The Lab Rat That Survives Is The One Who Escapes

Yoxa wrote:
I am two degrees of separation away from someone who was present at one of the shootings you mention. It was no fake.
Interesting, I'm always up for challenging my beliefs with evidence. I'd be interested in more but only if you want to share.  

Sorry, one correction to my earlier post. I mistakenly put Columbine in the first category. I was getting mixed up; easy to do with all these events flying at us. I meant to say Sandy Hook. I haven’t looked into Columbine and I can’t say anything about it.

  1. Avoid anything with monthly payments.
  2. Never pay interest on anything
  3. Grow/raise at least a portion of your own food
  4. Question everything, especially long held, deep seated, social conventions
  5. Believe in something greater than yourself, and greater than human society
  6. Momento Mori [ remember you will die ]
  7. No social media EVER for any reason.
  8. Never accept that you are part of any group that you have not expressly JOINED. You are an individual, first and foremost.
  9. Own land.
  10. Own a firearm and know how to use it
  11. Intentionally break the law every once in a while

All great points. A favorite is number 4. No easier way to be labeled a PITA (pain in the anal area) or someone that has a hankering for “tin foil”.

I think Mark_BC (is that a before Christ reference?) is confused about the difference between “Hard Evidence” and Empirical Evidence. I might also go out on a limb and say he’s around 30 years old based on my empirical observations of conversations with this demographic and having watched the programming with which they have been inculcated. That is a subjective observation with zero hard evidence. But people need to rationalize their beliefs and biases to justify a bigoted point of view (: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices).
…Only Love remains.

newsbuoy wrote:
I think Mark_BC (is that a before Christ reference?) is confused about the difference between "Hard Evidence" and Empirical Evidence. I might also go out on a limb and say he's around 30 years old based on my empirical observations of conversations with this demographic and having watched the programming with which they have been inculcated. That is a subjective observation with zero hard evidence. But people need to rationalize their beliefs and biases to justify a bigoted point of view (: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices). ...Only Love remains.
No I'm 45. But good point about my sloppiness in defining evidence, I'll try to sort that out. By "hard evidence" I mean that I look through the footage, or evidence, of the events and try to find (usually these things are pointed out by the person making the video) something which irrefutably shows that it is either fake or real; that there is no possible way that the thing that I am seeing could be explained any other way. Lots of things in the footage may point in a certain direction and lend support to it being either fake or real, but could possibly be explained away, so I don't consider them to be "hard evidence". I specifically look for things that cannot be explained away and could only be possible if the event was either fake or real. Based on that I decide if it is fake or real. The result is that most of the events are fake. Unfortunately those videos are gone so I can't share. But some events are "real", like Las Vegas (someone who lives in my area was shot in the shoulder -- I consider that to be "hard evidence"). But the who and why behind the Vegas massacre, that we were told to believe, is completely false (see below). I'm not sure what you mean with your statements about rationalizing beliefs to justify a bigoted point of view. Are you suggesting that I'm bigoted and that I've been progammed to believe these things? Actually, when I first heard assertions that these events are fake I rolled my eyes and lumped those people into the tinfoil hat whacko category. Except that they seemed like otherwise intelligent people. But for the very reason that I am NOT programmed and because I pride myself on having an open mind which considers alternative views, I humoured them. I found that the evidence supports them. Somehow this video has miraculously escaped the Youtube censorship purge; enjoy it while you can.


Indeed, i totally agree that it is a question we all need to be asking ourselves. And in that regard, I also think we need to be brutally honest with ourselves and those of our tribe, however painful that might be. Because whether we recognize it or not, we are all partly responsible for the predicament we find ourselves in. Some of us by actively participating in it for whatever reason; the vast majority of us , for keeping silent while witnessing abuse, dishonesty, and the slow decaying of morals, ours included. (and not asking the tough questions not to be unfair, harsh, unpolitically correct, amicable, etc).If we are going to find a workable issue to the current mess, finger pointing will not cut it; but rather self introspection, a will to confront our fears, our moral compromises and the likes will be necessary. And because whether we admit it or not, we are masters at finding justification for the unjustifiable, we also need to ask our peers to ask is the tough questions and hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty towards ourselves.

But there is alway hope and X-gens are our last best hope.
(too harsh?)

This appears to be the code of conduct as created by Hubbard for his Scientology cult. As richcabot noted, it is not really a very ethical code.
There is a lot of information which Hubbard distilled into his technology for a religion to ‘save the planet’ and he did tend to lead one to believe that he thought it all up as he researched the human spirit. Beneath the ‘feel good’ aspects of the organization lies a much more sinister reality. I would recommend checking the internet and also Leah Ramini and the Aftermath on A & E TV for additional info.

The UN agreement on human rights also is up there: human rights need not apply when they conflict with the purposes and desires of the UN leadership.
And putative rapist Bill Clinton, getting his BJ, claimed to be the most ethical president ever. I guess his ethic was “if it feels good, do it”.
I must admit, since “ethic” simply means having a rule of behavior (not even a law), I am not terribly impressed with ethic as a word or as a claim.
I classify that word with Ooompah, as in “don’t step in the oompah, or you’ll be ten minutes cleaning your boots.”



Extraordinary claims are just like any other claims, they simply require evidence beyond a resonable doubt.

…but not here. Some “old guy” enjoying a coffee at his favorite west coast coffee shop. I guess the lady (a now erstwhile office manager) could only see red and not the yarmulke.…

Brushhog posted:
“Avoid anything with monthly payments.”
That’s pretty much impossible: electricity, telecom, insurance, etc only issue monthly bills.
“Intentionally break the law every once in a while”
Everyone breaks the law about 3 or 4 times a day. The number or ridiculous laws is insane.
“Believe in something greater than yourself, and greater than human society”
Sorry but I have a very low regard for human society. I would have to degrade myself to follow your recommendation :slight_smile:


I think for the most part Instagram is just a social media tool that gets used to ill effect, but it has it places when used with intelligence. I got an account last year after attending a lecture on growing cannabis via regenerative farming practices. All the speakers (Who were fantastic BTW) practice closed loop, no net import, organic farming. (huglekulture, etc.) It was very inspiring, and all the speakers used Instagram to spread the word about regenerative farming. Most of them used it to advertise their products…several had CSAs, meat shares, Fiber products in addition to bud. I guess it is a millenial thing: IG as a small business building tool.
I follow about 60 people who post infrequently. Some small farmers, crafters (quilters and fiber artists), a jingle dress dancer from the Umatilla Peoples, several whole foods plant based cooks, and friends who live far away. It takes about 15 mintues a day to scroll through my feed and I find it very relaxing, fills me with inspiration and, since I work form home and live in the country, connects me to people. It is all about curating your experience. Just say no to accounts that do not uplift you. Dont follow crap that makes you anxious. These are the type of images that I enjoy daily.


Interesting documentary that folks here may want to see as well… Links back to Edward Bernays and changes in society.

Today, April 21st 2017, WikiLeaks publishes the User Guide for CIA's "Weeping Angel" tool - an implant designed for Samsung F Series Smart Televisions. Based on the "Extending" tool from the MI5/BTSS, the implant is designed to record audio from the built-in microphone and egress or store the data. The classification marks of the User Guide document hint that is was originally written by the british MI5/BTSS and later shared with the CIA. Both agencies collaborated on the further development of the malware and coordinated their work in Joint Development Workshops.


Trump is dead wrong on not pardoning or otherwise absolving Assange, but it’s worth remembering that Julian became a target under Obama.
The true crime? Embarassing the power eloites in DC by exposing war crimes (and then later CIA/NSA misdeeds).

As a reminder, just this week it was aqlso revealed, with something of a yawn, that Amazon’s Alexa devices are being listened into by actual humans who would ignore apparent assaults and other cirmes they might have overheard and giggled over funny recordings.
And that’s what we know about…