The Psychology of Totalitarianism

The problem is indeed as old as time.
I just got back from a trip to Ireland. I learned a lot about Irish history and how they were suppressed and exploited by the British for for 800 years.
The WEF is nothing new. Tyranny has been going on since time immemorial.


Luv You Guys

Luv you guys


Conscious Ritual Vs. Unconscious Ritual

We need ritual….Okay…How do we get it and maintain our integrity? Doesn’t participation in a ritual require a release of personal control? And that lack of control has the possibility of moving away from rational honesty?
In my tiny speck of the universe I choose to participate in Christian ritual and I think (???) what I am doing mostly is affirming my love for those with whom I share the behavior (ritual). Is the ritual imperfect? Yes! And so are we as humans. The acknowledgment of imperfection is an important element of my ritual group. In our ritual group we are all very diverse people, but by consciously joining together in ritual, we enter that non-rational space, and affirm our humanity through humility. The important fact is that we enter the space intentionally.
Mass Formation on the other hand is blind. The entry to the ritual space is unconscious. It also fills the need for ritual, but with devastating consequences.


Hats Off!

Absolutely brilliant. Hats off to you as well, Chris, for just letting Mattias speak without interruption. Great interview.


Chris is a brilliant interviewer to be able to do that. So many interviewers ask a question, and then as the interviewee opens his/her mouth to answer, they are interrupted or other questions fired off, or the viewer is treated to a monologue of what the interviewer thinks is the answer. It is a rare talent, indeed.


What I Have Been Barking About

for 40 years is now being popularized (and so many others who have been marginalized and misunderstood) Ha! The truth is perceived and not reasoned. If you are thinking, you are already confused.
When Chris and I spoke oh so many years ago, I think I was too far ahead of the curve, voice in the darkness. Things had to go this far before we began to wake up!


then stock up on ammo


The Traumatized Mind

In watching the interview I was struck by how similar a person in the grip of mass psychosis seems to be to someone who has been traumatized. A few years ago I was, in rapid succession, betrayed professionally and then personally. The latter was by someone I loved and trusted deeply: the betrayal was profound, and shattered me into a million bits. It was like stepping on an IED, and the putting-back-together is very, very hard, because you have to put the shattered bits back together on a new foundation of how the world is: your trusted old view no longer exists. If a betrayal is big and malevolent enough, you have to re-perceive and re-evaulate everything. In my case it turned out I was not the savvy, discerning person I thought I was and the world wasn’t what I thought it was. This whole process must be done with a traumatized mind. It is chaos and hell.
I think a lot, worry a lot and pray a lot for our neighbors and fellow citizens who took the vaxx, and even vaxxed their children. Their lives are about to be shattered. It will likely take a long time for that realization to percolate into consciousness, but when it does it will be like a black snake on a white sheet: undeniable. And then they will be plunged into chaos.
Like many others, I’ve been trying to convince people with data, facts and even spreadsheets and graphs…because that is what works to change my mind. But from this interview I see that perhaps we should treat our fellow citizens who are vaxxed in a different manner. What helped me when I was traumatized was other people who’d gone through the same, who told the truth of their experience.
Moving forward my plan is to think of our psychosis-gripped fellow citizens as traumatized and treat them similar to how you’d treat children who didn’t know how to swim and were clinging terrified to the side of the pool. Make it safe to stop gripping the edge, and be there with encouragement and real support if they do.



i preordered the book. finished it awhile ago. should have taken notes but didn’t so this is my critique off the top of my head.
1- mattias does an excellent job of synthesizing the work of freud, lebon and arendt.
2- he is basing his thesis on “classical” totalitarianism, a la hitler, stalin, mao etc. this is a reasonable place to start but not so much for a place to end. the work of sheldon wolin has posited that we do not have “classical totalitarianism” what we have is “inverted totalitarianism” , inverted totalitarianism has one very pronounced feature, it does not have a charismatic leader. it does not have a dictator/demagogue. what we have today as many have brought up on this site is a huge question of who are these people?
inverted totalitarianism (it) is amorphous. we have multiple organizations such as the wef as a scaffold, yet no one knows what lies underneath (well the shadow do)
there is really no one to pin the "blame " on. there will be no death in a berlin bunker, no hanging and shooting by italian partisans., no storming the bastille.
3- he asserts that "they " will fail. he bases this assertion on the fact that “they” have always failed. “past performance is no guarantee of future results”
he does not define “failure” did the nazis “fail” . one has to wonder at the level of fascism around the world today if indeed they did fail. michael hudson has posited that the plan is to establish a global neo feudal system. under this system the kings and queens remain hidden. they have learned their lessons well.
the aristocracy are far more visible but they are dispensable and easily replaced. as carroll quigley pointed out what is necessary is to hold elections every 4 years or so to give the populace the illusion of having some say in governance. throw the current rascals out and replace them with new rascals that will insure the system keeps rolling.
considering the amount of control “they” have amassed maybe they have already succeeded. who controls the monetary policy of most of the planet? who controls the oil etc.? who controls health policy? who controls food? who controls water? who controls media? who controls tech? etc. etc. etc.
4- his prescription at best is naive. he posits how powerful mass formation is and then thinks playing nice and just speaking out will change anything. it is more palliative than cure.
i appreciate his work and his heart but i don’t see anything changing.


Connecting The Dots Between Science And Spirituality

Wow!!! Just…Wow!
Desmet’s descriptions are at the heart of the interface of objective knowing (i.e., science) and spirituality (i.e., sensing “the more”). It’s amazing, isn’t it!
This interview helps me to understand that our role now is like that of a farmer…Watch current plants mature, die, and return to the soil while planting and nurturing its seeds in hopes of stronger, more fruitful plants to come.
Thanks for a great interview!


Book Not Available

This was a terrific interview. I’ve heard several interviews with Mattias Desmet, including the first time he was interviewed on Peak Prosperity. In my opinion this was the best interview so far.
As for the book, I pre-ordered it from the Canadian Amazon site months ago. Strangely, as soon as it was published I started getting emails from Amazon apologizing for the delay in shipping me the book. The most recent one was last week. They don’t give an expected shipping date, yet the site lists the book as available within 2-3 days. Intentional? Or is the book so popular the first printing has sold out already? If it was the latter I should have been at the front of the queue for a copy given how early I ordered it. Is anyone else having trouble getting a copy?

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it’s brandeau’s fault

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What Happened To Spirituality And Left

It seems that both have been completely obliterated. Coming out of the sixties, there was a lot of negative stuff, but there was the beginning of the whole environmental movement, back to the land, organic farming, eastern spirituality, Martin Luther King, Peace movement, Mahatma Gandhi, nonviolent protests, questioning of authority.
What happened?! The dems are now right wing fascists and the environmental movement has been perverted and co-opted by the wacko’s at the WEF for their own nefarious ends. It seems it has been splintered and everyone is sort of doing their own thing. Feels like we are in the dark hours of “The Empire Strikes Back”.
I feel I have more in common with the MAGA movement in the republican party than anything I can find on the left. WTF!
Desmet seems to be a big step in the right direction again, acknowledging how things eventually become their opposite, the openness of science has turned into the worst reductionist religiosity. Will the best of what came out of 60ies ever re-emerge?


Shall We Dance?

Faith as expressed in the Bible Hebrews Chapter 11 amplified version “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the [a]men of old gained [divine] approval.”
We dance around that which is capable of curing so many of the ills that plague us. Until there is a change of heart, until there is a return to true Faith and the God of the Bible, we will continue to wallow in the mire. It is true that we reap what we sow. Proverbs 9 and Romans 10

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Fantastic Interview

Having listened to Mattias before, and fully aware of his mass formation thesis, I was very positively surprised by all the new aspects discussed in this interview.
Hats off to Chris for taking the content of the interview to the next level.


From A Flccc Doctor

Chris or anyone that can get this to Chris,
I got the following article sent to me from a Doctor that I contacted on the FLCCC website in order to get Ivermectin prescribed. The Doctor sent me this. It is not a very flattering article of Desmet’s book. Full Disclosure: I have not read Desmet’s book.
Mattias Desmet: Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse? The Full Story - America Out Loud


Fabulous Interview

Thank you so much for introducing us to Mattias’s work and amplifying his voice at this time!

Seconding what Danina said below - this was totally new to me and I haven’t heard of Ian before, but am definitely going to go down this rabbit hole now. What you articulated maps perfectly onto my experiences with family and acquaintances over these last few years - and really before that with other less ‘acute’ left-brain crab buckets. Thank you for this post and bringing this awareness into my world!


Speaking as a child of the 80’s here (essentially ignorant of the 60’s other than what I’ve heard from Mom and Dad and through podcasts) - if the good that came out of the 60’s was manifested as part of the constellation of intergenerational forces that made that time what it was - and knowing those same forces also ultimately led to the fruition of some very unpleasant things - can we ever get the ‘good’ without the ‘bad’? What conditions of that time were drivers of the good stuff, and what can we look for today that might mirror them?
Curious if anything comes to mind for you.


I’ve had the same issue. I ordered the book on May 31st. The only difference is they don’t even message me to let me know it’s delayed.

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