The Road To War With Russia

Yeah, that’s just weird. Still I don’t think he was the “lead” investigator and if he was depressed it might not have taken much to push him over. Still death by service weapon in your office… seems like a messy and thoughtless final protest. He might have been shot by conspiracy theorists (or supporters) keen to perpetuate an idea. You have to consider all the possibilities ;). The story isn’t tracking in France either, which is suspicious.
There’s a lot of weird s–t going down in the world these days. It’s the age of corruption and anything seems possible, sadly all information is questionable. We used to believe everything that was printed in a newspaper or published to the web. These days you cant really believe any of it, no matter who produces it. This is of course is perfect for the disinformers and propagandists.

Turkish President's Stunning Outburst: The French Are Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mossad Blamed

"The duplicity of the west is obvious,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a press conference on Monday evening. “As Muslims we have never sided with terror or massacres: racism, hate speech, Islamophobia are behind these massacres.”

"The culprits are clear: French citizens undertook this massacre and Muslims were blamed for it.”

FT summarizes:

"Although political leaders in Turkey have repeatedly condemned the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine, a Jewish supermarket and a policewoman, a parallel narrative has emerged in the country, with conspiracy theorists blaming the murders on foreign intelligence agencies rather than radical Islamists."
A comment by BellyBrain makes me want to look into this entire subject more.  (I have not seen or looked for any of the original pictures myself.)
The whole thing is obviously fake if you look at photos and videos of the event.  The cop wasn't shot AT ALL (look it up on liveleak), it looks like a blank, and it was aimed at the ground.  Jim Stone has a lot of good analysis of that video.


The Heebdo office had one single bullet hole in a window.  The inside of the office had no blood at first, then there was a photo of some fake-looking blood poured on the floor under a chair, but zero blood anywhere else, including on the chair or on the desk.

The "shootout" at a Jewish Deli is just badly scripted drama, start to finish.


So yes, this looks like yet another staged event where probably nobody died (except for the patsies).  Yes, cia/mossad do this shit all the time and they did it again because they needed more fuel for their "war on terra."

Reminds me of
  1.   the Sandy Hook Shooting where the pictures just do not make any sense, 

  2.   the NATO claim that Russia invaded Ukraine with no pictures offered,

  3.   the MH-17 shoot down where all evidence seems to have disappeared,

Hallmarks of Deep Events:  Peter Dale Scott


I appreciate mememonkey’s comments about the elements of the Charlie Hebdo incident that suggested to him the possibility of a false flag.  This reminded me of lectures and essays by Peter Dale Scott who has studied and written on the deep state for several decades.


I’ll summarize a couple of the Scotts’ high points.


Deep events are events that are not discussed or acknowledged openly in public discourse.  (They are only studied and discussed by “conspiracy theorists.”) And Deep state is the term used to describe the economic and political interests that work behind the scenes to influence policy and events.


Scott attempts to find the common patterns in deep events in an attempt to uncover a common modus operandi.  This paper, 9/11, JFK, and War:  Recurring Patterns in America’s Deep Events  summarizes some commonalities between the two most heavily studied deep events:  The JFK assassination and 9/11.


1.  Designated culprits are well identified before the event.  Biographies and photographs are ready for release immediately after the event.


JFK:  In the case of Oswald, within fifteen minutes of the assassination and long before Oswald was picked up in the Texas Theater, the Dallas police put out on the police radio network, and possibly other networks, a description of the killer – 5’10”, 165 pounds.21  This exactly matched the measurements attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald in Oswald’s FBI file, and also in CIA documents about him.22


This identification did not match the actual height and weight of the Lee Harvey Oswald who was picked up in Dallas and charged, which was five foot nine and 140 pounds.23 The 5’10” measurement was also suspect because it was attributed to Howard Brennan, who saw allegedly someone in the sixth floor window [from a distance of half a block away], but only from the waist up.  Brennan subsequently failed to pick out Oswald in a police line-up.24  One concludes that intelligence files rather than direct observation may have been responsible for the rapid decision to search for a killer with the exact measurement of 5’ 10”, 165 pounds. It appears that someone had already determined that Oswald would be the designated culprit, before there was any evidence to connect him to the crime.


9/11:  [A]ccording to counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke, on 9/11 the FBI already had a list of alleged hijackers by 9:59 am on September 11, when the south tower collapsed.25     9:59 AM was at least four minutes before Flight United 93 had hit the ground.


Even before this, shortly after 9:03 AM, Clarke himself had denoted the organization that would ultimately be blamed, telling Richard Cheney in the White House that in his opinion “It’s an al Qaeda attack and they like simultaneous attacks. This may not be over.”26


2.  Paper trails laid by the designated suspects to facilitate their identification


JFK:  Oswald is supposed in March 1963 to have purchased by mail order, using the name A. Hidell, the notorious Mannlicher-Carcano rifle that was said to have assassinated President Kennedy. This was needlessly self-incriminating, when in Dallas he could have bought a rifle anonymously by walking a few blocks to a gun shop.31 In August he asked to be interviewed by an FBI agent, to whom he showed a Fair Play for Cuba Committee card with the name A.J. Hidell, which he had already shown to a New Orleans police lieutenant. The information was transmitted to the local Office of Naval Intelligence and to the 112th Army Military Intelligence Group. On November 22, the name of Hidell in the 112th MIG file was instrumental, perhaps crucial, in clinching the superficial case against Oswald as an assassin.32


9/11:  This irrational self-incrimination via paper trail was allegedly repeated in 2001 by Mohamed Atta, the principal alleged hijacker. In 2006, “a former FBI agent [Warren Flagg] and a former federal prosecutor ... told Newsday that one bag found in Boston contained far more than what the commission report cited, including the names of the hijackers, their assignments and their al-Qaida connections.” [Other information in the car included a Atta's will, an audio tape about preparing spiritually for death and an operating manual for the airliner.--sand_puppy note]  The former prosecutor added, "These guys left behind a paper trail.... They had bank accounts. They rented cars. They had to show what they were doing in the United States.”33 

Atta’s trove of information allegedly “provided the Rosetta stone enabling FBI agents to swiftly unravel the mystery of who carried out the suicide attacks and what motivated them.”34


From David Ray Griffin:  Equally absurd is the claim that the passport of Ziad Jarrah, the alleged pilot of Flight 93, was found at this plane’s crash site in Pennsylvania.56 This passport was reportedly found on the ground even though there was virtually nothing at the site to indicate that an airliner had crashed there. The reason for this absence of wreckage, we were told, was that the plane had been headed downward at 580 miles per hour and, when it hit the spongy Pennsylvania soil, buried itself deep in the ground. New York Times journalist Jere Longman, surely repeating what he had been told by authorities, wrote: “The fuselage accordioned on itself more than thirty feet into the porous, backfilled ground. It was as if a marble had been dropped into water.”57 So, we are to believe, just before the plane buried itself in the earth, Jarrah’s passport escaped from the cockpit and landed on the ground. Did Jarrah, going 580 miles per hour, have the window open?58


Charlie Hebdo:  The masked gunman leaves his drivers license in the getaway car.


3.  Prior investigations of the designated culprits were suspended or impeded:


JFK:  Oswald, who had been on the FBI’s watch list since his travel to the Soviet Union in 1959, was inexplicably taken off the watch list on October 9, 1963….


9/11:  This is comparable to the obstruction by the Radical Fundamentalist Unit (RFU) at FBI Headquarters of the Minneapolis FBI’s efforts to interview [and search the computer] the so-called twentieth hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, after his arrest on August 15, 2001.47 Moussaoui knew most of the other nineteen alleged hijackers who were named in the hijackings, and an interview of him, if not impeded, could have led to the detention of the nineteen. A Minnesota Special Agent, Harry Samit, later testified that he wrote FBI headquarters about seventy memos on Moussaoui between August 16 and September 11, all to no avail.48


4.   The Cover-Up Modus Operandi: The Culprit “Acted Alone”


            Always:  “a lone, deranged assassin…..”

5.   JFK and 9/11 as Gateways to Already-Intended Wars


JFK:  I think James Galbraith has correctly linked one suppressed issue – how Kennedy’s death was followed immediately by presidential authorization for planning operations against North Vietnam – to another suppressed issue – the desire in 1963 of some in the Pentagon to use nuclear weapons in a first strike against the Soviet Union.122


The United States held an overwhelming nuclear advantage in late 1963. Accordingly, our nuclear plans were not actually about deterrence. Rather, then as evidently again now, they envisioned preventive war fought over a pretext.123


And yet, standing against them (as Daniel Ellsberg was told at the time), the civilian leaders of the United States were determined never, under any circumstances, to allow U.S. nuclear weapons to be used first.


If Galbraith is right to place the JFK assassination in the context of the Pentagon’s nuclear ambitions, then the assassination in 1963 can be seen as eerily similar to the critical moment of 9/11 in 2001.  In contemporary language, both crises occurred at a time when an inside group were determined to establish and maintain unilateral U.S. military dominance in the world.


9/11:   The phrase “preventive war fought over a pretext” is uncannily apt with respect to Iraq in 2003.


My summary


We need to not allow our hearts and minds to be jerked around by events staged by the deep state.  We all need to wisely become “conspiracy theorists” and study enough of how these deceptions operate that we are not puppets whose heart strings can be yanked by intelligence agencies and send us screaming in our grief, fear and rage–into war.

Leaving a world worth inheriting depends on this.

I spoke with a Jewish friend of mine yesterday about all the Paris events.  It is the opinion of many French Jews (BTW France has the largest population of Jews in Europe) that it's time to leave the country.  She knows of a number of her friends from there that are now planning their exit.  The French press has only mentioned that a kosher grocery was involved in the final standoff, not that the gunmen decided to take out a few more Jews on their way to glory. Maybe this was a deliberate effort to not fear monger, but it didn't work on the locals.  
This was a well planned terrorist attack with do or die intensity.  I'm not sure anything short of a SWAT team on site would have protected either of these groups of people. The hired cop was not enough.  In some situations the civil authorities can only clean/cover up the aftermath.   

to justify further incursion into Palestine and expansion of Israeli settlements? Real estate stained with the blood of Palestinians. "We wage war by deception".

When we grieve, boundaries are set aside as we share the intense experience of sadness, even with people we might not feel too close to at other times.  We have a period of solidarity.



Question:  How will this collective moment of grief and solidarity be used?

Answer:  To increase police surveillance and social control.  For our protection.

European Powers Implement Police State Measures in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack

  1.  The French prime minister promised more money for the secret services and more effective surveillance.  The threat is permanent.

  2.  At a European powers security summit, participants agreed that a European-wide airline passenger data tracking system must be adopted as quickly as possible.  US General Michael Hayden, Chief of the NSA, participated.

  3.  In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union, CDU) has called for better international intelligence coordination and more funding for intelligence staff.

  4.  Last year, the European Court of Justice ruled that warrantless global monitoring and collection of personal data was illegal. It explained that the storage of communications could not abrogate professional secrets, including those of journalists. Now, in the name of defending the freedom of the press, the German ruling class is pushing to rapidly implement a European NSA.

  5.  Germany:  Surveillance of websites, emails and phone traffic will be used to identify "potential attackers" and identity cards will be canceled. 

  6.  In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a drastic expansion of Internet surveillance and a ban on encryption.

  7.  The Italian government announced a significant expansion of state powers.

  • withdraw the passport of any terrorism suspect.
  • provide the police and judiciary with extraordinary powers that will allow increased Internet surveillance.
  • shut down suspicious websites.
  • Internet service providers will be required to cooperate in the future, to “track messages in the network that contribute to radicalization” 
  • The government would prohibit providers from accepting websites that incite extremism.
The main purpose of this coordinated offensive by the European powers is not the fight against an  “Islamist threat.” The ruling elites are increasingly turning the continent into a police state as popular resistance against the European Union and its policies is growing.
Yes, things are speeding up.

Paul Craig Roberts brings some very good insight into this event.      My only criticism of his analysis is that I don't think it is unlikely that a Muslim would hesitate to avenge his god.  I'm not at all sure that a day in court would be considered a suitable substitute.  His thoughts on the driver turning himself in,  the out of character leaving the ID in the car, and the inspector's suicide are all spot on.   To tie all this back into Chris' article on Russia— The CIA and  USA NGO's have done similar things in Ukraine.  Is all this setting up scenarios to foment unrest when the economy comes unglued?  The French have been primed for an excuse for marshal law. 

Having worked and traveled in France for many years, I can only say that I feel very safe there.
France is a large country with low population density. The rural areas (i.e. most of France) are very safe indeed. The biggest danger is probably a dog bite. Young people are exceptionally well behaved and, especially compared to their counterparts in the UK, extremely polite.

The larger cities have low crime compared to major cities in the US. I wouldn't think twice about walking alone in Paris, Lyon or Bordeaux at night. There is, of course, petty theft (I've had three bikes stolen in various cities, mostly my fault for not locking them) but the papers do not often have stories of violent crime. Those assaults and murders that are reported usually involve family or neighbors.

Apart from major events such as the Charlie Hebdo attack, most of the serious violence I read about in the French papers seems to take place in the urban sprawl north of Paris and near Marseille, where there are large concentrations of immigrants.

No country on earth is completely safe. IMHO France is safer than most.





What did it for me was when the perpetrators left a ID card in their get-away car, allowing the cops to instantly identify them.
Anyone else remember the hijackers passport found on the ground in the 9/11 incident?

Conspiracy is a way of life for some- but they don't seem to be getting any better at it. They display a certain lack of creativity and should be fired by their bosses.

Poor form (using your buddies as a backstop):

And check out right around 2:30 in the clip below (hands tied? - wit eludes me here):

Everyone in Paris must be deaf by now.

Oh Dear.  Now the Spam-Bot-Gods are angry.

or could there be a link between the recent release of the movie "Exodus" and the timely call for Jews to flock to Israel in the aftermath of the alleged Paris terror attack. Just saying!
Just me and my conspiratorial mind working overtime again!

Yeh, I think you take this one a bit too far.  I suspect Exodus was "in the can" and scheduled for release long before the attacks.

Rather, you should realize that there is no line, nor is there a spoon.  I was recently asked "Whatever happened to the old you?"  A service was held out back at noon.  Being a bit sentimental, I brought flowers.

Jet fuel, and even just office furnishings, can melt steel but certainly not laminated passport paper, dontchaknow.  Black boxes:  lost…   Positive terrorist ID: FOUND!

There is a difference between deep personal transformation and disregarding the need for evidence.  

And there is most definitely a line.  I don't know exactly where it is, but I do know that these two characters both crossed it, albeit in different directions:


EDIT: In the interest of keeping things current, I switched out Henry, and put in Uncle Dick