Systemic Destruction, The Informed Consent Interview with CJ Hopkins

My sentiments exactly! ?

Both Agree And Disagree With Hopkins

Thank you for this thoughtful interview. I have read Hopkins essay series on the Covidian Cult so was pleased to hear his thoughts.
I appreciate this thoughtful comment thread as well.
A few random remarks:

  1. Agree with Hopkins that a society deteriorates if the monetary value of an exchange is the society’s sole core value.
    He may not be aware, however, that the early thinkers in the area of free market “capitalism” were well aware of this and understood that a society must be both free and virtuous in order to flourish.
    In “The Wealth of Nations”, Adam Smith recognized that when trade was voluntary (given a free flow of information for decision-making and an absence of collusion by producers/sellers), both parties in the exchange considered themselves better off. Consequently, it is in the producer’s best interest to satisfy the customers’ material needs, which increases material satisfaction for both. However Smith was well aware that society would devolve if materialism alone was paramount.
    He wrote a companion book to “Wealth of Nations” called “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”. He believed a virtuous and moral society was necessary to temper materialism in order that society to flourish in a holistic way.
    Smith thought that prudence (wise decision making), justice, beneficence (empathetic care for the welfare of others) and self-control were key virtues to be cultivated.
    This is slightly different from Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude (courageous endurance), and temperance (moderation). I think Smith missed the essential virtue of courage among his top choices.
  2. I second the view of others in this thread that the term Globocap is imprecise. What Hopkins calls the Globocap ideology is better termed fascism - the collusion of all economic and cultural entities with the state.
    (The Great Reset term is “stakeholder capitalism” which is a more oblique description of the same thing. You are either palying ball with the globalist agenda or you’re out).
    Fascism comes from the term fasces (a bundle bound together, signifying joining in power) which the Italian fascists adopted as their insignia.
  3. I disagree with Hopkins that “capitalism” as an ideology is responsible for deconstructing what he terms “despotic” systems, such as gender.
    I think it is far more plausible to lay this at the feet of postmodernist/ deconstructionist philosophy advanced in the late 1960s by Foucault, Derrida and others. Today, it is called “Critical Theory”, birthed in the academy and since disseminated into the culture.
    Postmodernist philosophy maintains that language and the cultural norms it describes function merely to maintain the power of an oppressor class. Language, therefore, is an arbitrary tool of oppression. This is a desctructive ideology that ultimately strips all language of meaning. And as we have seen, loss of sense-making (menticide) contributes to mass psychosis.
    Critical theory has far more in common with the Marxist concept of oppressor/oppressed groups than it does with free market economic theory. However the ideology serves the social and governance aspects of the ESG system currently being rolled out under the banner of “stakeholder capitalism”, which is just fascism by another, more palatable, name.
    If Chris is interested in exploring Critical Theory and its impact on woke culture, he might consider interviewing Michael Rechtenwald, who was schooled in the ideology and has been studying its progress over the last several years (including, most recently, how it interplays with the goals of the Great Reset).

Counterintelligence Strategy: Wilderness Of Mirrors


‘unauthorized’ Trump Rebellion

I’m totally unconvinced that the Trump thing was ‘unauthorized’ (unless I’m getting the wrong idea as to what you both mean by that). When I saw Trump splashed across front pages of newspapers/top of news websites, I concluded that the whole Trump phenomenon was definitely ‘authorized’, and that no doubt Trump would win the election.
In my opinion, the real unauthorized campaigns are the ones that you see absolutely no sign of in (mainstream) newspapers and news websites.

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“This system is dying. I don’t think there’s an off-ramp for Western societies as constituted.”
Could you clarify? What are you thinking of in particular when you say “Western societies as constituted”?
There are some elements of Western societ iui es too valuable to be lost, forgotten, or tossed out with the bathwater, so to speak.

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Hi PR, IMO we will all hang-on to all the good of our society that we can but a new set of circumstances may clear the board whether we like it or not.

Totalitarianism Seeks Deadness

Yes! One of the goals of ultimate control is deadness. Deadness is one of the three principles of evil. This is why soullessness feels so awful. Deadness is the ultimate blocking of all emotion.
The people who wish to conquer all suffering and death do not understand. God has set up the world to include suffering and death for a reason. He wants us to turn away from fear, away from control, away from self-will. He knows that, unfortunately, most of us require suffering to make that turn.
Ultimately, they will not succeed. We are not greater than God.


Great Interview

Fantastic interview, listened twice!
I’ve personally struggled over the years with who ‘they’ are…and the intentions of the individuals / groups concerned. This offers an explanation, really enjoy this type of interview. Not sure I agree with the views on Europe and the last hopes of Democracy, the EU seems lost to me!
I totally agree with the loss of other values within our way of living. I hate that money / wealth are the only measure within this system. It is very a very conflicting realisation for me atm. I am a relatively wealthy health professional, I have been laughed at by my peers for my views on Covid / Vaccination and now my questions / fears over the system we live in and how we live within it have been further highlighted.
I was doing so well in the system, but its not a system I want my kids growing up in at all!
Thanks for a fantastic conversation guys

I don’t think non-Western societies will survive either. Mythologizing Russian faith or Buddhist love of nature without examining the realities in those cultures is nonsensical.
As for saving “elements of Western society too valuable to be lost”, that is an amusing notion. Who says they are too valuable? Which ones? Who gets to choose the elements? My guess that is when America collapses, the Bible-thumpers will take over and burn and kill everything they dislike from books to homosexuals. Is Jesus an element of Western society?

Even today those who protest to protect the environment are called communists and hippy tree-huggers. They are said to hate America and capitalism. This is not purely an American phenomenon but it is particularly pernicious there.
Corporations can be controlled. But controlling them means empowering politicians who will do that. That means voting for those politicians in the first place. America won’t do that. America votes for jobs, money, guns and Jesus. I mean, it’s touching and naive to whine about corporations destroying nature for their own profit in a country where Donald Trump was and will be president.

Your list of critical resources could be limited to one thing: our planet. We are wasting water, polluting everything and massacring life on earth at a rate never seen before. It is too late to do anything about it even if greedy and narrow-minded humans decided to make a concerted effort.
It is possible that our hubris will kill off most of humanity, possibly all of it, in the next fifty to one hundred years. Life will go on, though, and Darwin’s magical mechanism will produce higher life forms again one day…maybe.

Er, sorry to have to point this out, but God is the ultimate totalitarian.

In the run-up to the 2020 election, my brother (who lives in the States) – to my surprise – hadn’t heard of Tulsi Gabbard at all. Her campaign was more like an ‘unauthorized’ one, I’d say.

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You Have Got To Be Kidding Me.

So, we sit before some well spoken guy who has spent much of his time dancing in liberal camps. 
He decides to cross the border to common sense.
He proceeds to describe and articulate on every issue that the person, with said common sense, has been calling out from the bell tower for years now.
He agrees with us on every point!
With that we are now hooked.
And now for the purpose for him taking the time to sit with us.
Chris: “So who is doing all this?”(paraphrase)
Hopkins: “No one. Oh, was that Elvis that just crossed your studio!!!”(paraphrase)
They do have a name; they are progressives.
This man is a progressive.
They do have a plan.
They used to call it called it “Plan X”. (You can’t make this stuff up, see page 75 of the book at the link below.)
They have had a plan for quite some time as openly discussed by group member Stewart Chase back in 1940s.
In the book entitled The Road We Are Traveling, STUART CHASE, 1942 Chase discussed their core principals openly on pages 80 thru 82.
I have included the principals from the book and a link to the entire book below:
Let us recapitulate the eleven great economic trends of our age, with a note on the time factors involved:
1. The advance of technology. This curve has been operating for more than a century. There is no end in sight. If Uranium 235 becomes a practical source of atomic power, the eco- nomic effects will surpass anything yet produced by science. 
2. The halting curve of population. It began to halt toward the close of the nineteenth century, and the decline in growth rate will probably continue until stable populations, or even declining ones, are reached in Europe and America, within the next generation. 
3. The closing frontier in the United States. After 1890, the government dispersed almost no more free land. 
4. Growing interdependence. This curve began to move even before Watt’s steam engine was invented, and will continue to move briskly for some time to come. Synthetics and substitutes are checking it a little, and may check it more in the future. But the independent family unit, in the early New England sense, has gone, probably forever. 
5. The gathering threat of unemployment. This is the major reason for social unrest and the revolutionary urge toward security. Chronic unemployment was not in evidence in Europe before World War I. It reached the United States in 1930. 
6. The decline in private investment opportunities. It appeared in parts of Europe after the war, in the United States after 1929. There is no sign that the curve will reverse its course for years to come. 
7. The decline of the free market. It began with the trusts of the 1880’s, and became acute with the administered price era of the 1920’s. There is no sign that this curve will reverse itself either. 
8. The growth in propaganda. This is both a business and a political phenomenon. It came into its own in the last war. Unhappily, there is no end in sight. 
9. The advance in mechanized warfare. The curve has paralleled that of technology, with a crescendo in the bombing plane. The only hopeful thing about it is that war may be- come so dreadful that civilians may someday forego national sovereignty and embrace the world state. 
10. The growing domination of central governments. The trend came in with the last war, has persisted for a generation, and seems to be riding into the future with unimpaired gusto. 
11. The advance of autarchy. It began in the early 1920’s, and there is no immediate end in sight. Every new synthetic abets it.
My version of his conclusions:

  • Say goodbye to your job.
  • Say goodbye to your money and investments.
  • Say goodbye to your country (rights).
  • Say goodbye to your possessions (you’ll have nothing and like it).
  • Say goodbye to your food (what factory burnt to the ground today).
  • Say goodbye to your life. (The population target is around 0.5B of the 7.5B currently living). 
I found this man and his ilk to be disgusting.

It is my understanding that she is a member of the council on foreign relations. Does anyone have sure knowledge of that?

WEF young leader?

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It becomes clearer by those that decide to walk in His direction that it is a dance. You take a step. He takes a step. What transpires, is the passing of what some would call grace. This grace helps us understand and be open to both His Love and His Justice. The suffering we all encounter in this life are but a blip in all eternity and are willed by Him to perfect us so that we can have eternal life with Him.

Desmet Critic

KunstlerCast 369 — A Chat with CJ Hopkins of The Consent Factory Blog
JK knows AustinFitts personally, Hopkins too. The dutch I know who know or work with AF are also critics of DeSmet and after Breggins even more. Kind of mini massformation? Or is the English translation of the book different from the dutch original?