The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Forcing Leaders To Decide: Save Lives Or The Economy?

Want to buy gold coins or bars? Good luck finding any

The strain on supply, due to a lack of transport and processing capacity, has been exacerbated by a surge in demand, as investors rush to buy the safe-haven asset amid the global economic and financial market turmoil....... The difference between spot and futures prices was around $25 on Thursday, suggesting that the market is still struggling to function.  

I am really seeing a lot of misinformation, like the examples in the video , published by medical officials, that are saying this is way blown out of proportion, and this kills less than the flu. These reports are really scaring me, because , I know if they succeed in convincing the public - that not only will we have a lot more death, but it will crash the economy much further and it will end in civil unrest. I did prepare for this - but this would be a worse case.
Meanwhile there are some drs, usually those on the front line, publishing the truth - if you look at NY the anecdotal evidence, is not in line with the pro economy propoganda machine… There are also writers in the NYT that address this honestly, and science writers like ed yong, of the atlantic do much more justice - than a bunch of drs with supposition and conjecture.

Hi I am new - it is dinner time. So brief reply, dangerous in the sense that the people against popular use agrue that it is toxic if taken in exagerrated doses - like anything.

I do not want to debate anything, but when people are telling me this is nothing more fatal the flu- but I am seeing anecdotal evidence to suggest far from that. Perhaps you should go visit NYC.
You threw a high R0 but low CFR/IFR of .12 is that .12% o .12 which is 12%?
As , my reading the study, a crude CFR was 4.3% CFR of infection rate. and 12.3 % after time delay of lag deaths from a infection point adjusted.
And from here we can talk about missed cases or undiagnosed. I am sure there were some. But they were going door-to-door sweeps in wuhan. and said they tested 10 million there.
Transferring bank held mortgages to a taxpayer funded agency… again…
One way or another, we the people, everywhere across the globe, are going to (continue) to pay for all these bailouts and spending programs. The wealth transfer programs are alive and well :frowning:

Just to add that the doctor interviewed is defending the cause that hydroxy-chloroquine is not dangerous - that it is prescribed to millions of travellers (voyageurs) going to Africa - people “en bonne santé” healthy, with very few side effects. That this medication is given to sick patients seems to create a “polémique” - political debate so be it. He credits the work done by the Chinese in vitro - they wanted to see if in reality it would work. They added an anti-bacterial drug to avoid lung infection, and the choice of the drug was deliberate because of the drug’s anti-viral anti-virus properties. Afterwards he talks about AIDS, noone gets over aids - but one uses a 3 drug therapy which lowers the “charge” viral load to the point where it is no longer detectable. Here ypou have the first three minutes. What is interesting to see is how the MSM interviewer goes from towing the line against the treatment - then the tanned old fart defending that “we should wait 8 weeks for trial results from the different regions.” To the interviewer saying - what about all the unnecessary deaths in the mean time.
I was hoping that this would interest Chris.

Hello again. In listening to the interview a second time (repeatedly). I heard the doctor mention their site which will be publishing all of their data.

I had hoped that the French government had changed their attitude, but no, you can only get the cheap and tested virus cure if you are sick enough to be in the hospital. And even then? The Truth will out (Merchant of Venice).

Iceland is testing everyone - not quite at random, but anyone who wants a test can get one. Turns out, there are a lot of infected, asymptomatic people out there.
11,727 people tested, 737 positive. 15 are in hospital, with 2 in ICU.
So with that ratio of positive-to-hospital-to-ICU, it seems like an 2.3% “serious case” ratio (hospitalization-to-infection ratio). This would seem to suggest there are - probably - a lot more infected people in the US than we realize.
It also supports the supposition that the CFR is probably overstated, since we only test sick people - by design.
Summary for busy executives:

This first preliminary description of outcomes among patients with COVID-19 in the United States indicates that fatality was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years, <1% among persons aged 20–54 years, and no fatalities among persons aged ≤19 years.
In Table Form:
  • 85+: 10-27%
  • 65-84: 3-11%
  • 55-65: 1-3%
  • 20-54: < 1%
  • 19-: none

Save lives or the economy? Clinton’s campaign slogan says it perfectly: “It’s the economy stupid”

Here’s an article from Motley Fool trying to assess the potential for Gilead Sciences to make a fortune on potential COVID-cure Remdesivir.
Forecast price tag - in China - $260. Per person. Multiply by half the world population. Its a big freaking number. This might explain the resistance (in some circles) to the substantially cheaper Hydroxychloroquine.
How much influence will the prospect of $7.80 trillion in revenues buy you? (Thats $260 x 3 billion people). I’m sure it gets you the entire CCP plus the WHO, just as a downpayment.
“Oh my gosh HCQ is DANGEROUS!!! It kills people! Trump likes it! Run! Hide!”

The following video is admittedly long but if you start around the 30 minute mark its worth listening to. In my opinion, Dr. Shiva Ayyaduari makes many good points about the Big Pharma / Govt push for Vaccines and the covid-19 virus.
We live in a world of massive fraud and manipulation. The financial services industry is but one area where false narratives are constantly pushed to influence the dumb masses (us). Not for the good of society, but for their own gain (in terms of power and money). I assume most people on this blog recognize it in the financial side, but this virus and the governments ultimate response is being leveraged for powers sake, not public health per se. Please take the time to at least watch from the 30 minute mark.;v=1BiM1YYIPCo&amp;feature=emb_logo
Lastlt, I’m not saying the corona virus is something we should ignore. Its a significant health risk. But I’m beginning to realize that the last thing many in the govt and big pharma want is a simple cost effective 95% solution like hydroxychloroquinine and z-pack.
They want us to continue to slip down the slope of ever more government and big healthcare / big pharma control of our lives and health. The whole digital currency being part of the relief package along with the DOJ asking for ability to detain any and all Americans indefinitely should be a major red flag for all of us.
The virus is temporary…what they legislate could remain with us for years

Here in Belgium the Brussels University Hospital is testing every not-ill visitor who comes in with a CT scan of the lungs, in the article below they just started and had 10% of asymptomatic covid-cases detected (people had affected lung tissue but had no symptoms or complaints.) Today we had an update, appears that untill now they had 8 % of unaware visitors infected with covid. If this would be the case in the whole of Belgium we would have about 1 million people who are asymptomatic at this point.

This first preliminary description of outcomes among patients with COVID-19 in the United States indicates that fatality was highest in persons aged ≥85, ranging from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55-64 years, <1% among persons aged 20–54 years, and no fatalities among persons aged ≤19 years.
When the economy starts hiring again, who do you think businesses will want to hire first? Not going to be an old fart like me.  

Early in the year 1789 the French nation found
itself in deep financial embarrassment: there was a
heavy debt and a serious deficit.
“These assignats, bearing interest as they do, will
soon be considered better than the coin now hoarded,
and will bring it out again into circulation.” The king
was also induced to issue a proclamation
recommending that his people receive this new money
without objection.
The first result of this issue was apparently all that
the most sanguine could desire: the treasury was at
once greatly relieved; a portion of the public debt was
paid; creditors were encouraged; credit revived;
ordinary expenses were met, and, a considerable part
of this paper money having thus been passed from the
government into the hands of the people, trade
increased and all difficulties seemed to vanish.
In vain did Maury show that, while the first issues
of John Law’s paper had brought prosperity, those that
followed brought misery
France was now fully committed to a policy of
inflation; and, if there had been any question of this
before, all doubts were removed now by various acts
very significant as showing the exceeding difficulty of
stopping a nation once in the full tide of a depreciating
Immediately after each new issue came a marked depreciation.
Still another troublesome fact began now to
appear. Though paper money had increased in
amount, prosperity had steadily diminished.
From this was developed an even more
disgraceful result,—the decay of a true sense of
national good faith.
but the most
curious thing evolved out of all this chaos was a new
system of political economy. In speeches, newspapers
and pamphlets about this time, we begin to find it
declared that, after all, a depreciated currency is a
blessing; that gold and silver form an unsatisfactory
standard for measuring values:
By this the prices of everything were again enhanced
save one thing, and that one thing was labor. Strange
as it may at first appear, while the depreciation of the
currency had raised all products enormously in price,
the stoppage of so many manufactories and the
withdrawal of capital caused wages in the summer of
1792, after all the inflation, to be as small as they had
been four years before—viz., fifteen sous per day.
The result outside the
Convention was increased activity of the guillotine; the
results inside were new measures against all who had
As far back as November,
1792, the Terrorist associate of Robespierre, St. Just, in
view of the steady rise in prices of the necessaries of
life, had proposed a scheme by which these prices
should be established by law, at a rate proportionate to
the wages of the working classes.
But it was found that the Maximum, with its
divinely revealed four rules, could not be made to work
well—even by the shrewdest devices. In the greater
part of France it could not be enforced. As to
merchandise of foreign origin or merchandise into
which any foreign product entered, the war had raised
it far above the price allowed under the first rule,
namely, the price of 1790, with an addition of onethird.
Shopkeepers therefore could not sell such goods
without ruin. The result was that very many went out
of business and the remainder forced buyers to pay
enormous charges under the very natural excuse that
the seller risked his life in trading at all.
Month after month, year after year new issues
went on. Meanwhile everything possible was done to
keep up the value of paper.
The luxury and extravagance of the currency
gamblers and their families form one of the most
significant features in any picture of the social
condition of that period.
Out of the inflation of
prices grew a speculating class; and, in the complete
uncertainty as to the future, all business became a
game of chance, and all business men, gamblers.
It ended in the complete financial, moral and
political prostration of France-a prostration from
which only a Napoleon could raise it.
Fiat Money Inflation in France by Andrew Dickson White

Hi Lightning17,

Great video. Thank you for posting it.

Hope nobody calls you a troll for looking beyond the COVID 19 crisis to the much greater evil that lurks. But they might still call you a "slow adjuster".

Mr. COVID has center stage right now but is beginning to look to his left. The 800 pound gorilla in the room, Mr. DEBT, is now standing and moving toward the stage.

The Shiva interview was a breath of fresh air.

I have my own strategy for COVID 19

But I have been preparing for what's soon to follow for a dozen years now. Thank you Mike Maloney!

I shared my thinking, which aligns closely with Dr. Shiva's, in a free 20000 word book, From Freedom to Fascism, under a pseudonym (not as brave as the candidate).

Just read the Addendum that Amazon edited out. ? too close to what will actually transpire?

Here is a CCTV interview about Dr. Zhao
Here is "Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19" 7th edition
by National Health Commission of China

Old farts like you and me have a work ethic. I’ve talked to many small business owners in my community and in my travels in recent years. To a person, they all complain about the poor work ethic of the majority of the young. They claim they don’t show up for work, they show up late, they leave early, they quit at the drop of the hat with no notice, they don’t want to work more than 30 hours per week, they can’t pass drug tests, and on and on. These employers are looking for reliable, hard working employees who understand the concept of a days work for a days wages. From seeing how hard you’ve worked on this site, I’d say they’d be looking for folks like you.