The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

The vents are NOT there at 18:11:32, double check. I spent a lot of time scrubbing, taking screen shots and enlarging them.

This video jumps from 18:11:00 to 1812:37. Clearly not inclusive of the footage I got my screen shots from. Coincidence?

So many things to relook at!

What are you talking about?

Idk what coincidence you’re talking about. The video I’m looking at has the entire time, nothing missing, nothing skipped out from one minute to the next. if you refuse to watch the Police Activity video that’s fine, but you have not proven your “disappearing vents” theory at all.

That is the best 18:11:32 I have seen, the versions I looked at did not show the vents like this one from 2 seconds earlier

I am going to just sit back and just monitor. Thank you for that image. I was going by what I saw and you clearly got better source info. This is how we compare and get stuff from the yellow to the red. What have you seen on suppressed subsonic Clay Martin says it’s very possible and there are things pointing to it, but here again I haven’t seen enough to conclusively move it either to red or green out of the yellow


I hope to god you learn what 1080p is

Probably not going to learn much more about computers, I’m old and retired, don’t even have a computer, just a smartphone that’s why I was reaching out from from my perspective. But I could probably tell you a thing or two about who is really running the show. My ex was an NSA Spook (retired) and her best friend an active CIA Field Agent😉. If it’s in a computer anywhere in the world, they can look at it. Track anybody they want to and pull satellite photos 24/7 365. But there has to be a compelling reason for much of it and that has to come from the ones that really run the show you and I have never heard and never will. You can bet they are being whatever you want to call the Trump Rally. For me it’s JFK all over again.


This is all brilliant analysis. As a hunter you use camo. You map out routes of travel long before the season begins. You set up trail cams for optics and to learn patterns. You plant food in the open areas to draw them in. You make a “hay bale” cover to conceil your sniper location or a tree stand. You practice the shot. Variables happen. We are so far only looking at the obvious (which is all digital except for the shots that are clearly different to any ear), when in this day and age, they have so much more sophisticated stupid technology (which apparently proves many faults). It’s almost a month into this we still have no answers for sure(except shot 9?). Do you think Trump knows what happened? How could you have the same people protecting you if they are questionable? The powers that be haven’t nationally released ANYTHING. We are relying on Congressmen and local police. That tells me there is massive cover-up and silence by higher ups=corruption and lies.

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We, in the non-tech world, do not fit in in the tech world. I have been fooled (i think) by the photo quality too.
I admit fault as you do. Keep on it. Sometimes stupid questions bare results. But, glad we have other eyes to root out fake from real. Valuable eyes.


Please try not to feel too bad about it. I’m deep in the tech world and I find video compression disgusting, and it’s causing a lot of problems.


Thanks for the pep talk! Ha! So, even you very tech savvy people are having difficulties? That is by design or just the inability of your fancy coding for now? In my brain I imagine that the bodycam footage is shot by a certain bodycam manufacturer that all leo wear. Isn’ t there a hacker of some sort that can review footage and decode it to tell us where gaps and edits are made? Or is that impossible?
Same for different cell phone operating systems?

We basically make problems for ourselves in technology because we’re perpetually dissatisfied and our expectations keep increasing. We want to be able to watch videos via radio, so we do stuff like compress video in a way that throws away a lot of information. Then we stare at the result, and think it looks weird. Well, it really does look weird – it’s a result of the process that made the video 1% of its original size.

On the bodycam stuff, we don’t know when people hit buttons to turn them on or off, or when the audio should be available. The bodycam contains a computer and software that could do anything.

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Hey Ray, tell me about who is running the show from your experience and perspective please. I like everyone’s theories and the process of proving or disproving them (as I am sure most commenters here do too).

Thank you Brian. I appreciate your insight and honesty and can completely imagine you hard at work and criticizing yourself. You are doing great! Keep up the great work! I value your comments. But, I do not like your answer. Hackers shut down Crowdstrike. Don’t you have some connections to that crew? :grinning:

I believe he may have come from the east. Per. BBC interview he was at the “… Greenhouse” where he was at a party. He is being interviewed near it. He points in the direction of the field he wanted to cross, the tree shade he wanted to sit by, and the direction of the incident. He said he could not see Trump which could indicate east and behind the stage, and that there were cops around which could indicate the area around and in the parking lot. Due to land marks in the interview, it appears he may be somewhere south east of the water tower by a road and a cluster of buildings with dark roofs.
Here’s the interview:
With a decent map and some study, one could likely pinpoint exactly where the interview was and possibly his general location during the event. Ultimately one may have to ask him where he was to be certain, but we can estimate based on assumptions.
This is the map I have:

The video I’m finding interesting at the moment is this one: Dropbox

This is the one I know as the dashcam of the cop who arrives very early. You see officers run to the right, where Tedeski is going to boost the other guy up. After falling down, he runs around the back of the car, so he is not seen. But you hear him open the door when he comes back to the car to get his rifle.

18:11:30 shots ring out
18:13:24 Nichol opens the door and comes out with pistol drawn
18:15:02 Nichol seems to try to open the door, but can’t
18:15:20 another officer opens the door somehow. Nichol seems concerned to be the first one in the door

Thanks for the vid. I believe Greg Smith is credible. I believe he also indicated there were others that saw the same thing.
Here is the image that Candice Owens said he gave her describing the location of the officer with the sleeve tattoo, possibly holding a gun, who watched the shooting occur for any that are interested. It points to the eastern side windows of the 2 story building:

Thanks for the info. I could swear I recalled him stating that in the BBC interview, but I could have heard or read it somewhere else around the same time, and I’m just having another senior “blended memory,” as I like to call it.



That makes sense! Now I see why he does not want to be interviewed again. He does say he saw somebody in that window with a tattoo. I always assumed he meant that was Greg.Nicol