The COVID Recovered Are Better Protected than the Vaccinated

My sister got COVID twice. The first was not too bad - basically she was sick for 3 days. Ivermectin fixed that.
The second infection - she got the sniffles for a day. Nasal rinse and gargles “washed that away.”
My friend got COVID post-vax. His case was more difficult, even though he got the same treatment, and he was much younger. His cough lasted for 10 days, although truth be told, it seemed to just be annoying rather than “severe.”
I’d agree that - in my small sample set - vaccination seems to make things worse, not better. Assuming you have early treatment at the ready.


The data shows that once you’ve had CoVid your immunity is 3X better than if vaxxed.
But the data also shows that you are 16X more likely to go to the hospital if not vaxxed vs. vaxxed.
I am a vax skeptic who got CoVid and suffered through it and now am mostly better but I do have mild lung pain one month from getting first symptoms. I did the ivermectin and vitamin routine with lots of fluids to help cough up the nasty paste from my lungs.
Chris I think in your video you needed to address the reduction in hospitalizations from the vax as a pro to be considered and weighed vs. the cons of the vax.

But the data also shows that you are 16X more likely to go to the hospital if not vaxxed vs. vaxxed.
When we quote data like this (link? source?) we have to contend with the fact that the story, the data is often polluted by numerous confounders; 1) Lack of early treatment. Early treatment works in keeping almost all out of the hospital. 2) Measured during the sweet spot in vaccine efficacy, i.e. in the few months after maybe two weeks after the second shot. All the people who get sick and potentially die of Covid-19 during the first two weeks of addled immunity following shot #1 are never counted against the vaccine.. but they should be. 3) This data is likely polluted by relevance to prior variants... NOT omicron. As stated earlier in today's seminar, we should probably think of Omicron as an entirely different virus, in its mode of cell entry, and certainly in terms of the relevance of first Wuhan spike protein antibodies. In fact, there is lots of data from different countries showing that these vaccines ENHANCE one's susceptibility to getting infected with Omicron. I can't site similar data following through to hospitalization, but the case rates don't bode well for sure.  

I am recovering from one of the omicron variants. It took about four full days to get back to 90% normal, the main persistent symptom being poor temperature regulation / fever. My mother also got it from the same source I did, and she is suffering from the uniquely omicron symptom of pain in the back and intestine that oddly seems to correspond in intensity with the absorption of ivermectin. The natural immunity from March 2020 covid does not seem to protect against omicron, considering all the alpha-recovered people I know with omicron (6? 8?).

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I am not vaccinated. I had Alpha in late January 2020…flu symptoms for 4 days but just two of feeling bad…my cough lasted a few months and to this day, my cough sounds different. I was completely immune to Kent and Delta which my husband and daughter got and I was in closed contact with them. My husband and I both came down with Omicron Christmas Day. I treated us both with FrontLine doctors protocol HCQ, ivermectin and then switched to quercetin because my eyes were seeing colors in strange hues (I suspected the HCQ but don’t know for sure). Anyway, only felt bad two days but fatigue after for about a week. You must take every variant seriously (it is not “just a cold”) it’s a bio weapon and do your early treatment protocol and eat zero sugar. I am thin, 5’6” 118 pounds and in good cardio shape. I know that helps too. I respect everyone’s right to choose but I am glad that I don’t have the vaccine in my body.
Early treatment is the key and you can’t look at the stats because you don’t know if these unvaxxed people did early treatment. I am guessing they did not.


Of course I know you have looked at the large differences in cohort size between the groups. While I am well aware of how statistical analyses account for cohort size difference, it is my real world experience that has shown me that differences of those sizes are difficult to truly account for. Also, we all know that these numbers are from the Delta wave of the virus. It was my experience during the Delta wave, the the unvaccinated were indeed much more likely to get very ill. I treated 5 family members during that time with the FLCCC Early Treatment Protocol and kept them out of the hospital, they were all not vaccinated, (I understand how dangerous these vaccines are, I am not shilling for the vaccines). I believe the percentage of unvaccinated who were naive to the virus who wound up hospitalized would have been higher with a similar cohort size to the vaccinated and naive. (Yes, I understand medical statistical analysis and no I don’t have any hard numbers to back up my opinion). In other words, the vaccine did work against Delta for a period of time. I am NOT saying that the risk vs benefit analysis was favorable to taking the vaccine for most, just commenting on the study. I believe that the powers that be want us on never ending vaccines for never ending variants. Lastly, none of that took proper early treatment into account as has been mentioned by others. Let us hope that Omicron is a white hat variant to make us all immune (vaxxed and unvaxxed alike), I look forward to getting it and treating it at home.

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Lets not forget that the reason so many unvaxxed end up at the hospital is because they don’t receive early treatment.
Therefore, the data shown is mostly unvaxxed WITHOUT early treatment vs. vaxxed.
You can’t look at it as only having these choices. We don’t know what the exact number for unvaxxed hospitalizations AFTER early treatments are, but I have seen numbers that suggest early treatment can give 90-95% reduction in hospitalizations. Now you’re in the neighborhood of vaccines do, but w/o side effects.
So, to present it as “vaccines work” in a vacuum (no early treatment) is wrong.


I hand copied data from England’s resent COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports (weeks 2 &3) shown above.
They do not separate out zero dose and lump everyone not fully vax’d as ‘not vaccinated’ - nice convolution guys! So it’s impossible to see zero dose risk. This seems the earliest Omicron effects in their data? Anyway I found the Deaths 28 days week to week trend suggestive:
1/ For seniors both see a rate increase especially for 3 doses! Rather startling in my mind. Sure wish we could see zero dose rates!
2/ For under 60 , 3 dose rates are rising while “not vaccinated” are dropping!!!
Children still seem to handle Omicron well - thank goodness.
Pls post comments or how I might be misreading this data.

You are correct, the study does not take into account the early treatment options. However, scientific studies are supposed to be done, as much as possible, in a vacuum. We both know that early treatment works and we also know that when this study was done that most people were not receiving proper early treatment (a crime, in my opinion). Sadly, our entire medical establishment are captured by Big Pharma and their money and influence. When it comes to looking at studies, you must always try to focus on the question and methods at hand in that study. Early treatment is a separate question that very few researchers are willing to explore (likely because of the danger to their careers). Even more sadly, although the vaccines showed efficacy for a period of time against Delta, we are now seeing an avalanche of vaccine injury and death stories coming out. I see this entire situation as the crime of the century, it’s an outrage.


How can you have a study of something that does not exist. The virus is a scam, tv show for the stupid. People getting sick due to being poisoned by injection, nothing more. They want to kill as many people as they can as part of the depopulation agenda race to zero carbon by 2030 where the carbon they want to reduce is you. The energy throughput cannot be maintained, so the demand is being culled to meet the future supply. Already in my own country after one year of the vaccine, one see four years of population reduction back to 2017 levels. Cases mean nothing, all of the PCR tests are fraud to generate numbers.