The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Thanks for the input, see my post 187

He must of had clones of him self drove a car a van and a bicycle. Range finder, flying a drone over the area like he had all access to the grounds
Made himself a suspicious as possible drew as much attention as possible but never confronted.This is completely ridiculous to believe the same group who let this happen and just destroyed the crime seen the and the body of the supposed only shooter. Better yet they cremated the body. They are the sorce of most if the investigation. Come on they are so full of crap. They tell 10 % facts and 90% made up crap to cover up the assassination attempt on Trump. If God didn’t get involved and made Trump turn his head this would have set this country on fire that’s the truth and everyone who has one ounce of honesty would agree. This was a planned by the FBI and like minded people in our government agencies they planned this assassination attempt is just like J6 insurrection BS grandma’s was harded anarchist. Going to topple the government and the country shes loves that why she was thier in the first place for love of country and there fellow Americans.


Not surprising since the screenshot was take in different season. I’m assuming they just grabbed a screenshot so they could visually point out the location to Sen. Grassley’s team.

Knowing it’s a screenshot now (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), I give more credence to Woods recognizing a different car among perhaps just his, Nicol’s, and Butler snipers, as opposed to a lot full of cars.

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Hahaha, that’s the thing with street view and google maps. This as an example.
Street view Nov 2023

bodycam video J13 2024

Seems they have powered up Butler quite a bit in between…

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lol…don’t believe your lying eyes…


If Crooks really had a Sonata, that it’s not his car. It’s a Hyundai too but an Elantra.

car in question 2

i believe from the texts only Woods was a self drive in…

Don’t be so quick to let Beaver County law enforcement off the hook. They’re quite infamous for their “dealings” with certain criminal organizations, of the same type that have been accused of carrying out the 1968 assassination. I’ll keep my mouth shut on exact details since it’s not productive to the investigation yet, but some googling should clear up any misconceptions anyone has about Beaver PD being heroes.

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concerning the car in question, see my post 193. It’s debunked, it’s a Hyundai Elantra not Sonata.

sorey, would it be too much to ask you to put an x on the site plan where you have the car so we can visualise it…great work by the way…

Sorry, it’s taking a minute for my brain to heat up. I thought it was possible that Butler/Beaver talked with the SS snipers but not to SS leadership. But it’s also possible that the meeting with the snipers they thought was going to happen didn’t actually happen either.


What if Trump had been hit? What aftermath things would we be seeing in the post-rally videos? Would the reactions of the USSS and FBI be any different? The story of the attempted assassination is completely off the news cycles. Would there be fake grief from politicians, media, entertainers? Is there something the blob is doing now about the post-assassination, including crime scene, LEO and civilian videos that they necessarily not be doing had the NYT been able to get Trump’s exploding head at 3,000 frames per minute instead of the .223 round whizzing by? Maybe it’s a dumb idea to do so, but there are so many obvious on-purpose pre- and post- rally “mistakes” that don’t point to THE one thing that proves the obvious LIHOP, if not MIHOP, that maybe looking at the videos, etc from a Trump-was-killed perspective could help find/solve the mystery toppings on the pizza or look behind the hole in the hologram.


Well, it seems like Beaver and Butler both have a lot to answer for, because the building with overlook over AGR 6 had snipers from Beaver and Butler. Somehow neither of them saw Crooks or the people frantically pointing at the building, at least not at a useful time.

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Another good catch! Thanks.

yes, its a possibility that the ESU watched the SS aproaching but for some reason they didnt meet…but as far as the Radio’s not being picked up by SS, we only have 1 persons word on that…if Butler were providing SS service with radios it would have been in the briefing notes and they would have been given a call sign at least…

at some point theres going to be testimony, lets hope real questions are asked unlike the embarrasing testimony to senate et al…a wast of time for everyone involved.

Yes, I know those texts, and they came to mind when I saw him say “our cars” in the 4:26 text. I just chalked that up to Nicol changing his mind, or given the extra gear they had to set up needing to drive separate from the QRF and counter assault teams.

Our Cars

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On your 1st point, check my comment on another video:
The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved? - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

On your 2nd point:
Stand down order?

On your 3rd point:
True, the variation is bigger but I’m not enough of an expert in this specific area.

On your 4th point:
Not sure where he got that from and what exactly “a witness next to D Stewart” means. In one bodycam video, short after the shooting, was a guy runing towards a Cop telling him the Shooter is down.
Anyway, it would be the FBI’s fu**ing job to answer these questions!

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For sure Crooks didn’t want to throw his rangefinder from that roof :slight_smile:

is that car visible in the video that shows Cooks walking by the AGR sign

I don’t think most Americans care either. Gotta have our comforts and can’t ever hinder our Netflix and chill.

I remember in one of the mass formation videos, most people won’t realize the government is evil until the bullet enters their head. Very sad.