The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Bury The Investigation

I was talking about the white outline of the belt and shorts on Crooks. White line on something black by camo guy’s leg.

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I see. That could just be a belt loop and the right angle to the sun. Just guessing.

Plotting this Source 4 audio against the stewart mic and a couple of others, I eyeball shots 4-8 slightly delayed from shots 1-3 in Source 4 compared to the other recording locations I have found. Something less than 20msec. That would allow as much as 25 feet separation between shot 1-3’s source position compared to 4-8, and that displacement has to be along Source 4’s line of sight toward 1-3, but I don’t really trust my eyeball on this. Eyeballing is tough because the sound of each shot is at least 40msec long, and much longer than that in some recordings.

This new recording warrants more time trying trying to build a better case with more computation and/or correlation. Even without that, I still can predict there is no way to compute two sound sources more than about 25 feet apart using this particular line of analysis. However, I am not sure enough about this conclusion to show my work at this point any more than the attached zoomed out screen capture that shows the differences are slight.

I am just plotting the audio in Audacity and sliding the tracks so that shots 1-3 line up with each other, then look at how well 4-8 line up with each other.



I wonder if there is an explanation for this variation between shots 4 5 and 7 looks higher peak than shots 6 and 8 ??

could it be 2 shooters at same time? does the evidence point somewhere in that direction?

edit: and why Left and Right channel shows different peak?


I completely agree with your suggestion! It’s way too early to produce a summary, but as the media continues to avoid the topic and poor attention spans draws people to other matters, a summary is a powerful record for other motivated people to refer to.

Thanks for you phenomenal work Chris. This is bigger than just Trump or any political party. You have done the world a great favour with your persistence and attention to detail.


I find it strange that Trump and his team are not pounding the table when it comes to the lack disclosure regarding the investigation.


nice artilce bro

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Good eye!

Thank you. That’s Capri pants guy and camo cargo shorts guy.
That’s them!


Yes, this is the Ockhams razor solution… rather than have the ‘second shooter’ slip into the room in the small gap where BOTH ESU snipers were out … simply have one of the 2 ESU shooters be the second shooter, its a simpler explanation.


These plain clothes are on the parking lot and area referenced three times at least in the BC after-action report and texts. They could have been the ones texting at 5:59 pm info about suspect seen there, as well as a bit later by radio at 6:05. But if so, then why at 6:05 would the ESU sniper come down?

  • texts: “5:59 pm … They’re asking for direction of travel” then reply “Not sure. He was up against the building. If I had to guess towards the back. Away from the event.”
  • page 4: “18:05 – Approx suspect at picnic tables and moving direction of Sheetz, he has a back pack (communicated by ) via radio”
    – page 12: Overhead image of that parking lot with an adjacent picnic table where suspect had been seen at 6:05 pm

ZZ “Cop” (Edited) Guy Spotted


Your ballistic modeling of different rounds was a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I just did some arithmetic based on the .22 versus .213 delays to get ~15 feet.

On the same basis, I agree that a shot from ~200 feet behind Crooks is not possible given the .007 differential delay, because then the bullet would have had to travel at an unrealistically slow ~1885 ft/s.

SS Rowe did say to Congress that FBI had spent a couple of days recovering bullet fragments and angles from the scene. Hopefully it discloses the information.


I have been in the security industry for over 28 years, specializing in VIP bodyguarding, cash-in-transit, and criminal investigations. Additionally, I work as a paid freelance writer for several online news websites.

Recently, I wrote an article on Reddit titled “Could U.S. Secret Service Negligence Lead to a Criminal Prosecution?” and published similar articles on other platforms that scrutinized the numerous deviations from Standard Operating Procedures by Secret Service agents and law enforcement during the events of July 13, 2024.

The article, which takes about 15 minutes to read, began receiving downvotes mere seconds after I published it, which is suspicious given the time required to read it. Despite garnering 7,900 reads within the first 12 hours on Reddit, my articles on other platforms, where I have a significant following and typically receive good compensation, were immediately blocked when discussing the Trump assassination attempt. This level of censorship is unprecedented in my experience.

It appears that algorithms are detecting and censoring content related to Trump and the assassination attempt. Thank you, Dr. Martens, for bringing the truth to your audience.


LEO being in that location with visibility to Crooks, further proves the bs from ESU sniper that he had to abandon his post to personally look for Crooks.


Hi Chris,
You are doing amazing work! We are all very appreciative of this. I have picked up on something that I believe that has been frequently mentioned throughout these videos. You have been saying that the shooter was on the roof of AGR building number 6. I believe that this is wrong based on a recent article that I read by triblive August 1, 2024. Their map shows the building that the shooter was on was AGR building 1.

Keep up the great effort. You are doing God’s work. Stay safe!

Can someone post the “clickable” link to the Piper Grimley youtube hi-res video from the Trump shooting - could not find it by searching on the name.

“ZZ Cop”



Is this what yoy’re looking for?

Fyi – The Source 4 (high resolution – Piper Grimley) video potentially confirms the location of Source 2 (“He’s got a gun”) – at the exact time of the Shots.


VegasPatriot - thank much this is excellent - really clear hi-res video - nails the Source 2 position analysis for me & which is really important to precising the 2D audio analysis for shot/shooter positions (I think).