The Truth About Covid and Government Mind Control

I’ve got to say that viruses do indeed exist. Viruses aren’t affected by antibiotics due to how they interfere with replicatation and we have to rely on other forms of treatment such as bolstering the immune system. Simple things like getting your proper nutrition and vitamins should be patently obvious as key strategies to help. Vaccines have worked wonders in the past on planet-wide scourges, we know that because we have the photos of how bad polio was… all those kids in iron lungs. The ‘Vaxx’ being administered for C19 is nothing like the well studied, understood, and proven technologies with decades-long research which backed up actually effective cures.
I think a lot of people really just have no idea of the ‘how’ behind most of how everything in the world works and our own misunderstandings of key components leads us to very different conclusions. Viruses definitely exist and I wish this current struggle was only with a virus.


Has anyone here ever thought that the tests themselves could be used to spread a disease? A friend of mine wants to know.


Scare Tactics

For months the number of people who had COVID and percent vaccinated were splashed all over the news

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Sam Harris is one of those self-described intellectuals who mistakes being bland for being rational and wise. The only use he has is to put people to sleep with his monotone droning.



Chris has lamented a few times about needing a better word for “elites”. Since they are self appointed, “elitist” is more appropriate and doesn’t grant them the high ground. I prefer the more accurate “parasite”


It’s possible they have been captured by Mass Formation as described by Mattias Desmet. He characterizes it as a kind of hypnosis. The primary pre-conditions are isolation, confusion, and free-floating anxiety, which makes them vulnerable to the kind of messaging Chris presents here.

I believe what you describe is now being called “Fifth Generation Warfare”. Behavioral change via propaganda, censorship, social media manipulation, and so on.

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I’m not sure what use covid testing even provides at this point. Omicron is most certainly no worse an illness, and very likely more mild, than influenza for the vast majority of people.


Hello Kirk Sexton,
Please start here:
Then this:
On Whether Viruses Exist & Why The Covid Virus Has Never Been Isolated
And then these by Jerm over on
In terms of the discourse around viruses and germs in general, I (Jerm) have had numerous conversations with great thinkers including
Sam Bailey and her husband Mark on their medical journeys;Andrew Kaufman on virus isolation;David Rasnick on HIV not existing and rethinking cancer;Anthony Brink on why the former South African president was right about HIV;Steve Falconer on the death of Germ Theory;Mike Donio on pharmaceutical propaganda; andMike Stone on questioning the entire field of virology.A lot of folks talk about science and doing the real science. But in the pseudo scientific world of virology the science has NEVER been done. No one has ever isolated a virus. The artistic pictures of the viruses that Chris and others use are all just imaginary depictions of what artists think they look like.
You all keep saying that there are only two possibilities for the origin of Sars Cov II. Either it came from nature or it came from a lab. Well there’s a 3rd and that is it doesn’t exist at all. The sequences that you all go off of are computer generated using a computer program so in that respect it did come from a lab but a COMPUTER LAB.

Unfortunately, some heard this when they were children ,and not in a funny type of way.
“Stand still laddy!”

I can’t click the like button on this one… my empathy with this harsh and cruel predicament.

Silicon Valley Bank

Just went down, funds all the non publicly traded tech companies, all these start ups are going to have a hard time making payroll Monday. Looks like this time it will be the tech sector leading the collapse rather than the real estate market, thats where all the layoff started.
Look out below!!

I’m in camp “viruses do exist but most vaccines aren’t worth it and the polio shot is a hot mess.”
Bad stuff happened and was labeled as polio…but maybe it was the DDT being sprayed on kids. Maybe part of the reason it “went away” was that they renamed it all something else. And then there’s the problem with the bad batch that killed and injured people. And that RSV came from contaminated monkey cells used for the polio shot. And that pretty much every case of polio now is actually the vaccine type.
I’ve listened to Kaufman and Cowan. I find them interesting on other things, but highly unconvincing on the subject of of viruses.

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Hi Guinifyr,
Have you watched yet “The End of Germ Theory”? No virus has EVER been isolated. If you have watched it then you know that the real scientific experiments done in 1918 to make healthy persons sick with the “Spanish Flu” were totally unsuccessful. Nobody got sick no mater what method they tried to make the test subjects sick. That’s proof that the germ theory is incorrect. And if you haven’t seen it then get back to me when you do. Otherwise, you just don’t know of what you are speaking.
And this interviewee explains it very well. Please watch/listen to it. Thank you.

You Want Covid Psyops, Try This

Moderna based their vaccine on theoretical data, they never had a real sample. This is what you call hoodwinking the global public. Just watch this 1 min video from the World Economic Forum for admission. Oh ye suckers !

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Great vid. Interesting.

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A Comment Regarding The Blonde Lady You Featured Under “the Impact”

She is a bot.

Trapped In British Columbia

Just a quick comment. Our Public Health Officer Bonnie Henry whom we call Bonnie Umbridge when being cynical, announced yesterday that all British Columbians need to get their boosters now and that there will be another for the fall. She stated again that the unvaxxed are at “greater risk” yada yada. And yet the vaxxed people are dying everywhere. No-one can say they don’t know many people who have died or become gravely ill this past year - many. We personally have lost count of the injured, dying or dead in our circles. But still Bonnie continues to spew her garbage. A lot of mask wearing people abound here on Vancouver Island and they get their news from “approved sources”. No-one holds her to account. BC is the last province in Canada to hold with this Ministry of Magic propaganda but we are all forced to live it. I know this is off topic. It is simply so frustrating. Thank you for your episodes. They are very helpful.


See Dr. Zach Bush for interesting take (new to me, anyway) on viruses. For example:
“The warrior mentality has also led to a mischaracterization of the innate immune system where it is often described as a protective barrier separating us from the perceived threats of nature. When you consider that over half of the human genome is of viral genetic origin, you have to wonder how significant is this threat and is there even a threat at all. Our ability to interact with nature at a biological level is paramount to our survival. The innate immune system is not fighting against nature, it’s an intelligent, dynamic, living mechanism connecting us to nature and keeping us in a balanced relationship with nature by promoting biodiversity— not eliminating it. We have to coexist with the microorganisms that surround us and it’s the innate immune system via the gut microbiome that assures balance between protection and adaptation.”