The Hard Truth About Assets

Mark, that is how I felt when I heard it. I wasn’t really surprised, but when it actually happened, I was completely appalled by it.

Time2help, I have wondered about the “corrosive effect” as well.
More and more, it seems that the people behind the scenes think that they can do anything without consequence. The “consequences” here are many: a lack of trust in officialdom, a belief that citizens have no real say in anything that matters, the belief that “democracy is a fraud” and everything is run “behind the scenes” and a belief someone is profiting from all this - it is just not us.
What happens if - as Chris notes - the economy goes down? Do the people who are running this show really expect the “average Joe” to rally to their call?

“…fully half of all the fossil fuels ever burned throughout all of history have been burned since 1990.”
It is painful to think about the amount of fossil fuel that humans are wasting.
Four years ago, Greg and I retired and moved to a largely abandoned five acre homestead – two well-aged city folks trying to figure out how to become more self-reliant while using less fossil fuel.
We grow our own wheat for bread, and, this year, barley for beer. We still cut the wheat and barley using a hand sickle and a bread knife, and grind it using a mill hooked up to a bicycle. In between, though, we get the grain out of the husks and then separate it from the husks and stems using a wood chipper and a box fan. After trying to do these things by hand, we fervently appreciate the work provided by a gallon of gas.
As city folks, we cut and split our firewood by hand almost as a form of recreation. Time in the woods with a two-man saw and a Peavey hook. Greg stills splits firewood by hand, but uses a chain saw to cut the logs. There are just too many other things to be done to take the time to cut up trees by hand. So we also greatly appreciate the time saved by a gallon of gas. Makes the connection between net energy and the richness of economies real.
And to think that we torch natural gas because it is inconvenient. Best argument I can think of against time travel. Otherwise, our descendants would be here, now, with their hands around our throats.

The article is ok, but the comments are priceless.

if you good folk grow oats, how do you dehusk them? Efficiently? We have grown the Nuda variety which still need attention and are merrily fodder for their avairian predators . Oats every year for our draft ‘orses, yet they could feed many of us as well.

We haven’t grown oats yet, except for a few that came with the barley. Husking them would be a different proposition. And very nice food. Does it keep? We grind our wheat as we use it and find that even after a year, the whole wheat flour is sweet – none of the bitter tang of whole wheat flour from the store.

So, back in my Christian phase I would note that explaining how a miracle was done did not make it less of a miracle. The essence miracle is in the coincidence, in the intentioned act itself; and in everything coming together. My change of phase doesn’t eliminate that truth.
So too, then, with Epstein’s death. Whether he committed suicide because he was a loyal NSA employee under direction;and was permitted to do so – or whether he was strangled by a guard – does not eliminate the essence of murder (unless he was spirited away).
Now it is announced that the guards were put on such overtime it was impossible to monitor him.
Aaaand, of course, the cameras were turned off.
Previously it has been stated that ten percent of the force is bad, ten is good, eighty percent go along; but the bad ten know who the good ten are, and steer them away from oversight of their evil. If that applied here, then that implies that the overscheduling of the guards was part of the plot.
Who exactly was normally responsible for the schedules? Who came up with the schedule for THAT week? If those two are different, who is the boss who determined the replacement?

… is that Epstein was spirited away to be held until the trial, specifically to reduce the threats to his life while his defense prepares their case.
Highly unlikely.
But if so, that would change the respect equation in a very wierd way.

You may want to consider blue ethiopian emmer- it threshes out ‘naked’ and is very high in protein, like 15%, TW of 67 lbs. to the bu., so its very dense. Not much gluten, makes great flat breads.


I am seeing new story now being floated in the corporate media. In this story there was no prior attempt at suicide. The first “attempt” was actually an attack on him by another prisoner who hated “pedophiles.’
I am sure that the narrative will change many times in the coming days until they get one that they can live with.

Thank you for the info, marti61.

Deep State Tactics 101 Part IV: with Catherine Austin Fitts

“If you have pictures of family men having sex with a child, they are yours for life. Such people can and will help you engineer the theft of trillions for modest compensation. You control them. They are slaves who are all the more effective as their slavery is invisible. It is secret. No one—not even their closest friends and family—can see who their real bosses are and where their true loyalties lie. No one can fathom that a bank CEO or a senator is, in fact, a slave.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts, “Control Files,” July 2010, Control Files commentary

If he’s not dead, he must be giving permission for Feds and NYC police to search his island. There are so many people on the island I just hope it doesn’t capsize.