The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom

Originally published at: The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom – Peak Prosperity

The body and dash camera dumps from local law enforcement answered a few things but raised many more questions. Mysteries abound in and around the Amercian Glass Research Building 6.

One big mystery is whose blood was it in the bathroom that caused a second shooter panic to briefly ensue causing nearly every officer of every flavor to rush into the building in haste?

We can account for every person going into and out of the building through door #9 and none of them appear to be “an operator” whose hand was injured enough to leave blood all over an interior bathroom.

This mystery definitely needs to be tied up.

Another mystery centers on a dodgy-looking handoff of something that might be a gun, or it might be a door-breaching tool. It’s hard to say, but it’s on a sling. On second look, and under higher magnification, I’m going with door-breaching implement. What do you think?

Tomorrow we’re going to have a closer look at the movements of the plain clothes LEOs because I think there’s something there that just isn’t adding up correctly.


Spouse said it look like a fireman’s tool to pry open door.


I did just find a guy with a bleeding hand, but re-ran the tapes forward and backward to confirm this isn’t (can’t be) one of the “5” who enter before the big rush.

I can’t guarantee that this State Trooper didn’t somehow manage to slip into a door in Building 3, but nobody else does at any other point, so I’m, going to give that a very tiny percentage possibility.

The big rush into bldg6 starts roughly 2 minutes after this image, and for sure this Trooper doesn’t make it in through Door 9 in bldg 6 in that time.

Also, a few seconds after the shot above, he’s using that hand to adjust his glasses…and there isn’t an obvious large amount of blood:

For now and given the timing, the chance that this is “the bleeder” in the bathroom, is less than 1%.

Is this trooper “the operative” that black-helmet guy speaks of later? Were there two different hand wounds that day?


Greg Nicol entering door color corrected in case.

longer edit with rest of the cops going in


@cmartenson regarding the mysterious rifle handoff you referenced in today’s excellent video.

I’m editing this based on closer review and admitting I was wrong on my earlier belief it might have been a rifle:

It does appear to be a door Halligan breaching tool, you can see the 2 pry hooks on the bottom left from our orientation and the 2 90 degree hooks on the other end. This is the tool he’s carrying.

Note, I looked but did NOT see any blood smears or drips on that polished cream colored floor when the medics arrived. Note, I’ve recently had minor cuts on fingers and toes and left a trail of blood drops thru my house. A cut on the hand, especially one that bleeds enough to create a mess in a bathroom sufficient to raise the alarms and warrant several stitches, would almost surely leave a trail of blood drops unless wrapped fully, which is possible. But where is the blood trail?

I find it ultra bizarre that 4 weeks in we don’t have information about this alleged injured cop and the stories we have been given are debunked.

Could be the actual professional assassin’s blood, injured from cutting himself as he hastily crawled out of his prone shooting position above the acoustic ceiling tiles, resting on some metal platform up there for hours, scurrying down to not be caught, cutting himself… That would be a good reason to not reveal his identity or injury now 4 weeks later… and why we never see him enter or leave to get treatment thru the most obvious parking lot doors where the medics are and where an ambulance could be waiting…

We could compile videos of those on the other side, the west side of the AGR#6 to eliminate people coming/going from that door. There is also the interior hallway that presumably joins the buildings. I was trying to see an obvious pathway during the medics arrival, joining those two buildings but could not see one.

We also saw a lot more people enter AGR6 than seemingly leave. I have not counted each person but it seems that there should be more people inside than we can account for in the videos, unless they are hiding in a room or they went to the adjacent buildings thru interior passages.


Like I’ve been trying to point out, it looks like the real gun was swapped out for Crooks gun. Although that doesn’t explain the blood being found after two minutes. I don’t think gun was swapped until people started getting on the roof. There is one guy who wandered off to the window on the 2nd story.

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Something definitely stinks. In the back of my mind I am wondering if false leads/info has been purposely put out to get the hounds off the scent, so to speak. Could the object in question be an add-on piece to a rifle? Or maybe a tool that was used to pry something open (as knitknotknow suggetsed), and was in fact used in the assassination. For example, if it was used to get into a place/position to take the shot, as BigTim suggested.

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And then there’s this slather of shit sandwich aioli:

Real gun was swapped out for what exactly? An airsoft gun?

Also what is a “long barrel extension”? Can you show me what that looks like on a AR-15?

Could it be one guy putting his and his partners rifle in the car safe (or whatever they use).

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possibly something like this? Tripod Sling – Armageddongear

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It’s definitely a door breaching tool, not a rifle. I’ve got one a little shorter than that myself but without the sling. The sling would be very helpful in a dangerous environment where the “operator” might have to 1) suddenly switch from tool to gun, or 2) walk, run or stand around with the tool for a long time.


Maybe. Call me anal, but a gun which is “mine” isn’t going to be in anyone else’s hands to just carry off. Especially after a high alert event.


I can see someone in the glass of the right door, that opened the door for the guy dressed in dark (black?).


There is radio chatter from body cam of the first officer BWC2-122110 who was boosted up by his fellow officer. And supposedly the shooter points his gun at him.

He dropped off and ran towards the windows where Dave Steward was video tapping. Once his radio audio is turned on while he is telling the other officer how he supposably had the shooter draw a line on him then at 18:13:20 you can clearly hear a lady has been shot in side shop on the stairs.

Who’s the lady and is she the one from where all that blood in the bathroom of building 6 was from. Its very possible she walk in on second shooter and she was silenced.

The whole story of the people in building 6 is very important because that’s where there is clearly criminal activity going. This smells of a cover up the guy in a all black swat uniform who walk from the back hallway is very suspicious.

His hand is discolored probably from using a chemical wash to get any blood form the woman or gun power off his hands. Probably both I think this is the guy who took the first 3 precision kill shots perfectly sequenced and shot rhythm this person is a professional sniper. Only because of the wind 5 to 7 mph and the hand of God Trump was saved.

There is an interview with Judge Napolitano and Tony Shaffer where he almost spills the bean about how the shooter missed it sound like he hear it from the horse mouth or with a small circle of people.

The shooter excuse for missing was cause of the wind blowing the round off target and we witnessed the hand of God save Trump with the cross wind and having Trump turn his head right at the precise moment of impact.

This was a pre-planned Assassination in the most public way all main stream media covered it live. Also the camera guy was the same that took iconic picture of George Bush on 911 in the class room being told about the planes hitting the twin towers.

This guy is there directly in front of Trump at the right time to get the most iconic photo in history of Trumps head exploded from assassin bullets to to his head. He had the right high speed lens on his camera to catch photo if they killed Trump.

This is not a every day camera set up it is very specialized set for high speed imagery. This would have spark a civil war because the corrupt government would have put in place Marshall law and gun confiscation. They have a plan and it has nothing to do with our constitution or our bill of rights ir our God given freedoms.

God bless the people of this country that are true patriots and still have a soul and integrity to make the right decisions even when no one is looking holds true when first spoken and still holds true today.


My speculation on the blood. I believe the commotion caused by Boosted-Cop after he found Crooks caused the “plan” to be accelerated. So an inside co-conspirator, let’s call him M, went through a door seen in SpaGuy’s video (I thought it was a window at first) to get to the hidden side of the building connector that is away from the parking and that is open to the sky (see below).

M was boosted by another co-conspirator (Greg Nicol) to communicate with Crooks on the roof. The person cut their hand on the gutter edge and went back into AGR 6 to the toilets immediately to the left. In the photo above I can see the two toilet exhaust hoods in the courtyard (men and women).


Seems humiliating for Greg Nicol to forget his “key card” twice now, and still hasn’t figured out the door auto locks after the first highly embarrassing time (pre-shooting story)!


Wouldn’t you love having security camera footage from inside that building?


I’ve installed swipe card locks on buildings with doors like these and you wouldn’t just have a reader on one door of a building. They would be on all exterior doors and the system would log all entrances and exits by a swipe card. The story of a counter sniper not having a card to get back in the building doesn’t hold water.


That wouldn’t happen if there where recorded videos would be destroyed but interesting comment. Security cameras never mentioned. Their are cameras everywhere but never seems to be were they are needed. It is common as a doorbell today. Key card locked doors for security but no cameras???