The Great Taking with David Rogers Webb - Part 1

Two Thoughts

  1. Modern-day debt traps are very similar to the sharecropping system that was instituted after slavery which was worse than slavery for many people.
  2. If "they" own everything, then nothing will have value. Value comes from what we decide to trade for other things. If we own nothing, we can't trade anything and nothing has value. Perhaps the people behind the curtain think they can assign value but they always screw up and really can't determine value on their own so the system will collapse.

He doesn’t give a date or time frame. I’m responding by the end of January because it looks like it could happen at any time.

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I hear that and also, given the tremendous personal risk this exposure and act of disclosure create, I remain tremendously grateful to him as a courageous human.


Alright thanks. I get the feeling “they” can keep it afloat until it serves them to bring it down so… some time before the next election would be my guess.

Spreading The Word

So far, I’ve shared links to the book and referenced for interviews to the following: James Corbett/Corbett Report, Jack Spirko/The Survival Podcast, Ryan Christian/The Last American Vagabond, Truthstream Media, my local homeschool community, plus family and friends. I can’t see a way to contact Joe Rogan via his website and am not on Twitter or other social media so maybe others can direct that his way. Next up is Dr Mercola’s team, Children’s Health Defense, and Catherine Austin Fitts.
Spread it far and wide folks…


Cal Me A Luddite

I have never owned any stocks or bonds, and I never will. I take what Al Capone said seriously: “It’s a racket.” 'Nuff said.

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Inflation Vs Deflation Fork In The Road

From the interviews with David Webb it seems that we are forever destined in the direction of money printing and inflation (and eventually hyperinflation). It a much more palatable for almost all involved including many of the elites. I understood that many of the “they” would also suffer from deflationary blowback. If a crisis of the magnitude that collateral is going to be seized occurs, what is that collateral going to be even worth (priced)? In other words if there is systemic bankruptcy in the financial sectors, asset prices are going to be rock bottom. Social stability will also collapse and that is not a world the elite want either. I think the print presses are going to go into overload and the off switch will be handed to the grandchildren.
The collateral situation as it currently exists (Webbs outline) is more applicable to single case workouts (example: Lehman), but its a nuclear meltdown if applied systematically.
This has all evolved into a legal den of snakes…
Both inflation or deflation can transfer assets. History has shown that inflation has been the preferred choice.

What I don’t understand is how those 300 rich and powerful highly placed people, given the kind of narcissistic psychopaths they must be to carry out such horrors on humanity, can stand to be subservient to a higher twelve. They don’t seem to be revolting against the twelve any more than “we the people” are revolting against them.

The Great Taking

two comments, 1. I am glad I cashed all my 401K 3 years ago when I retired and paid off my house and all my debts. Since then I also have more disposable income than when I was working, 2. This topic brought to mind the movie war game with the quote 'strange game, the only way to win is not to play."


It’s Theft

When we invest, the company prepares documents for signing. We read them, and the company hands you copies. Why is this not a matter for the courts to adjudicate?

Yeah, no idea. Just sharing what this other author wrote. Unless, of course, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by being loyal…at least how they see it and maybe just for the time being…?

The Great Taking - The Movie

The whole movie is interesting, and the last 20 minutes are riveting… published by Children’s Health Defense: