The New Peak Prosperity Content Schedule

I am thrilled to announce that we are finally implementing a Peak content schedule. This means that you’ll know exactly when to expect new content from us, giving you a steady stream of insight, wisdom, and the actionable intelligence that you’re used to.

As you know, we’re constantly evolving things here at Peak Prosperity and one of our self-directed improvements is to be as transparent as possible in keeping you informed about what we’re doing and why.

Understandably, we’ve received many questions, comments and detailed feedback (VTGothic, Tycer, Jaap just to name a few) about where and when, and how to find our content among other things.

In the past, it’s true, we haven’t been the best at communicating our content schedule. In addition, the new website is falling short of highlighting when and where we publish new content. It should not be so cumbersome. We hear you, and we aim to change that.

That’s where this post comes in (and it is just the start).

The premium content schedule for Peak Prosperity will look like this:


The new features within this content schedule are being phased in over the next two weeks, and we’ve got a plethora of content planned for you. Expect new content six days a week, giving you near-daily insights into the issues that matter. In addition, we’ll host a ‘Peak Insider Live’ once a month, as well as a ‘Peak Power Hour’ dedicated to our key supporters every month.

As with any commitment, we may have to make adjustments for events like travel, vacations, or other unique opportunities such as meeting influential figures. However, we will strive to make this the exception and will communicate these exceptions clearly, just as we did for our recent rendezvous with RFK Jr.

As you’ll notice, beginning this week (6/5/23) the regular public and premium video content that has in the past fallen on a Tuesday is now changing to a Friday release. So, no Tuesday video content this week. That will happen on Friday.

The Daily Take content, if you aren’t already aware, is my take on whatever is on my desk that morning as I go about my Information Scouting mission. As I tend to naturally think in long form, this is proving to be popular since they still come out like mini-reports.

Further, I am going to be getting back into doing interviews, especially the once-popular Off The Cuff series. This will take some time to wrangle the guests and schedule, but is actively in the works.

Dane is going to be starting up a “Resilience Stories” podcast where he interviews Peak Prosperity members on their journey to becoming resilient. These are examples of video content that will inevitably end up in the WildCard Wednesday slot.

For clarity, because we have so much amazing content in the works, we thought it would be fun to start what we are calling ‘Wildcard Wednesday’. When you show up on Wednesday, you will have something additional and awesome to enjoy.

As time goes on we’re anticipating having more and more member-driven content on a wide range of subjects in addition to the content schedule above. As always, Peak Prosperity will be punching well above its weight.

Mike is spearheading our use of AI to convert my written pieces to audio (MP3 files) which many of you had requested, preferring to listen on the way to work rather than sit down and read from the site. Thanks to a recommendation by Tycer, we are now teaching DeScript my voice. You will likely see the first iterations of this imminently.

As for our YouTube LiveCasts, historically, we haven’t given much notice due to the platform’s algorithm. We all know how they are. However, moving forward, we promise to give our tribe a 2-3 day notice (minimum), so you have ample time to mark your calendars.

More importantly, expect 5-7 days’ notice for both the Peak Insider Live and Power Hour webinars each month this way you have ample time to plan and prepare your questions. Also, as a reminder, these are over zoom, by special invite, and quite personal.

In line with our Peak Prosperity commitment, we’re diligently striving to ensure every piece of information is accessible in the format that suits you best. Be it written text, spoken words, or visual video content, we recognize the diversity within our community and aim to cater to all preferences as best as we possibly can.

This new effort is all part of our mission to keep enhancing your experience and making our offerings clear and valuable. After all, we’re not just a community, we’re a tribe, and it’s important for us to ensure everyone in our tribe is up-to-date and in sync.

Right now, you’ll need to access the content based on where it’s posted. All of my Daily Takes are located in the forum under the Happening Now category found here:

As we work on updates, we are imminently going to also add access to these on the home page per the request of many (like Friedrichs_Teeth). This is a great idea. Again, we hear you, keep the constructive feedback coming.

These are the immediate steps we’re taking in our quest for constant improvement and we’re excited to see how this can better serve you. So buckle up and get ready to journey with us as we navigate the peaks and troughs of our changing world.

As always, thank you for your support and your commitment to thriving in a world of peak prosperity.

Your faithful Information Scout,

Chris Martenson

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Just Keep First Things First!

Great news all around! Just remember to keep first things first: Your health, Evie, your farm, your family, your sanity, etc.
Remember the great wisdom from the 6-fingered man: “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything” (including mental health).


“rendezvous With Rfk”?

Despite the clarity you speak of, I missed this? When? Where? Video or article forthcoming? I agree that he’s the man, by far (so far).



Just 2 per month? I like Dave’s reporting.

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Dave’s are weekly (as the table says) while the livecasts are 2x per month.

He also said, “remember, this is for posterity.”


Yep, and “This shot is for all the marbles!”
Love the change up Chris. Peak team is rockin’ !


Hi Laura, The Daily Take on the topic of RFK can be found in the Happening Now section of the Forum posted yesterday. Here is a quick link: