The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Thanks for clarification…yes i was using the Butler ESU designation for the buildings, which they use throughout the day on radio coms…Greg is never locked out, and the only person who could have been locked out would be the unnamed ESU sniper during the timeframe he is supposed to be outside building 1 door 9 meeting local LEO…this is the part of the story you should be concentrating on, as from the knowledge we have, no one is outside door 9 when patrol vehicles or the officer on foot aproach AGR from the east side…at 18:08

That is some next level gaslighting.

I think the bottom line is: both things can be true.

It can be true that Greg abandoned his post and got locked out of the 2nd story building.

It is true that Greg left AGR 6 after the shooting and got locked out.

I would prefer to see evidence of Greg’s whereabouts after he abandoned his post in the 2nd story building, and it makes sense to verify. For sure.

However, as we saw with everyone being locked out of AGR 6, it makes sense that the same could have occurred for the second story building too, if Greg really was concerned that nobody was finding Crooks so he left to help and then got locked out the first time.

There are no external stairs for the 2 story building that I have seen. Although I can not prove it, I will bet that there are internal connections between the different buildings on the site. If so, then Greg could leave the 2nd story window and end up walking out door #9 of AGR #6.

There is the rear door to building 2 (AGR#6) Door Number 13…the same door the ESU sniper left from @16:20 after the end of his shift…and texts at 16:20 that Crooks is at the picninc table infront of door 14

All interviews and testimony seem to indicate that Greg left the two story building itself prior to the shooting and got locked out.

What I would like to see is second by second accounting of Greg’s time after he left his post, plus that of his partners.

I’d also like to know how Greg ended up in AGR6 after the shooting.

But I will accept, for now, that Greg abandoned his post and got locked out…and then later was in AGR6 for some reason and exited it after the shooting.

For all we know, his partner let him back in to the 2 story building, they heard the shots, heard the outcome and he rushed to AGR6 just like all law enforcement did to try and help further if needed (identify the shooter) while his buddy returned to their nest for overwatch.

It could have been the unluckiest timing in the world. Doubtful, but that stays yellow until there’s evidence for red or green.

Now your thinking.

Per the Butler County After Report, Greg [redacted], between 18:06 and 18:12 “goes downstairs of building 1 [AGR 6]…” At 18:13:24 he exits Door 9 of AGR 6.


I don’t recall seeing on any videos where an ESU sniper met with 1 marked vehicle and one unmarked vehicle between those times. To be accurate, the vehicle having dashcam M500-010482 parked in front of Door 9 of AGR 6 at 18:09, so we should narrow that down to 18:06 to 18:09, unless of course those two vehicles pulled up somewhere else. Hmm, what other doors does that building, or building “2”, which is immediately connected to building “3” [AGR 3], have where vehicles would pull up? Anyways, no telling what Greg did during those 3 minutes.

I don’t know what Greg did between those times, and never stated my belief one way or another as to what he did. I was merely pointing out that the account that Benny Johnson posted did play out at Door 9 of AGR 6.

i am not sure its Greg who goes downstairs at 18:06, it may be the BCESU Sniper, as i doubt with only 2 snipers remaing that the 2nd floor window facing west would be abandoned, i would guess that Greg was at the 2nd floor window facing south and un named was covering west…if they were both facing south thats a problem in itself.

The breezeways or whatever you want to call them, that Crooks and responders climbed on connect the building.

If Greg was never locked out, how do you explain why he couldn’t open Door 9 of AGR 6 at 18:15:02, and had to wait for someone inside to open the door?

Greg Locked Out

You know something, that seems a lot like what was written in the Butler County After Report. I’m just saying!


i would guess he was never locked out because he didnt leave the building until after the shooting as shown in the video you reference…the 3 ESU snipers parked their cars in the west side smaller car park and would have entered through door no 13…the question seems to be, who went to building 4 after the shots were fired and why?..the timestamps dont allow enough time for someone to walk from the 2nd floor of building 2 (in picture) to building 4 northwest corner…

Chris has been calling them breezeways, but that is the wrong term for them. A breezeway is a covered connector between two buildings that is open on the sides. The proper term has evaded me for the time being. They must be a passageway that allows you to move between the two buildings without going outside.

If the interviews, testimonies, and Butler County After Report are true, then Greg was outside of the AGR buildings twice in 3 minutes without a means to get back in. That means the other ESU counter-sniper had to let him in both times, but we must grant him more time since he was likely the one who opened Door 9 of AR 6 at 18:15:23.


From the CNN article:

Instinctively, Nicol left his second-floor post and bounded down the stairs in an attempt to keep eyes on the suspect who seemed to be “coming and going and disappearing.”

When he pushed open the door, the kid was nowhere to be seen. Just then two police officers pulled up outside AGR and Nicol shouted to them about where he’d last seen the suspect. The officers took off on foot in opposite directions around the sprawling AGR complex.

Nicol (whose name I have been spelling “Nichol”, sorry about that) is describing what happened after the shooting, not before. He’s lying. He should be arrested. I don’t know exactly why he’s lying, but he’s lying.

Or if he’s supposed to have opened some other door, before the shooting, let’s see the bodycam of that interaction.

The AGR 6 door dashcam video will send Nicol to Leavenworth.

One of the houses I grew up in had a breezeway between the garage and the house. It was screened in and made for a nice sitting area. But whatever you want to call the enclosed corridor between two buildings, they connect the AGR buildings. Whether the building doors at each end have card entry, if there are even doors, I wouldn’t know…


going by that description saying the kid was no where to be seen implies he opens door 13…as the patroll vehicles pull up at 18:09 at the east side, and no one opens the door …seems to be a problem with what he is saying…video needs checking from the east side to see any patrol officers around door 13.

Ah, a breath of fresh air! Someone who knows how to piece the facts together, and question the information (not necessarily fact) when it does not seem to align with the facts. That’s almost beginning to sound like something one does during an investigation. But I digress.

Washington Post article taken from radio coms…

At 6:02 p.m., the same local sniper who first radioed in the message about the range finder was on the second floor of the building owned by Agr International. From a northwest window, facing away from the rally site, he glimpsed the suspect again just as Trump was preparing to take the podium.
“All right, subject is in between the AGR building. He has a backpack,” said Sgt. Greg Nicol, a Beaver County sniper. Nicol had been assigned to look out over the rally site from a window on the opposite side of the building, but he had moved to look for the suspect, according to Young, Nicol’s commander.

Greg probably wouldn’t have run to door 9 having seen Crooks at this time but to door 13 as it is below the window he sighted crooks from…and the radio coms in the after shooting report says at 18:05 suspect at picninc table and moving direction of sheetz he has a backpac…and we can see from the bystander videos that LEO and under cover were all on the west side…no one on the east side.

So, assuming the 18:12 stated in the after report is the time Greg was let back in, he would have likely gone straight to door 9 from door 13, given that he was there only 1 1/2 minutes later. That’s good, because that would give us an idea of what he might have done between those two events.

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I feel like my brain is fried. Please help me here. In my mind, there’s virtually no way that the after-action report is correct, at least about what happened close to the shooting.

I’m assuming that the person who went downstairs is Greg. He’s supposed to have done that to tell somebody something, and that’s supposed to have been before the shooting. But we don’t have video of that. If it took place, somebody should have bodycam footage of Greg coming out a door and telling them something, at some other door than 9. I don’t think any such video exists, because it didn’t happen.

What we actually do see is nothing happening for a few minutes at door 9, and then almost two minutes after the shooting, Nicol comes out. That’s when he actually seems to talk to other officers and then they run off in opposite directions. AFTER the shooting. CNN reports it as if that stuff happened before the shooting.

Nicol should be interrogated. When he “bounded down the stairs” and pushed open the door, what door was that? It wasn’t door 9. So which door? Let’s see the bodycam of whoever he encountered out there.

If there was anybody else in the building, they need to be grilled too.

At this point we are 99% sure that the official after-action report is false. The excuse for being away from the post is falling apart in front of our eyes.

There’s a small parking lot and driveway on the west side.

Could he have been referring to that location for officer arrival?

We can check videos for that too.

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