The Road To War With Russia

A few things to consider:

  1. A watermelon rind is much weaker than a human skull.  A hammer blow to a watermelon could create a visible, but not so dramatic explosive effect.  A hammer blow to a skull could do damage, but would unlikely create an explosion of tissue.
  2. Earthwise has personal experience shooting farm animals in the head from close range with a high caliber bullet without explosive effects.  It would be instructive to hear from you Earthwise exactly what you did observe.
  3. I went through the video carefully at 1:00 and 1:13  From what I could see, the gun was pointed at the head when the shot went off and the impact point on the sidewalk was at most a bit off the line of fire.
So now I have two questions. 
  1. The officers head didn't seem to jerk when the bullet hit. Is this alone enough to say he wasn't hit?  Or is this possible even if he was hit.
  2. There didn't appear to be any blood, brains or other tissue splattered on the sidewalk.  Given the image quality there could have been a small amount of splattering that just wasn't resolved by the image.  Is this a reasonable outcome for a hit to the head?
Please only people with direct or at least second-hand experience of the impact of bullets of this caliber hitting someone's head.  Conjecture isn't evidence.


Unfortunately "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a court of law is only as good as the "expert" that supplies the doubt.   If the 911 event were viably prosecutable in a court of law then I'm pretty sure that by now someone would have brought it to court… the whole JFK issue was investigated and got nowhere thanks to that "reasonable doubt" and a bunch of people pleading amendment rights to protect state secrets.So I stand by my original point which is that we need the smoking gun (irrefutable proof)… otherwise the conspiracy-theorist is just a seditionists with no credibility and nothing legally compelling on offer to change anything.
In the absence of proof in a system that filters it out, all we can do is be open minded and wait for the sheeple to catch on to the injustices around them.  Ain't humanity wonderful?

Maybe something like this would have been more believable (about frame 310 and on).  Just saying.


Yes, the spray of blood and guts is clearly visible in that shot to the head.

Who profits from killing Charlie?
Op-Ed writer, Pepe Escobar, shares his doubts about the Paris events.  I wish I could write like that!

[quote=Doug]It is not unusual for bullets to pass through a body without a lot of jerking and blood splatter.  Ask any deer hunter. 
From an AK-47?  At point blank range? Through the deer's skull? 
You go ahead.  I'm going to stand back just a bit, thanks.

Hollow points vs round nose vs full metal vs soft point are all options.   I'd like to hear from someone who can point out the differences in exit wounds for these different types of bullets.  BTW Sand Puppy–thanks for the correction!

In other words, don't dance drunk with one at a wedding.
Yemeni Gangnam Style wedding results in three accidental AK47 head shots at close range
I just would have expected something more than a puff of white smoke/dust at that range. 
What difference at this point does it make anyway.

The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag?
In the above summary post, George Washington does an excellent job listing the many many historically established false flag attacks.    The list is very impressive.  It includes most nations.  To understand how this deception works and that it is commonly used is not "wild" or "crazy."

Friends have stated things like: 

"They just WOULDN'T do something like that!" or

"I REFUSE TO BELIEVE that anyone would do that."

It is hard for people with integrity and a strong sense of compassion to understand that there is a minority of human beings (estimated at 2%) that has no problem at all killing others for power and profit.  Less intelligent sociopaths might become low level mafia thugs breaking the legs of people behind on payments.  But brilliant strategists can rise in the ranks of military and intelligence organizations. Ruthlessness may allows a broader ranges of actions than a compassionate or moral person might have.

Conspiracies DO occur.  And on a daily basis.  And yes, there ARE those "who would do something like that."  And they run the intelligence agencies of the world.

Who profits from killing Charlie?


[quote=Quercus bicolor]So now I have two questions. 
The officers head didn't seem to jerk when the bullet hit. Is this alone enough to say he wasn't hit?  Or is this possible even if he was hit.
There didn't appear to be any blood, brains or other tissue splattered on the sidewalk.  Given the image quality there could have been a small amount of splattering that just wasn't resolved by the image.  Is this a reasonable outcome for a hit to the head?

  1. If the officers head was hit, and the bullet did not exit the head (entry wound only), conservation of momentum would require a sharp snapping motion of the head.
  1. If the bullet entered and exited from the head there should still have been a jerking motion, equal to the amount of energy imparted by object 1 (bullet) on object 2 (head).
    Does the officer's head snap/jerk at all?

From what I can see in the video, no, it doesn't snap/jerk at all.  It simply moves/falls to the ground after the shot is fired.

but this sure smells like one. It is clear that there are elements of the deep state that operate at this level and with this disregard for human life.   911 proves that to any thinking person willing to look objectively at the mountains of evidence.
I too am offended by the knee jerk and pejorative use of the term 'conspiracy theory" to marginalize and diminish debate on subjects such as this.
At a base line it was a conspiracy after all;  the question remains who perpetrated it?
For me the timing re Hollande's announcement vis- a vis  Russian sanctions and Palestine are a huge factor  as well as the formulaic script,  of finding a dropped ID,  capturing the first new's cycle with a fully developed narrative of the perps,  and the take no prisoner's dead men tell no tales ending
just my gut feeling

In retrospect, my apologies for posts #37 and #39 of this thread. The video clip in question did not convince me that the officer took a close proximity shot to the head.  And the MSM editing out that segment of video did not help.
That was no justification for snapping at you for voicing your opinion. 

I remember a time when I believed in the news, that the (MSM) reporters I was watching valued truth.

Done with this thread.

Let me first start by saying I believe that false flags are a regularly used tactic and have been for longer than any of us have been alive.  I also believe it's important to question the authorities and the media.  In this case though I just don't see it.  I'm referring only to the video above and not the larger incident which I haven't researched enough to have an opinion on.
Here's why: If you're trying to conduct a false flag, including a video taped scene of a run-by shooting might lend credibility.  Faking it would not.  It would be too easy to discredit.  You can reasonably identify the officer who was shot, God rest his soul. He will of have a family, a boss, coworkers and friends.  You can't fake that.  If he was an actor, the lack of information would be a tell.  When fabricating a lie you want to minimize the loose threads that can be pulled. Assuming this was a false flag, it would have been a whole lot cleaner to actually shoot someone.  Was the whole incident a false flag?  Maybe.  I don't know and neither do you. None of us likely ever will.  But was that officer really shot?  I'd say the chances are pretty good. And if that was done by a terrorist or the CIA won't make a lick of difference to the people grieving his loss tonight.  

As to the display of gore you're looking for?  I don't have a whole lot of experience shooting people in the head at close range with an AK-47…I hope no one else here does either…I have no idea what to expect to see.  I did have a friend who got shot with an Ak-47 in Iraq, though not at close range.  The entrance wound was right around where the bicep meets the shoulder muscle on the front of his arm.  The exit wound was in the middle of his back just at the edge of his shoulder blade.  The doctor explained that the bullet was deflected as it traveled through him in an 'S' pattern missing a major artery by "millimeters".  I personally shined a flashlight through the wound when a nurse was cleaning it and you could see where it made its first turn (and the light coming out the other side in a dark room - we were 19 and thought it was cool).  Point is you're talking about a high energy projectile moving through a unevenly dense substrate.  You could replicate the same shot 100 times and probably get 100 different results.


Most of the people pushing for a war with Russia (or for whatever "end game" the geniuses at the State Dept. might have in their mind) are part of the baby boom generation. A generation which hasn't been terribly intelligent and introspective when young, got (finally) to hold all levers of power in US. Unfortunately, most of these people turned out to be, even as they aged (but not matured), nothing more than irresponsible fools, regardless of their societal "status". I would say that right now America is being run by a bunch of people who never grew up ! They are still at their developmental stage of "enfant terrible" (spoiled brat in English) so easily recognizable back in the '60s. Too much power into the hands of mentally and emotionally immature people always makes for a terrifying recipe. Anybody remembers Golding's "Lord of the Flies", and how it ends ?
Alas, here's the problem: there are no more adults around to save the day ! Through their sheer folly, ignorance, or just hubris, Americans got themselves already in a war with Russia. Missiles might not be flying (yet) but the economic and political actions against Russia have been, over the last 6 months or so, as open warfare as it gets. It was planned well in advance (remember all the derogatory reporting against Russia even before the Sochi Olympics was on, and long before the entire Ukrainian affair blew up in the open). But it wasn't planned too well. The war against Russia became almost immediately a war against Russia-China, and as time goes by, it is about to become a war against much of the developing world. It is also a war which America (and its Western stooges) will lose ! The are many reasons for that, but the main one is pretty straightforward: the aggressor countries have their economies in tatters and are more or less all bankrupt. Their manufacturing capabilities are but a shadow of their former self (a war requires insane amounts of stuff and money), and their people are in no mood for any personal sacrifice (much less fighting). Economic wizardry and financial shenanigans are not a substitute for a real productive economy, and a motivated population. All in all, not a very good position to be at the beginning of a war…frown

Edit: Can't seem to confirm this is from BBC, so grain of salt here.

Further Edit: Video appears to be a fake (e.g. not from BBC).  

…into total submission, I have done a little research into the type of ammunition typically used in an AK 47 and, for that matter, most standard issue military rifles.  The Hague Declaration on Expanding Bullets of 1899 still appears to be the guiding legal precedent internationally.  Although the US never signed onto that agreement, as recently as 2010 they still complied with the Declaration with some exceptions:$FILE/Article%203%20-%20By%20MAJ%20Joshua%20F.%20Berry.pdf

See footnote 41 on pg 98.

The type of ammo permitted under the Declaration is basically full metal jacket ammo that resists expansion or disintegration on impact with a body, thereby resulting in minimal internal damage.  This type of ammo typically results in through-and-through wounds with small entry and exit holes.  The logic for this kind of restriction was and remains humaneness since bullets that expand or fragment on entry expend all their energy inside the body inflicting maximum damage and, if they exit, leave a wound that more closely produces what the guy in the video thought should have been visible.

There is a good deal of disagreement in the military that this type of ammo is desirable given the changing nature of combat our soldiers are facing in the middle east.  I tend to agree.  There's an interesting discussion here:

My only point here is that, assuming the bad guys were using standard military ammo, the video is consistent with a through-and-through wound as described above.

Oh yeh, thanks for the apology Time2help.  Greatly appreciated.


Ukraine, now referred to as (f*ck the EU) Nulandistan:
$5 billion US tax dollars to de-stabilize the Ukraine.

This how peace prize recipient Obama, Kerry, McCain, Nuland and CT/Dem Chris Murphy are 'spreading democracy'?
Now that it is 'destabilized' where next?
Those protests, funded and stirred up by the US, eventually led to this:
[Admin note: Video embed removed due to extremely graphic nature. When referencing such material in the future, please take pains to explain why it's relevant to the point being made, provide a warning of the graphic content, and then link to the material -- don't embed it.]


"In the past, McCain has sometimes revealed a simplistic, Cold War viewpoint of Russia. You have to wonder if, by going to Ukraine and standing on stage with a man accused of being an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi, he may have shown that trait again."
John McCain Oleh Tyahnybok
U.S. Senator John McCain, center, speaks as Democratic senator from the state of Connecticut, Chris Murphy, second left, and Opposition leader Oleh Tyahnybok, right, stand around him during a Pro-European Union rally in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013. (Tell me what Putin was doing at this time?)
Did Putin have anything to do with the Odessa massacre? No. And  why was the US there behind the scenes, what was the US doing there?
Google: Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa…Extreme Graphics Veterans Today Published time: 27 April, 2014 Video on the real Odessa massacre by Pravy Sektor Links below for all photos and video by F. William Engdahl … and an Odessa eyewitness to the bestial May 2 massacre [ Editors Note: This was very unpleasant work to have to do this morning, but we have always represented the dead here at VT as best we could....
McCain has been busy in Syria also (So is Putin going to get blamed for the war in Syria too?)
So Why Hasn’t McCain Been Indicted?
"In April 2013, GOP Senator McCain at an Idlib, Syria Terrorist Gathering Pledged US Money and Weapons to Ex-US POW Ibrahim Al-Badri of the “Free Syrian Army,”an Al Qaeda Leader Then Already Among Washington’s Five Most Wanted Terrorists with a $10 Million Reward on His Head; McCain’s Moderate Democratic Protege Badri Was Simultaneously Emir of ISIS, Styling Himself Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and Now Claims to Rule the World as Caliph Ibrahim of the Restored Caliphate — So Why Hasn’t McCain Been Indicted?"
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.

The simplest explanation is that all of this is on the up-and-up.