The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom

FBI stated there were 7 local officers injured. No mentioned who or what injuries incurred.

We have heard/read mention of hand cut & bleeding (stitches needed), ankle injured… what else are we missing?

As per FBI update press call of July 31.

  • seven local law enforcement officers injured either as a result of the shooting or from their actions during the initial response.

Yes, that is interesting. Who is the lady that was shot, what stairs?

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Greg Nichols seems to be holding his left arm strange when he comes out, almost like it’s injured…

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emotional injury. :rofl:

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Do you mind me asking where you are getting the info that theres blood in the bathroom of building six from…because the only person who was supposed to have been in building 6 was the ESU sniper @18:12… and i didnt hear anyone in Chriss video say there was blood in the bathroom, i did hear the ladder operator might need baby stitches…the only time i have heard a radio transmission about blood in a bathroom was over an hour later.

That lady was next to Corey Comperatore.

She got shot at her wrist/forearm area.

It seems that FBI /SS / media/ authorities doesn’t mentioned her at all. Kinda she was memory-holed.

Another senator’s nephew was grazed by a bullet on his neck.

Afaik there are 4 spectators injured and 1 spectator died that day of the rally.

Lady injured mentioned at about 37 sec in.


And we still do not know who the second ESU sniper assigned to 2nf floor over-watch was - Greg Nicol has been identified, why not the other?

It’s hard to tell if all the people we see leaving AGR later in the video are the same ones who went in. If someone different were exiting, it could well be that second ESU sniper. But if he is not leaving AGR, why stay inside, especially since GN left? Could he be the one who bled?

I find it notable that the plain clothes, who had been on the western grounds of AGR 6 and would have heard and seen people pointing to Crooks with rifle on roof - and seemed so inept then - happen now to converge quickly to the eastern side of AGR 6, to know Greg Nicol and chat with him (D Stewart video), and to be among the first to rush into AGR 6 when the door opens. Why were they apparently so dismissive and inept on the west side, but on the east side so urgent and keen to go in?

Also, Chris points out that GN exits pretty relaxed (and chats relaxed with plain clothes), but then is keen to be the first back in AGR 6, even though he was not the one closest to the door. It’s almost as if he wants to clean up a scene inside before others get to it.


I had a wonder:

Is there any way that the blood in the bathroom came from Crooks?

Was the bathroom located below his body on that side of the building?

I know it isn’t highly likely, but well, on that scene, his body was extremely bloody and it seemed as if his body continued to pump out enormous amounts that drained down that roof.

Maybe a hole in the roof dripped blood all over the bathroom?


I wondered that as well but that would require a hole, like a bullet hole, and we don’t see one on post-review roof footage. And given the drop ceiling of the building interior as we’ve been entitled to see, that would require buckets of blood and be obvious it came from the ceiling/roof. I don’t think Crooks would be the source of blood in a bathroom sink, for instance.

And while we’re at it, why not release the name of the third Beaver County ESU sniper - the one who left early? Or did he actually leave at 4:30 pm?! Do we have any proof of that? Could he have stayed in the building and become the real assassin before quickly leaving by going northward within the building complex while everyone’s attention was on Crooks? And perhaps he hurt himself during his quick exit.


I’ve been mostly following along via X and just listing/watching here. But @cmartenson , have you followed Greg Webb’s reporting at all?

he’s done a lot of footwork tracking down the bloody bathroom question (among others).

might be worth reaching out to him for a conversation
(@RealGeorgeWebb1 on X)


It’s funny you say that because initially my thought was Crooks was placed there as an “x” marks the spot patsy in continuity with the trajectory that fired through a gap shots 1-3, then “they” put a hole in Crooks from below, that weird sounding shot 9.
Of course the clean up crew would be busy patching that up where he lay.
100%, Crooks was ordered to be therabouts exact spot.



A bit out of place, but a new article on ZeroHedge - pretty long - about Trump’s Secret Service detail and July 13 has some good tidbits. Here is one:

" **The top supervisors who had to sign off on the security plan for the Butler rally are Tim Burke, special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Pittsburgh Field Office, and Nick Menster, assistant special agent in charge of the Trump detail."

“Burke is a friend of Rowe’s from the time they both served on a counter-assault team together early in their careers. Some critics within the Secret Service community question whether their close ties are impacting Rowe’s decision not to fire Burke or anyone else in the Pittsburgh Field Office.”

The article states that the position of site agent rotates, the woman who was site agent at Butler rally had little experience, and is in Ron Rowe’s crosshairs for scapegoating.


In one of the bodycam videos with the yellow steel fence there are three or four officers waiting in front of AGR asking to go in to clear the bldg. The doors are locked. No one says anything and they just stand there waiting for what seems like forever. Wasn’t this of enormous importance to get in? To clear the bldg? Also, I just watched 2hrs of cruiser cam footage and no officer comes over with that handful of key cards for the door. Maybe cruiser footage started afterward? If not, is Greg the only one inside?Maybe some reason not to rush in to clear the bldg? Greg casually walks out the door. I wish I had all of the footage stored so I could easily check this out.


It likely wouldn’t be from where he lay: the hallway seems to be below the roof ridge. It would have to be further down the roof “slope” if there was a roof hole above a bathroom.

It’s also just a thought. It could have come from another person if it was in the sink, but yikes, why not wash it down? Why leave blood if it’s innocent? If you’re at the sink for an injury, take time and clean up. Everyone would understand.

It’s definitely interesting. Do we know for sure that it was in a sink? If not: maybe it came from Crooks leakage.

There is another video I just watched on YouTube The Marine Rapper
Trump shooter lookalike state troopers Rough up man.
In this video they over comms state at 10:41 its the code 5 at found fresh blood in one of the bathrooms in the main big building of AGR. It was a maybe a operator not sure. Then LEO comes back on radio to comfirm that Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building. Can only go by what new evidence that is revealed. Over comms woman shoot side shop on the stairs is clearly on the video with LEO 18:13:22 BWC-122110 now one know who they where talking about. Every think is still up in the air to what happened and who were involved because it stinks and smell of a plan assassination of Trump. If not nothing they left him on the stage with this LEO knowledge of man on the roof with a rifle. Suspicious know ???
Now they stated they have a Drone is this audio of LEO comms need authorisation to fly it. To little to late

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Trooper Gram or Graham?

If am not mistaken, the Barbie SS who couldn’t holster her gun is the one who is in charge of security plan for the rally.

So the Zerohedge article reports that she is under internal investigation for posting videos/pics of her work assignment ?

Wow just wow. Unbelievable the lack of professionalism in the SS if true.


BWC2-122117 @19:10.15s
Officers…units inside have fresh blood in one of the bathrooms…fresh blood inside in one of the bathrooms…

@19:10.58 there was an opperator who injured themselves…were not sure…

@19:11.41 Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building…Trooper Graham was bleeding

@19:11.53 there was a trooper that was bleeding inside the building

This is the conversation @RealDJStew724 heard from the transmission of the Patrol officer after he had been moved from the AGR building in and was standing outside of…as seen in body cam video…


Trying to hear clearly is not easy used cc to try to get name but I would think spelling like Graham. Its more about whats being said then spelling correction thank for the spelling Bee.