The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Originally published at: The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept – Peak Prosperity

The timeline for the local police really stinks to high Heaven. And the story about the cop who was boosted up and then fell back down is, shall we say, “fluid” by which we mean it’s changing all the time.

Put bluntly, there are problems with the local law enforcement’s timeline and holes in their stories which need to be explained.

As given, they are frankly unbelievable and incoherent.

If I were leading the official investigation, I’d be burrowing into this aspect, especially on the precise movements and communications of the two local snipers who abandoned their posts three minutes after Trump got on the stage and two minutes before Crooks was filmed gallivanting across the very roof they had overwatch responsibility for.

While there may be an innocent explanation which would be an exceptionally generous way of saying ‘monumental incompetence,’ it’s far easier to begin to suspect a different set of reasons, none of them good.

Thanks to the sharp eyes of Peak Prosperity member @nwkphotography we now also know the precise locations of the three plainclothes officers right before the shooting began, who we affectionately know as “capri pants guy,” “camo shorts guy,” and “ZZ Top.” They were all right there where they would have been in a position to spot Crooks on the roof or getting on the roof. Again, this raises many questions.

And thanks to Peak Member @commenter for assembling and posting the LEO timeline that we built this presentation around.

The Citizen’s Investigation is running like a top!



Doing what I can to help.


Three things…

  1. Why wouldn’t the Stewart video show IF there were LEO climbing up the side of the building on that side?
  2. Why isn’t there any video of the shooter going into Home Depot and stills of his picture? Still using the 8th grade “clean cut” kid (victim looking) picture
  3. WHERE are his parents? Will his father be charged since it was his gun? (like the Crumbley’s??

Finding the plain clothes cops on the ground, in the place where they should have heard and/or seen Crooks was on the roof with a gun is my “smoking gun.” They had one job. They failed. They should be out of a job and under investigation for conspiracy to commit murder/treason.

Chris, not sure if you have the time to read the comments on Youtube, but many folks out there are very happy you are still covering this story. It’s not normal that such a big story would get memory holed so fast. And no updates from the LEO’s investigating this crime?

Now off to the big picture scouting report.


I have been watching a lot of your videos and thought of something. Not sure if its ever been brought up, but is it possible that shots 4-8 came from the LEOs? Is it possible that they came up from behind Crooks and shot at him, but possibly missed and didn’t mind their background and hit the people in the stands? I attached a picture from one of your videos and was wondering if that is a ladder in the red box I placed on that picture. Not sure if this might explain anything or even help at all.

Welcome to posting TJC34.

That ‘ladder’ is actually a pallet up on its end.

Mystery of mysteries, those cops are down there fussing with pallets and stacking plastic lawn chairs when it appears that there’s a perfectly good 10-foot ladder already up against the wall in the alcove area to the right of the main door.


This video has drone footage showing finger prints on siding and footprints on the roof where Crooks likely accessed the roof.

Also, does anyone else remember hearing in an interview that blood was discovered in the bathroom of the AGR building? And supposedly an officer hurt his hand and was cleaning it up in there? When I first heard about the leo that saw Crooks on the roof, I thought the report said he’d hurt his hand when he came down quickly. And assumed he was the one cleaning his hand. But now the report is he hurt his foot?


another question that bothered me all through was why message instead of radio? messaging means you take ur eyes off everything onto the phone. sending a message to someone also takes considerable amt of time away from the job on to the screen. and each time eyes takes some time to readjust to the view outside.


Comment on the most recent Peak prosperity video: The story of the hurt officer served to explain blood stains that doesn’t otherwise fit the narrative. Blood inside the building.


Allegheny County won’t release the autopsy report “because Butler County paid for it”, although Penn state law says it needs to be released.

What about chain of custody of the body? I want to know the exact wounds of Crooks, entry, exit, location


Maybe hoisted roof cop is part of the show. They threw him in there for a later episode. Once something is released (if ever) that doesn’t jive with facts, they can just pull this rabbit out of their hat. Hoisted guy saw whatever it was they want him to have seen up there so anything else is impossible.
Wouldnt a normal person seeing a gun pointed at them scream “He’s got a gun” for all to hear? Yes, yes they would because many normal people did! This is very stinky. Great job Commenter and Chris.


Two links I found about Greg Nicol from Beaver County


There is also a video (which I can’t find now) that someone took all three videos (Ross, Stewart and one more) and synced them all together and they are pointing to the shot that killed Crooks coming from the large RED piece of equipment on the AGR building side of the stage NOT any SS sniper. Someone that has better spidey sense than I do please try and find it.


I saw this footage last night from Spa Guy. Mystery solved as to how he accessed the roof. Amazing!

It appears to me that Crooks was meant to be placed in plain sight. He was being very obvious. Not even trying to hide or cover the fact he was using a range finder. He was probably doing everything he was told to do. No fear of being caught.


Hi. Maybe I missed something in the recent analysis vids, but it seems we are overlooking that witness Greg Smith gave a statement to the Gateway Pundit that he saw the counter snipers in the window of the second story of the two story building. He said they were watching Crooks as he shot and did nothing. The counter snipers not being at their post during the shooting does not correlate with this.

Peak Prosperity, 37:50 time:


Town Manager Tom Knights and Sheriff Slupes both have body language indicative of lying. Watch the short interviews again in Chris’s video at 36:00, and 38:00.

Apart from general nervousness…

  • shuffling from foot to foot;

  • choked speech, or ‘micropauses’ mid sentence, esp. Knights;

  • Knights has long blinks, especially at start of answers; when giving factual answers this is instinctual gesture to hide eyes when one can’t look away.

  • Slupe has very defensive body language, and thumb does self-comforting gesture; this need not indicate lying but he is trying to hide intense discomfort;

  • Slupe mangles word ‘smartly’ to ‘smartfully’ and catches himself; could be nerves, but often sign of guilt.


@cmartenson Have been following all of your work right along. Great analysis. As a LEO I have been greatly troubled by the failure to protect Trump and the lack of integrity and investigation by all involved agencies.

A friend and trusted source who works for DHS (while not at all involved or having first hand knowledge of the investigation) did tell me that SS is always understaffed and that DHS constantly has to step in and take up positions/duties that are unfilled by SS.

Keep up the good work. Thanks for all you do in the interest of truth and integrity.


Recalling the description of the suspect, were there others that might have matched that description and caused a false sense of relief??
The cop by the retaining wall seems too calm… Did he see the person who matched the suspect?

In the early part of DJStew’s video a person can be seen in the vacinity of the west side of AGR two story, standing in front of a tress looking at the AGR bldng…
I don’t have a time stamp other than: Big-lady walking toward camera, Red-top, jeans shorts…


Now that you’re catching up with the 2nd story overwatch scenario, here is the smoking gun that demonstrates they were at least tasked with covering up the crime scene.
The gun the rooftop shooter used is clearly different to Crook’s AR15 that was placed there. You can clearly see that the shooter died with the gun in his arms (bottom left), and that the gun matches a different weapon with a long barrel that can be made out when he swung around to face the crowd. (Top Right) You can also see the pathetic attempts to photoshop out the weapon (Bottom right and 2nd image). You will also notice the shooters arm is hairy and extremely lean/toned, inconsistent with the Crook’s arm/appearance (much higher body fat)

My theory is that Crooks was photographed by the sniper on a previous day and the image was sent out as a ruse, so that other police were distracted and looking for a ghost why the Fake Crooks was allowed to access the roof from the 2nd story window. Once the crowd was moved on the 2nd story team had 1st access and picked up the 5 cases from the shooter and put down 5 from Crooks gun taken from the gun club. Once they got word from the 2nd shooter they dropped an additional 3 shell cases.