The Five Horsemen - Martenson Report Ready

There's a new Martenson Report ready for enrolled members.  This week I spell out the five high level elements that I regularly track to guide my understanding of where we are and where we are headed.

Link to The Five Horsemen

A snippet:

Executive Summary:

  • What can we expect next, and how will we recognize it?
  • A series of sharp, interrupted shocks is more likely than a major sudden collapse.
  • Five game-changing events, what I call The Five Horsemen, will indicate that the rules have changed and a new reality is about to take over:
    • The First Horseman: New credit growth falls below interest payments
    • The Second Horseman: The Fed monetizes debt
    • The Third Horseman: Government spending exceeds 10% of GDP
    • The Fourth Horseman: The dollar goes down, while interest rates go up
    • The Fifth (and final) Horseman: US debt becomes denominated in foreign currencies

  Severe structural damage has already been inflicted on our economy. As I wrote two weeks ago in It Has Hit the Fan:

If you have been waiting for further confirmation about the direction of the economy, or waiting for a sign that it's now time to get serious about preparing for a future filled with less, this report is written for you.

You are living in the midst of the collapse of western economies, which are moving from a more complicated state to a less complicated one. This is it.  Keep a journal, because it's happening right now.

After the Great Depression, many people remarked that it was only obvious in retrospect. While it was unfolding, things steadily eroded. But 75% of the workforce remained employed, while hopeful signs of progress were constantly trotted out by various politicians, private economists, and official-sounding government agencies. It is often quite difficult to appreciate the true magnitude of sweeping change while it is occurring.

The most pressing question now is this:  What can we expect next, and when? 

In this report, I will give you the precise combination of macro-events that will cause me to issue an alert and kick my thinking and actions into new orbits.

Chris Martenson

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Some people are not taking any chances. Meet Your Neighbor, The Survivalist

Interesting.  Serious enough to show, but then the barbed ridicule at the end. I guess time will tell who was the fool in all this