The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

That was not an autopsy, just a death certificate.

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I feel like, perhaps, the clue is in the FBI’s motto:


Notice how SS, FBI are so hung up on finding out Crooks motive. It seem to be their main objective in their investigation.

Case of deflection from their numerous amateurish security lapses. :roll_eyes:


Hi Chris, great work on the people’s investigation on the J13 incident! Following from Sweden, Europe, and think this is exactly what has to take place since gov does not do their job or even obstructs.
Now since so much evidence already has been destroyed or hidden, maybe it’s time to investigate the officials on duty that day and their leaders

  • follow the money
  • any agents disappeared or had accidents
  • any agents willing to talk
  • any agents got threatened etc

Keep it up :+1::blush:


Dr. Chris, I can’t tell you how glad I am that I found your channel. Around our house, you are known as the good doctor. You are providing a great service to our country and we thank you for that.

I’ve been watching this unfold and wonder if we are entering a new investigation phase. Up to this point, we have been looking at evidence. That’s good. We should continue to do that until we find proof of what actually happened.

This is being hampered as you know but we have learned some things. In short, there were “errors”. In fact, there were many of them. The amount of “mistakes” that had to happen to make J13 possible is astounding.

Maybe it’s time to bring a new research discipline to the table: statistics.

Now I’m not qualified, but there must be someone here or a group of people somewhere who can tell us what the odds are that we would have such a finely tuned symphony of “mistakes” that would allow the suspect to do what he did.

You understand what I’m saying. 1 mistake is probable however so many mistakes, each one so devastatingly significant, are hard to see as being probable. If the odds of all these things happening is less than 5%, it would be highly suspect. If the odds are higher than 10 to the 50th power, it’s statistically impossible.

Evidence is being destroyed but they can’t destroy statistics. Even the fact that evidence is being destroyed should be factored into our statistical calculations. I would like to submit that if the odds of all of this happening are even statistically improbable, then that is enough evidence for me to say that LIH or MIH is not just possible but almost a fact. After all, these guys were supposed to be the best in the business.

Math doesn’t lie. Even if you consider statistics as secondary evidence, they are evidence. After we know the odds of LIH or MIH happening, determining whether it was LIH or MIH will be a matter of finding out if the suspect had connections with government agencies.

I hope this makes sense. If someone here or some university team could do the math for us, I think they would come to some surprising conclusions.


The guy who made the video of LEO’s searching the white van (oddly with a AZ umber plate) and towing it away, is Billy Thoma and he lives in the road where the van was found (in front of 121 Lawrence Ave). He also gave Fox News an interview.

Here is the interview

Here is his Tik-Tok video

In the Tik-Tok videos comments user Mik states his aunt lives right next to where the car was found. Saying she also has cameras and it wasn’t the shooters van. In contrast to all the reporting, he says the white van didn’t have any explosives in it. Furthermore he mention that they find the shooters vehicle, with explosives in it, in the parking lot where the shooting happened.

With this photo (Fox News) from the white van i was able to spot the location in street view (street view photo taken Nov 23, so trees without leaves)

According to a text message in the Beaver, Butler and Washington County snipers group chat, sent at 4:26pm, there was “someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know”. Followed by a message at 4:27pm saying “I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there he’s sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit”

It seems in the second message he made a mistake and wanted to say “I’m just letting you know because he see me go out with my rifle…”

The big question now, was that car that snucked in Crooks Hyundai Sonata and did it stay parked there until the shooting.
According to the comment of Mik in the Tik-Tok video that might be the case. If true why we didn’t hear about it anywhere and what’s going on with the explosive devices?


Watch my post #85

check my post #85

I worked it out, see my post #85

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i think your comment on the bomb squad is 100% percent correct, and everyone in the vicinity would have been evacuated…certainly wouldn’t allow a person close enough to film…

i did read, after spending an hour on google streetview trying to find the house shown as the van was towed away…gave up and came back here…

as for your comment on was his car still there during the shooting, we know from Leo body cam it wasnt in the west car park…
Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 20.38.49

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Rental cars and trucks in Pennsylvania are often registered in Arizona (AZ), probably because it’s cheaper.


Is anyone here on PP bothered by the report about where the Secret Service bullet entered and exited the shooter? I thought early on after the July 13 event it was reported that the shooter was hit over the left eye; does anybody remember that? And that’s what prompted whoever it was to do that simulation, about what a 300 winmag would do to a head and we were wondering why there was no brain matter splattered behind the shooter.

I can’t understand why it took 15 seconds for the Secret Service snipers on the south roof to shoot the shooter when in fact, they probably should’ve been able to see him and shoot him before he got a round off.

I remember the Secret Service, or maybe it was the FBI I forget which one, At one of the hearings made a big deal of the fact that the Secret Service shot only one time; and I thought to myself why would they make such a big deal of that and then I said well that doesn’t mean anything.

Is it possible that in fact, the Secret Service sniper never did take a shot and that the shooter was killed by some other means? Obviously, if that was true, then it would seem that there was a blanket stand down order issued to the Secret Service snipers.

Again, even if there was no stand order, and even if the snipers did in fact, kill the shooter after 15 seconds it still makes no sense whatsoever given the heightened scrutiny that those Secret Service snipers had facing the roof that would’ve taken 15 seconds to shoot on the roof. It’s almost as if they were waiting to see what happens When the shooter shoots all of his shots.

Anyway, I realize some of this might sound like conspiracy theory, but it just makes no sense to me. There’s something very strange about why it took 15 seconds to take the shooter out.

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Maybe somebody in the group that knows about these kinds of weapons can tell us what the shooters head and neck should’ve looked like if a bullet went through the mouth and came out the back of the opposite ear which it sounds to me would’ve had to have basically pierced The upper spine or spinal column or neck. Wouldn’t Matt have basically shattered his entire neck?

I believe the story was that the sniper couldn’t get a good shot because the suspect was behind the top of the roof. However, we now know a local SWAT officer took a shot within 5 seconds (from ground level) and stopped the shooting. How could he make a shot that quick from ground level yet a sniper on the roof took 15 seconds?


Good to know, thanks for the clarification! One more question arises though: were the Butler/Beaver County guys on the 2nd story set up as CS or snipers? The reason being that they seem to be set up as snipers to watch the crowd, not as CS to watch any potential sniper positions. Reason being that they were placed inside rooms with limited range of view but direct line-of-sight to the crowd in front of the stage. Seems like odd behavior and positioning for counter-sniper teams.


Thank you very much. The piece I was missing was the TikTok messages and finding the exact location on Lawrence Ave. seen in the video. That’s what I was trying to pinpoint and corroborate with other evidence. I have been trying to align his entrance to the AGR site that Jon Malis captured on his dashcam with Jason Woods’ 4:26 sighting.

As for his Hyundai Sonata being left at AGR, it was not in either parking lot after the shooting, and unless it is out of frame in the 4:26 photo of the picnic table, it’s doubtful he drove it onto the property. If it was there out of frame, then he had to drive it off site after Woods spotted him and walked back on site. That’s part of the timeline I’m trying to pin down.

I have seen articles referencing the car being found “near the rally site” and the same for the van, but have not found the exact location the car was found. The location of the van corroborates the Jon Malis dashcam, if Crooks did access it to put something in it or take something from it? If not, the location of his car likely would. Your information got me one step closer, though, so thanks again.


Where is a mouthshot? Where is that wound?

(5) What he was looking for on his phone?

I assume he used his range finder at the corner of the building. Then he would needed some Pithagorian calculations I guess. The distance of the actual shooting point to the stage.

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I think the report was that the shot entered through the left side of his mouth, but I would’ve thought they meant through the cheek on the left side, but either way for that bullet to have exited behind the right ear, wouldn’t it have had to pass through the spinal column? I guess my point is shouldn’t it have blown his neck apart?

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