The Coronavirus Is Now An Actual Pandemic

A frog jumps in pond
Some people are scared sand puppy
Wants to infect himself

He does have somewhat of a point. Since these things mutate as they spread, he’d essentially be taking out a call option on his current chances of dying

self interview from Chen Qiushi inside Wuhan, turn on CC captions for english. Thought I would share, feel it is worth the watch. 26:47 long

Its a jaw-dropper! =:-0
Prepper Princess’ primary focus has been on frugality in prepping with some discussion on current events. This 8-minute video, “The Coronavirus…When is it Time to Panic?” is shockingly lacking in even the most basic research. She seems to confuse nCoV with Swine Flu. Her data and her understanding of the data is way off. Her rationale for not panicking (“its a cold…no one in US has passed away from this”) and when to panic (e.g., when roads and other transportation avenues are closed in/around a quarantined area, time to “get out of Dodge”) are nonsensical–and more! She closes by encouraging her viewers to be alert for media propaganda, to do their own due diligence and “proper research”. Unbelievable!
However, I was impressed with the many comments from viewers who were much better informed and provided accurate information. (At least 1 referral to Chris’s videos/PP.) She lost a lot of credibility and subs on this really embarrassingly poor video.

One example of how a lack of faith in the credibility of the press and government can have serious consequences. There are many like Prepper Princess who are otherwise well informed but sadly are taking the same attitude.