The Road To War With Russia

Just saw this article on ZeroHedge and have to say that the people who post on this site are more polite, respectful, and better informed. Wow what a difference. Good job to all who comment and thank you for taking the high road and not being

"Nuland…and US Assistant-Secretary of the Treasury Daniel Glaser told the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives in May 2014 that the objectives of the US economic sanctions strategy against the Russian Federation was not only to damage the trade ties and business between Russia and the EU, but to also bring about economic instability in Russia and to create currency instability and inflation."
Thank you.  Another item that more need to know about.

The good (or at least hopeful) news is that more and more commenters (on MSM stories) are aware of what has really been going on in Ukraine, despite the Goebbls-identified tactic MSM is using of repeating the same lie over and over again until Bubus UnAmericanus believes it.  More and more Europeans are also getting it.

I think that's an overt reason, Phildenn, and you're dead right.  I'm just glad another 'bad guy', Xi JinPing is backing up Putin.  He knows he's next in line, if Putin falls.

Yeah, some at least of us have seen it, but according to my son it'll never happen, even though industry leaders want it to happen.  Here's his take on it:"The Russians have been advocating this since the start of the financial crisis in 2008. While supremely logical, and what many European business leaders dream of, it will never happen, for one simple reason: It goes against the personal interested of the European political elite. They have all been bought and paid for by the US for ages, both financially (bribes), culturally (they love the US, hate and fear Russia), and politically (Bilderberg, etc, no Russian counterparts). That is why you see, for example, German and French political leaders shooting their countries and businesses in the foot repeatedly while their business leaders cry out in pain. The European political leaders would rather see the EU crash and burn and become an impoverished colony of the USA than team up with Russia, for if they don't they will see their own personal comforts erased. "
Grim, but maybe reality.

Yes, I've been saying for a number of years that the global hegemonic model of the US unipolar power is expressed in financial soft power of the austerity model run by the IMF (global Neoliberalism)and the hard power of the Military with bases around the world. (Neoconservatism, Trilateralism). This is the model that both the Dems and the Republicans adhere to.
Basically we have a lockdown on the NATO countries and we'll show them who's in charge when they waver. Hence the attack on France after Holland spoke against the sanctions on Russia around the new year.(need I say more)

The US citizenry have been softened through the cold war period and beyond to feel a basic enmity toward Russia in any of its incarnations from the breakdown of communism through the Neoliberal model that destroyed their economy further. They were too weakened to counter any of our global machinations till recently and hence the cold and hot war commence.

It is also a known fact that the US paid $5 billion (through NGOs)  toward the coup that took place in the Ukraine, ousting their democratically elected president. Always favoring facsists, the US stands by their useful idiots who have destroyed Ukrain's chance for any kind of economy while killing off ethnic Russians.

Now we hear the psychological analysis of Putin (just like they did with Bin Laden) who wants to rebuild empire. Only we have to ask who is in perpetual never-ending war for $$$ and absolute power to destroy the idea of sovereign nation-states? Who's fundamentalist economic theory wants to be free of all government oversight? Who is introducing the TPP and TIPP rendering all nations victim to privatized global monopolist interests?

All the patterns are the same. Sanctions, imposed and then more bellicose rhetoric pretending always to be the good guys and as Chris says a media that buys all the propaganda for more access and sucess. There will be no coverage for those who disagree. They can't reach the masses.

We are in dangerous times and it is up to us to say things as we see them. It takes a while before people see the same old patterns over and over again, but it's really pretty easy once you see it.



1.  President Hollande Expressed Strong Misgivings About The Sanction Regime Against Russia:
France declares an end to the Russian sanctions just two days before the terror attacks

Fast forward to 2015 and the recent terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper offices.  This staged attack was clearly executed with deliberate intent to produce specific outcomes within the European Union.  The desired results of those who fabricated this event are becoming more clear with each passing day.  Certainly, French President François Hollande will be re-thinking his commitment to ending the sanctions against Russia that he had expressed just 2 days before the ‘terror event’ in Paris.
2.   Arson Attack On German Newspaper After Printing Charlie Hebdo Cartoons; Thousands Take To Streets In France
A day when over 700,000 people are said to have taken part in marches across France...
3.  Serious questions about the famous "terrorist" shot to the head of the downed Paris policeman. and  

What do the rest of you think about this gunshot wound to the head?  Does it seem authentic?

Little recoil, no splatter of blood from a close range head shot, and a puff of white powder (without blood and tissue mixed in) on the sidewalk just beyond the policeman.

4.   Neocons famously report that they "make their own reality" --by reporting something as true without evidence, or with pictures that appear staged.  The effectiveness of this operation depends on having people trust their reports and believe that their words are true.  When we understand that they lie often and regularly, that this is a standard modus operandi, the effectiveness of these reports in shaping public thinking is greatly reduced. 

When dealing with habitual liars, we need to be like Missouri mules at every point and say:  show me the evidence.



Great article CM, nice summary of the errant thinking that passes for governance in the world.
I would like to add…
People always look at symptoms and not causes. The environment is going TU so we blame industry and contemporary gov policy instead of looking at the cause: Unsustainable population growth (actually a root cause for almost everything dire in the global society system)
Similarly with the so called US led attack on everything. People look at singular conflicts when in fact the whole western world (led perhaps by the USA) has been pursuing a “new world order” for decades. That they’ve bungled implementation is beside the point, the real issue here is that the West (the establishment) has the arrogance to believe they know what is best for the whole world and are becoming increasingly belligerent in their methods.
I never see people protesting for change in the root causes, or culture behind an issue. Everyone is merely reacting to and moaning about the symptoms. I’d lead those protests for what is essential cultural change but who would follow? How therefore, with so little support, can the establishment ever be stopped?

The whole Charlie Hebdo ordeal reeks of inexplicable facts and coincidences, the truth about which seems illusive at best. People can write anything in the media or on the internet and it will be true if enough people want it to be.
It would be horrific to imagine that our “new world order” implementers would stoop this low, slaughtering satirists to grab a bit of political favour from the masses. Clearly the kind of post world war anti communist man hunts, deals and subterfuges are well documented so we know what the advocates of the new world order are capable of. We also know that rhetoric about WMDs in Iraq and Syrria was overplayed but that these information games exist.
Truth has become impossible to fathom and actors for “the world order” can be more and more belligerent simply because evidence is so easy to muddy in the cesspits of the internet, TV and commercial media. We’ll never know the truth and conspiracy theorists will undermine credibility in no time.
In fact the best way for the establishment to disinform these days is to create evidence that conspiracy theorist can latch onto Any hint of wrong doing is then instantly discredited by its association with the “trollls of the internet”.
7.62x39 @ point blank range = skull shattered and brains everywhere

7.62x39 @ point blank range into a sidewalk = chunks of sidewalk (aka shrapnel) flung out

7.62x39 blank @ point blank range = muzzle flash and a puff of smoke?

I call BS on the video.  During the shooting at no time was the muzzle of the gun pointed toward the puff of dust on the sidewalk.  In fact, it appeared to be pointed directly at the officer's head.  It is not unusual for bullets to pass through a body without a lot of jerking and blood splatter.  Ask any deer hunter.  The quality of the video is poor enough that we can't really tell whether there was blood splatter or not, and it didn't stay focused on the scene long enough to see blood draining.
My guess is that the bullet was redirected as it passed through the officer's head and did cause the puff of dust as it hit the sidewalk.


Sooooo there is nothing redeeming in the video and we shouldn't question MSM?  Remember people the first casualty of any war is the truth!  If we don't ask questions then we should hold our our arms, kneel and willingly take our shackles.  
Freedom is not free.



  It is also interesting that France not only just declared it wants to back off on the Russia sanctions, but also recently officially recognized Palestine. This is all shades of Carroll Quigley's "Hope and Tragedy" approach to geopolitics.  This type of power brokering invented concentration camps to win the 2nd Boer War a century ago, and don't forget the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor as likely suspects. With electronic control of money flow, it's now possible to cordon off a country effectively blocking commerce and starve its economy into submission.(Russia)   The geo banking cartel also can stage false flag events to gain their advantage.(Paris) This provocative article by Pepe Escobar focuses on a similar theme: 

Well spotted Time2help.   The whole Charlie Hebdo thing doesn't smell right.  The perpetrators are so organised and wear balaclava's only to leave their ID card's behind.  Who was the expert camera man on the roof, no camera shudder, well centered, expert panning no flinching; they should apply for a job at the BBC.  I'd have to concur with the footage regarding the lethal head shot… looks like a very clean miss to me; it's really hard to hit bone with a high speed copper pellet and not see explosive exit wounds in the style of JFK's assassination, even soft tissue penetration would be messy - the energy has to spill out somewhere.
The problem with conspiracy theory is however the lack of irrefutable scientific evidence.  Its really easy to obfuscate the evidence sufficiently to discredit scientific analysis - it only takes one conflicting "expert opinion".  Without the smoking gun there really is nothing. 

If this was a conspiracy, all be it pretty poorly executed, it will never be proven.

Recent announcements is Paris, NYC and from and interview by Diane Feinstein reporting "sleeper cells being activated" bring back memories of reading about the Nazi take over of the government of Germany with the Reichstag fire incident.
The Reichstag was the German parliament building that was burnt to the ground in 1933 in an act of arson.  Much has been written about it from multiple viewpoints:  Did Hitler's agents actually set the fire themselves, or were they just quick thinkers and brilliant strategists who used the fortuitous incident to solidify their grip on power?

As the Parliament burned to the ground, the newly elected chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, met with the aging president of Germany, von Hindenburg literally on the street in front of the still smoldering building.  Hitler explained that this was the act of "the communists" and was the signal to activate their sleeper cells throughout Germany for a take over of the nation.  Hindenburg was apparently very fearful of just this possibility and consented to an emergency decree that allowed Hitler emergency powers to deal with the grave threat to the nation.  Hitler arrested several thousand communists over the next several days, including all of the parliament members from the communist party.  And just for good measure, he also arrested journalists critical of the Nazi party and clergy of all religions who opposed his policies.

So now we hear:

France Warns 'Terror Cells' Have Been Activated, US Issues Worldwide Travel Alert
NYPD cops were put on high alert Saturday night after ISIS released a propaganda video urging the killing of "intelligence officers, police officers, soldiers, and civilians" in the US, according to The NY Post. This was then further fear-mongered by Senator Diane Feinstein who said Sunday she believes there are terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. that could carry out attacks similar to the ones in France - though not mentioning any specific threats
The beauty of "sleeper cells" threat is that you cannot confirm or refute that they exist.  It is similar to swimming in the ocean off Santa Cruz California and not knowing if there is a great white shark a few feet from you or whether there are none within miles.  You can't see through the turbid water and you just can't know.  

For the neocon group, famous for "creating its own reality," and that that reality is "the great terrorist threat," sleeper cells are mechanism.

[quote=pgp]The problem with conspiracy theory is however the lack of irrefutable scientific evidence.  Its really easy to obfuscate the evidence sufficiently to discredit scientific analysis - it only takes one conflicting "expert opinion".  Without the smoking gun there really is nothing. 
I'd call BS on the need for "irrefutable scientific evidence" and settle for "beyond a reasonable doubt".  Go take a look a  They have more than enough scientific evidence to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.  What's missing is a judicial system capable of indicting and prosecuting (probably due to be bought off and/or blackmailed).
The poor officer/actor was awfully close to that muzzle blast.  My guess is that he's deaf (and always was).

Sooooo there is nothing redeeming in the video and we shouldn't question MSM?  Remember people the first casualty of any war is the truth!  If we don't ask questions then we should hold our our arms, kneel and willingly take our shackles.  
Freedom is not free.[/quote]
Redeeming in the video?  I can't imagine what that means.  A video is a video.  Assuming it wasn't totally faked (I won't go there without some evidence) it is objective evidence of what went down there.  Not irrefutable evidence, but again there's that word, evidence.
Shouldn't question the msm?  Of course we should.  There are probably few who question it more than I.
My only point was the video does not comport with the narrator's interpretation.  In fact, the two are wildly inconsistent.  That's called critical thinking, an ability supposedly highly valued on this site.
Of course there will be more evidence developed by criminal investigation and autopsy.  That evidence may lead in very different directions, but based solely on that video, which is all we have at the moment, I see nothing that would cause me to launch off into wild conspiracy theories.  Further, if you or the others commenting in a similar vein on this thread can't come up with something to refute my post above, you've got nothing either.

Doug, I second that "BS" call. Throughout the span of those few seconds that the gunman approached the officer, the gun was always pointed at the head. Also, at the moment of the shot, the gun was lined up on the head and the projected trajectory of the bullet through the head was right where the dust from the impact on the concrete was created. Moreover, I have occasionally slaughtered my farm animals with a high caliber bullet to the head and have never seen the explosive effect displayed by that shot to the watermelon. Just the opposite. I don't put it past TPTB to stage a false flag attack. And I don't reject the possibility that this was indeed a false flag. I just don't buy into the notion that this shot to the head was staged. At least not from this video.

[quote=Doug]Of course there will be more evidence developed by criminal investigation and autopsy.  That evidence may lead in very different directions, but based solely on that video, which is all we have at the moment, I see nothing that would cause me to launch off into wild conspiracy theories.  Further, if you or the others commenting in a similar vein on this thread can't come up with something to refute my post above, you've got nothing either.

Of course there will be more evidence developed by criminal investigation and autopsy.  That evidence may lead in very different directions, but based solely on that video, which is all we have at the moment, I see nothing that would cause me to launch off into wild conspiracy theories.  Further, if you or the others commenting in a similar vein on this thread can't come up with something to refute my post above, you've got nothing either.

Ahh, there's the evidence I was looking for.  Thanks for clearing that up. 

Hopefully you can keep that smile smiley on your face when these nutjobs kick off the "hot" portion of WWIII.