Yep no diarrhea, just swollen glands. Weird really sick feeling, I think Amoxicillin helped. Do you know what it might have been?
No diarrhea rules out Campylobacter which can come from contaminated food. Wild guess because of really sick and swollen glands would be toxoplasmosis which is parasitic and can clear up on its own in healthy people.
A doctor will typically perform a blood test, called a toxoplasma test, to check for antibodies to T. gondii. If you’ve ever been exposed to T. gondii, antibodies to the parasite will be present in your blood. If your antibody test is positive, then you’ve had toxoplasmosis at some point in your life.
Thank you!
@cmartenson YouTube just removed this video while i was watching it for violating community guidelines, FYI.
We can’t be allowed to know how they’re poisoning us, heavens no.
I’m in Canada. Yes, we have raw milk cheese here.
The sale of raw milk cheese is legal in Canada as long as it complies with the Food and Drugs Act. This means that cheese must be stored at a temperature of at least 2°C for a period of 60 days or more, starting from the date the manufacturing process began. This aging process helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria, allowing beneficial bacteria to proliferate and contribute to the unique flavor of the cheese.
Make sure you have REALLY strong hands (both) or get used to a milking machine. I hate mine
Ain’t that truth! I grow about 90% of the food I eat and the rainbow shrinks a lot in the winter. I try to eat more eggs
I have been curious about Christian of Ice Age Farmer. He seemed like a sincere young man. I did notice that the last months perhaps the past year or so that he was making videos that he seemed gaunt and unhealthy. His videos had a different feel to them. I recall wondering about his mental health and wondering if it was all getting to him.
I hope he found a path forward that is happy and meaningful.
Yes that is absolutely right. I remember it took me some weeks to build up the strength in my hands and refine my technique.
have a nice day.
Uh… yeah. I received your weirdly hostile comment via email before you, or a moderator, changed or deleted it.
You said you’ve visited 10 foreign countries, how many have I been to? I’ve been to 13. Lived in Saudi Arabia for 3 years. What do I win?
I don’t sell raw milk. It was, however, strongly advocated by Sally Fallon in the recent PeakProsperity Food Summit.
I stand by my statement that the United States is not the only country where adults drink milk. You have a nice day too.
I deleted it because I try to build up and not tear down and my post to you was not in that mindset.
BTW… just because Sally Fallon or any other internet sensation believes something doesnt make it gospel… pushback and debate is needed more in the world. Lack of it is a major reason why the world is in the mess its in.
But… I realize that getting through to people like you is futile.
have a nice day.
Could this, perhaps, be an indirect measure of HFCS?
Silly questions?
First disclaimer, I don’t typically drink raw milk, but would buy it to make cheese after pasturizing it so I could remain in control of the process, because organic milk is always ultra pasture zed and the cheese bacteria don’t work well with cooked milk for the types of cheese I desire.
People are allowed to sleep around and transmit diseases, including those that are potentially encountered with consumption of raw milk. Why the issue around dairy?
Why don’t we see hinge or grindr users have a massive LEO presence at their door after someone catches an STD from them.
Are these diseases worse of caught from an Amish person’s cow? Is this away to break down and set a president against religious freedoms?
Is there a “big milk” they are protecting?
Everything includes a level of risk.
The issue is about magnitude and scope.
How probable is the risk, how dangerous is the risk, how prevelant is the risk, and how many people does the risk potentially impact.
If a person sleeps around and catches a STD, its their problem.
If a person sells raw milk from a cow with mastitis, its many peoples problem.
Do I think people should be prevented from selling raw milk or buying raw milk?
People should be able to do what they want.
But people should be able to make INFORMED decisions and there are many HACKS out there who sound credible but conveniently leave out critical details in order to push a point, an agenda, or a sale.
There ARE risks to consuming raw milk. PERIOD.
There are also benefits.
Do the benefits outweigh the risks?
Only a TRUELY informed individual can realistically assess that AND decide for themselves
But when someone … anyone… trys to push something seemingly too good to be true, it probably is.
If someone gets HOSTILE when receiving pushback or simple quesrions related to the thing their pushing?
True, people who are confident of their information should be able to handle some back and forth regarding information.
Chris frequently points out this important difference between knowledge and belief, and how it becomes obvious with emotional unhinging in response to questions about data.