The COVID Recovered Are Better Protected than the Vaccinated

I’m surprised Chris didn’t point out the discrepancy with other countries like the UK where most of the hospitalized are the vaccinated plus the info that Tom Renz just pointed out at the Ron Johnson event this week that in August, that the DOD Project Salus report said that 60% of the medicare hospitalized were vaccinated. The issue in the US is that the hospital records often only have the vaccine status if the patient got the shots in the hospital system. The states maintain databases of vaccine records but those databases are not connected to the hospital databases. Countries with single payer health systems like the UK and Canada have more complete records for patients. Dr. Pierre Kory pointed this issue out as well this week. Also, on, physician’s assistant Deborah Conrad said that when they investigated the vaccine status of their Covid patients, they found that most were actually vaccinated but that info was not in their hospital records. She found that 90% of their Covid patients were actually vaccinated in a community with a background vaccination rate of 50%.
I point this out because this video appears to clearly show that people are much better off with the shots, but the data is most likely based on miscategorized vaccine status and doesn’t take into account hospitalization due to vaccine injury in addition to the issue of increased Covid infection in the first 2 weeks after the first shot.
In any case, the point about the previous infection still holds since the numbers on both sides were similar and the point about the news media blatantly lying about the study is astounding. How do those reporters sleep at night?


This should not surprise people at all. When you are mass producing and mass administering anything, things are going to go wrong. Just another reason for caution.

You’re right, there are indeed more cohorts. We have (at least):

  • never vaccinated
  • x days after first shot, but no second shot
  • x days after second shot, given y days after first shot, but no booster
  • x days after booster, given y days after second shot, same as primary series
  • x days after booster, given y days after second shot, different from primary series
(We should all consider the effects of infection at various points on each cohort.) I don't know how large any of the "intermediate" cohorts are at any time, but if they're significant relative to the others then how we count them can definitely affect reported statistics.
It's like they want us to die. I'd love if someone can come up with a better explanation for what's happening.
Over at Market Ticker, Karl Denninger has stated that it's all about money and power. And to some extent, I do agree. However, the world seems to be operating as one entity, and when has that ever happened? There is something else afoot, and TPTB seem to embrace the idea of AI, Transhumanism and population reduction. So my bet is on "money, power and they want us to die."

In the weekly report of COVID-19 info in Italy (published on 31 December 2021), I came across some very interesting information related to reinfection. I’ve taken screen shots of the most interesting graphs that demonstrate both that the probability of reinfection remains lower than 1% for nearly a year for both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals, but also that the likelihood of serious illness with reinfection is very, very low. The full pdf of that report is here: Italy 2021:12:28
Subsequent weekly reports in Italy curiously (!) omit these graphs, but they still do report on the percentage of cases that are reinfections (which have increased to about 3% since Omicron). The weekly reports can be found here.


Chris you mentioned that there are no studies comparing the waning effect of vaccines and natural immunity.
I am aware of one study out of Israel conducted by Leumit Health Services, which is Israel’s smallest HMO.
The study compared the rate of decay in antibody titers in vaccinated individuals and recovered covid patients. Now obviously we know that antibody titers are not a reliable proxy for total immune response or overall protection, and at this point we should all expect to see a comparison in endpoints that actually matter (i.e: the waning protection from infection / hospitalization / death), but I still think it’s an interesting comparison.
TL;DR: 2 dose BNT162b2 initially produces a significantly higher IgG titer than an infection, however the titer dropped much faster with the vaccine. ( 40% / month compared to less than 5% / month).
The study: Large-scale study of antibody titer decay following BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 infection | medRxiv

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@Nautica, that’s very interesting if true. My assumption has been that hospitals have simply been asking patients if they’ve been vaccinated, but if they’re relying on incomplete databases then reported numbers could easily be quite skewed. I tried searching on this topic and, so far, the only article I’ve found that covers this issue is this one. That article claims that hospitals will ask the patient if information can’t be found in the database(s), so that would suggest that the hospital records should be accurate except for any patients that, for whatever reason, they were unable to ask (or find out from, say, a relative). It’s possible that not all hospitals are following such a protocol, though.


I watched this last night. Very unpleasant. Is Dr Ruby’s stuff usually accurate?

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i don’t know


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Nothing is absolute or the same for everyone right?
I know several folks who got covid 2x, separated by 6 mo. We are vaxed and boosted and will not risk long covid or organ damage no mater what anti vaxers or studies say about the virtues of getting covid, living through it and some how having good theoretical imunity. My small circle of friends shows natural immunity is not what anyone says, its not that good. We won’t risk our future health to “they say”.
JMHO. Best to all.

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Actually, you probably only know that they tested positive twice.
We know that the PCR tests are unreliable, and can detect other illnesses (like some forms of flu), or worse, dead virus particles.
Dr. McCullough thinks that repeat infection with the Alpha to Delta strains doesn’t exist (or is exceedingly rare). Thing have changed with Omicron, since it seems to be a completely different virus.


Curt, even the CDC no longer claims that vaccines are superior to natural immunity. They had said that previously but they had to reverse that position since it was completely unsustainable.
Most every study shows that natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity
My own anecdotal experience is that everyone I know who has gotten covid was double vaccinated. And often these were not mild cases at all. One friend almost died. He was bitter that the vaccine appeared to provide no protection at all.
On the other hand, I know of no one who is unvaccinated that has been infected. That includes myself and I have stopped all precautions against getting infected for over a month despite Omicron surging here.


Whats missing in the story is, did the vaccine come first, before the first covid illness? and what part does the vaccine play in messing up the formation of natural immunity (ADE in all its forms). It seems likely that if you got the vaccine(first) you will likely get repeated infections (more severe) with the wild strains; with natural immunity there may be mild reinfections if you get repeated exposures over time; but your immunity largely takes care of it. I have read that corona viruses mutate at such a fast rate that after 4 years they have changed enough that they acts like a new virus, unless your immune system has repeatedly been exposed to keep up to the changes. With the flu vaccine, vaccination increases likelihood of sickness(flu) in the following year (increasing your vulnerability), unless a new vaccine matched to the new strain happens (not a great track record).


We will likely never know the facts in all of this. The best we can do observe and make the best guess for our own individual situation.
I support your freedom to choose what is best for you and all I ask is you do the same for me.
Five more data points:
Pfizer (3) then omicron, 7 days of pretty significant symptoms
aphla then Pfizer (2) = gout, chest pains
aphla then Moderna = migraines then omicron (5 days of flu like symptoms)
no vax omicron (2 days of flu like symptoms)
MMR November of 2020 nothing yet