had trust issues. My position was if 99 out of 100 people let me down, the 1 who didn’t was worth it and i was lucky to find that one.
İ still have the same philosophy but i think the ratio is now more like 999 out of 1000 are not telling me the whole truth and nuttin but the truth!!!


Odd a couple days ago I too started thinking that also. Maybe the programmers maintaining our virtual reality are taking shortcuts.


thank you so much for the info…

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Gaddamnit! No, I didn’t know about this.
I hereby immediately retract all of my support for these filters, and Mike has pulled them from our store.
I read enough of this lawsuit and its evidence that I am convinced Berkey has been dishonest and fraudulent in their claims.
By the way, those claims are still on their website, which I just checked…which means that even when presented with solid lab evidence that their claims cannot be supported, they chose to keep them up on their website, which takes all of a minute to adjust. Heck, we just took down Berkeys in a single minute.
At any rate, thanks for raising this and Grrrr…


Has Any One

After I watched the berkey mess…I have been wondering IF the GMO verified project is a farse as well…Can you REALLY be sure…who runs this? I use to believe it…now not so sure…anyone with some info??


had a similar thought “IF” they were going to intentionally depopulate you would want to be intelligently selective… I know of a BIG place here locally that are considered a “strategic asset” that has “unique” skills that build the “bedrock” for a 1984 Utopia… Ie you couldn’t do 1984 without it… even if they stockpiled all they needed eventually you would need replacements. And I guess you could get it somewhere else but competition is severely limited… “IF” you run with idea the “JAB” is time released mechanism… my hypothesis here is mixed. 1st they encouraged employees to get ANY JAB ANYWHERE “ie no controls” then when the jab numbers were not high enough they negotiated special “employee only” hours at the local grocery store pharmacy chain only for “employees and family”… in this case Pfzier was the only option " … I guess you could have implemented “controls” there ie saline… But here is the rub… they are so big they have their own clinics on site and sure its only 1 doctor and a couple nurses for immediate issues that arise at the workplace… but the infrastructure is already there… they also bring in mobile dentists, mammograms’, blood mobile etc on site… if you were going to put in place “controls” why would you complicate it by including a neutral 3rd party implement special controls there and start separating batches? Why not just not identify “Strategic essential industries” offer them the jab 1st and bring in special mobile units and administer the “controls” “saline” when and where you wanted them… easy peasy … nobody would even question it… So if they are intentionally depopulating… logic leads me to one of 3 conclusions… 1. the jab wasn’t the control mechanism. but what else then?.. a Nuke? starvation? much harder to implement controls…an individual needle in an individual arm is ideal why waste that? or 2… “THEIR” models say on average some rounded # % would survive the jab and booster no matter what and they figured heck if an average of 25% of the Nuclear engineers make it… thats enough to shut down 75% of em and run the 25% we need… However, any of those plans feels sloppy… much sloppier than it needed to be. Now I’m scared these guys aren’t even competent enough to get an Evil Bond Villainy Plot right. Unless one of the few competitors got selected instead of them" and those “Nuclear engineers” out there got the special control units deployed to them?

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I adopted that as my default setting some years ago and it has been painfully accurate. Assume corruption and look hard for evidence to the contrary. Quite the sad state for society.

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