The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Interesting movie… look familiar?


Where did the other rounds #4~8 go to?
We know one killed the Fire Chief but what happened to the others. i.e. where they concentrated on Trump still on the stand or were they wild? No one else got hit?
No holes found in the stands or other buildings/structures?
How say You?


Also interesting about Greg in Dave Stewart’s video…

  1. Who is the guy in the cammo pants at the beginning of video. He appears soon before shots fired at the same time “the rager” is clearing the fence post (rager not in cammo). Cammo guy appears to have a radio and a weapon maybe? Stewart is seen running in shorts. Greg is seen in similar cammo pants.

  2. Greg leaves his post right as shooter makes his way on the roof to (1) let his buddy in who forgot his key or (2) to look for Crooks? Which is it? Greg doesn’t appear again until after shooting and LEO has guns pointed. Seen in attached photo in cammos.

  3. Greg is seen looking over at LEOs rushing inside fence. Stewart pans back over to where Greg was standing. Greg has disappeared again.

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Greg and the other sniper will end up forgotten by all just as the two guards who supposedly were watching Epstein when he committed suicide. Total bullshit. We are being lied to. Still no FBI updates. Imagine that.


The cop boosted him up eight feet? That’s one tall cop. Or does falling eight feet mean the roof was eight feet high, so the boost was only two feet?

More weirdness


The 10 ft red ladder came later, after the ESU team had already accessed the roof. The bodycam video makes that clear.

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You might say you got ZZ Cop Under Pressure.


Thanks for posting! I didn’t see that Gateway Pundit article.

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Sniper 1 didn’t have a visual of Crooks on the roof… but he could see the 2nd story window. Maybe this is what got his attention before the first shot?

2024-08-07 23-40.pdf (234.1 KB)



this picture is a composite of many frames from the bodycam video released by grassley. someone realigned the non blurred frames and put it all together. u can see the bend in the corrugated roof behind the medics shoes. its just 5-15 frames from the video stacked together in position to remove the blurred/censored area.

the bottom part was the parts of the helmet from the bodycam


Since we know from the difference in echo times from each set of shots we can determine that the difference in milliseconds (dividing by 2 fur round trip) accounts for approximately 50 feet of further distance in reflected sound.

Here’s the Occam’s razor solution:

  1. All shots fired by Crooks (presumption)
  2. First 3 had the muzzle hanging over the ridge crest and - importantly - touching the ridge crest with echoes resounding from INSIDE the building due to transfer of vibration onto the crest.
  3. Shots 4-8 he pulled back quickly about 4 feet firing without mount and therefore wildly away from Trump. These shots echoed off the wall of the building BEHIND him. The difference of about 50 ft vs the interior “drum” of the building he used as a mount for 1-3.
  4. We know he moved 4 ft back at some point since this is his death position.
  5. Sniper saw him in this more exposed standing or crouching position (had to be at least on a knee to clear the ridge crest).
    This takes into account all the known facts: difference in sound, difference in echoes, casings on BOTH sides of ridge, and final position at kill shot. He certainly didn’t move after that!

There had to be a planned timeline as just before Trump was shot 2 SS guys came around to the back of Trump, one seemed to get ready to spring forward and another fixed his pants and belt to be able to move and a photographer follow then and was at the best place for pictures. Check out the videos that show the SS around Trump just before the shots??? No one seems to be talking about the motorcycle that fled along the treeline toward the main road just after the shots???


Do you have a video that shows the motorcycle along the treelines?

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Witness says he saw cop climb on roof and fall in video.


I’m an avid viewer of Peak Prosperity videos, but I’m new to the site, so if what follows has already been covered in the comments sections, my apologies…

The Secret Service has gone all-in on relying on the supposed inability of local law enforcement agencies to communicate with the Secret Service by radio, or in a timely fashion by any other manner, as their final line of defense to confine this scandal to “colossal failure” territory, rather than a conspiracy to allow Trump to be assassinated.

That’s their excuse for not pulling Trump off stage prior to him being shot. The story from Acting Director Rowe is that they had no idea that there was a threat situation, rather than simply a suspicious person situation, because they were unable to hear any radio transmissions from local law enforcement during that final three minutes-plus before Trump was shot, transmissions that included reports of Crooks being seen on the roof by police officers.

Well the actions of the south-facing Secret Service counter-sniper team prior to Crooks firing, destroys Rowe’s lie.

There is a cellphone video clip showing the south-facing team pivoting away from their arc of responsibility to face north, while Trump is still talking away on stage prior to the shots.

I can’t find the clip now, but it was widely played by the media for a few days after the incident.

My best guess from memory is that, from the time those two counter-snipers were first radioed to make them move, until Crooks actually fired his first round, is around 15 seconds.

There’s an obvious sense of urgency in the movements and body language of these counter-snipers as they’re making their 180 degree pivot.

They’re acting as though things have escalated to a threat level, and here’s the kicker.

They’re obviously reacting to Secret Service communications. Communications that have been withheld from the public, and communications that have nothing to do with this deliberately-created inability to hear local law enforcement radio traffic.

These two counter-snipers were told, either by the north-facing Secret Service counter-snipers, or by someone in the Secret Service command post, to turn around immediately, we’ve got a problem to the north…

And this is a very big deal, in my opinion, because now the south-facing Secret Service counter-sniper team has abandoned its assigned arc of fire.

Trump is now completely vulnerable to sniper fire from the south, so this reinforces the problem for the Secret Service to continue lying that they didn’t consider that they were dealing with a threat at that time.

That’s simply not a move that would have been ordered unless there was an urgent need to take the risk to leave Trump unprotected to the south.

And had Crooks been a diversionary actor to allow a second sniper to shoot from the south, it would have worked like a charm.

But I’m digressing… The point is, The Secret Service did know things were much more serious than they’re letting on, just before Trump was shot. They just can’t admit it, because they didn’t issue a command to his close protection detail to hustle him of the stage at the same time that the south-facing counter-sniper team was being directed to change positions.

This is hugely important, I think.

These two commands should have been simultaneous, yet one was made, and one wasn’t.

It’s clear that someone calling the shots that day for the Secret Service was doing everything in their power to ensure that Trump did not come off that stage until he had been shot.

Things get even more interesting when you ask yourself who ordered the south-facing counter-sniper team to change position?

What if that came from the north-facing Secret Service counter-sniper team, and not the command center?

That would lend even more credibility to the theory that this was allowed to happen, because the command center wasn’t proactively working to protect Trump at that time.

It also makes it even more untenable for Rowe to claim that they didn’t know there was a guy on the roof, and that things had progressed to a clear and obvious threat.

We know the Secret Service deliberately ensured they would have no radio recordings for their personnel, but if the north-facing team had radioed to the south-facing team in a panic, something along the lines of “Hey, we might have a shooter on the roof, but we can’t see him because of the trees, turn around now!” Well, the Secret Service personnel in the command center would have heard that, because it’s coming across their own radios.

They can’t blame it on no comms with the locals.

So why no order to get Trump either off the stage, or under a human bunker junkpile of Secret Service agents once that occurred?

By my estimate, there was about 15 seconds from the time the south-facing team was radioed to move positions, until Crooks fired.

All kinds of time to get Trump off the stage…

Sorry for the longwinded comment…

If anyone can help find that video, a better analysis can be made concerning the times mentioned above.


A couple of observations to Chris’ video of yesterday.

Greg Smith (red hair and visor) reportedly went on Candice Owens’ podcast and stated that “during the shooting” he saw a sniper in the overwatch building who “had a tattoo”). I did not see the show which was reportedly originally designated as Episode 31. When I went to view it, it was gone. Another youtube interviewer mentioned that he had tried to get Greg Smith on his show but Greg refused to go on (apparently not wanting to get involved further–good choice IMO). Greg Nicol has a pretty obvious large tattoo. Second, apparently we now know the route that the shooter took to get on the roof (assuming him traveling towards “Sheetz” is correct). SpaGuy has a new drone video which tracks the route the shooter took (and shows handprints and footprints, etc likely of the shooter) and what is clear from the video is that from the time he got on the roof at 18:06 until he peaks his head above the rood at about 18:09, sniper team on the north side would have seen him the whole time as the drone video indicates. There are verified reports that SS had conveyed to SS Snipers about 6:05 or 6:06 that there was an issue to Trump’s “3 o’clock”. How did the north facing SS sniper team not see him. How did the south facing SS sniper team, who turns north about 6:09 not see him when he poked his head above the roof line. Liar Ron Rowe stated in testimony (played by Bongino yesterday) that SS had “embeds” with local teams “with radios”??? How did local reports of a suspicious charachter since 4:26 pm “get siloed” according to Rowe and never reach SS? I know Bongino reported within days that based on his “inside source” that the SS teams on the two roofs knew of the shooter but did not shoot because they did not know if he was a “friendly” (Bongino did NOT repeat that on yesterday’s show though). Lastly, Bongino’s show from yesterday is fascinating because he discusses all of the SS teams that should have been looking at the “3 o’clock” from at least 5:45 or so. They included “PI–protective intelligence” and “CSI–counter sniper intelligence” whose ONLY job is to go out and confront potential suspicous activity and possible threats. He then surmises that more than 20 (or even 30) SS and others in the “inner perimeter” should have been looking at the “3 o’clock” from at least 5:45 pm. He asks “why weren’t they?” Here is a link to yesterdays’ Bongino show and the most pertinent information starts at 4:40 mark:


Here’s another thing to investigate: intentional hogging of security assets at Trump’s last outdoor rally before being officially nominated and automatically getting increased security?

The FLOTUS chose to speak (for a mere 10 minutes) at 5 pm on July 13, 2024 in North Pittsburgh at a closed event of a few hundred people on the same date and at the approximate time of President Trump’s speech in Butler, PA. The FLOTUS’ event was 54 minutes away from Trump’s.

VP Harris also spoke in Pennsylvania that day, at an event from 1-5 pm, at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Both events were announced at the last minute. WHEN were they actually scheduled?:

First Lady Jill Biden to visit Pittsburgh on Saturday, same day as Former President Donald Trump’s rally
July 10, 2024

VP Kamala Harris launches new campaign to gain Asian American voters
July 10, 2024

On Saturday, July 13, Harris will be in Philadelphia to give a keynote speech at the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote Presidential Town Hall, the Hill reported on Tuesday.

My point is, both “surrogates” for POTUS requiring higher security than Trump were speaking at closed, relatively small events in secure venues with limited entry points on the same date at about the same time in close proximity to a Trump event. Did the FLOTUS’ and Harris’ events hog local Secret Service branch and PD assets leaving Trump exposed? Is it common for both to speak at such minor events at the same time and in close proximity to a Trump rallies, the J13 rally being his last outdoor rally prior to his nomination and, by virtue of that nomination, then becoming a higher priority Secret Service protectee?

Some evidence of hogging:

11 Investigates Exclusive: Pittsburgh motorcycle officers transferred after working Trump rally
July 16, 2024


PITTSBURGH — 11 Investigates has learned exclusively that two Pittsburgh police motorcycle officers who were injured during the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally over the weekend have been removed from the cycle unit.

Sources told 11 Investigates the bureau claimed they never got permission to assist Trump.

The motorcycle supervisors claim they did get permission, according to sources.

And sources also said there were also concerns that some of those officers should have been available to help with the First Lady’s visit to Pittsburgh at the same time.

Video from CBS News shows those Pittsburgh officers, just minutes after they were hit with debris, in the stands helping some of the injured, even carrying one to safety.


In this photo his arm is NOT the correct length either! Looks like it’s his bicep but his forearm is not.

Also wasn’t there some mention of a “BLOODY” Home Depot receipt? Why would it be bloody?

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PART of the story here:

Officers left post to go look for Trump rally gunman before shooting, state police boss says
July 23, 2024

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two local law enforcement officers stationed in the complex of buildings where a gunman opened fire at former President Donald Trump left to go search for the man before the shooting, the head of Pennsylvania State Police said Tuesday, raising questions about whether a key post was left unattended as the shooter climbed onto a roof.

Pennsylvania State Police Col. Christopher Paris told a congressional committee that two Butler County Emergency Services Unit officers were stationed at a second-floor window in the complex of buildings that form AGR International Inc. They spotted Thomas Matthew Crooks acting suspiciously on the ground and left their post to look for him along with other law enforcement officers, he said.

Paris said he didn’t know whether officers would have been able to see Crooks climbing onto the roof of an adjacent building had they remained at the window. A video taken by a lawmaker who visited the shooting site on Monday shows a second-story window of the building had a clear view of the roof where Crooks opened fire; it was unclear if the video showed the window where the officers had been stationed. (tweet below has a video from where they were stationed)

Rest of the story possibly here:

Benny Johnson

:rotating_light:SCOOP: The REAL Reason Trump’s Assassin was not Eliminated on the Rooftop before Firing on Trump

This Information comes from a first-hand source of highest credentials.

The attached video is a view from the second story window of the AGR building in Butler, Pennsylvania. The rooftop it overlooks is where Crooks fired on Trump. This room was the overwatch view where a Butler County SWAT sniper team was stationed at the direction of the Secret Service for the Trump rally.

The Secret Service is responsible for stationing all protective teams for the President. Local and State law enforcement officers go where they’re told.

The snipers in this location should have easily been able to engage Crooks before he ever came close to scope site of Trump.

Yet, Crooks was able to fire that day without anyone engaging from this position. Why?

There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof.

The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.

Crooks crawled (ran) across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.

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