This Financial Crisis Will Be 10x Worse Than 2008

controlled demolition 9/11, plandemic and now controlled demolition of the economy. the proles will be brought to their knees and will be begging for salvation in the form of cbdc’s, possibly ubi, etc. incompetence???rotflmao


I thought about that. It would make some sense since I believe that Russia has decided to permanently disconnect from the West (including Western Europe.) So losing Nordstream means very little, except the possibility of a reconnect to Germany if Germany came to its senses. But how likely is that? Yes, the citizens are really going to get angry. But German politicians have already noted that they will continue the proxy war regardless of what voters think about it. So re-selling gas to Europe is a long shot at best. Thus, it is possible that Russia might have done this as a false flag to inflame European opinion against the United States.
But I don’t think so. It is just not how Putin operates. Putin is patient, methodical and certainly not reckless.
Whomever did this was reckless.


White House Hunger Conference

And just on cue…

I don’t know I guess the 1st thing to think about is “WHO” would benefit… my logic goes as follows
Russia I guess could want to punish the west, but honestly they don’t need to put forward this much risk and effort… they can just make up excuses on pumps or leaks at their end or just say screw up no gas for you… its not like they care about global opinion, I’d say low chance they are the culprit
China we know wants more gas and Russia is building a pipeline to them so i guess they could benefit but honestly they don’t have to… the west is screwing themselves harder than blowing up a pipeline than can be repaired. I’d say low chance they are the culprit
Biden is of course on film stating they will stop it up if Russia invade Ukraine… “not a good look” but Russia invaded Ukraine a while a go… so why now? and we know Biden is likely taking orders from “THEM” and since "they are clear they want to save oil for themselves… Its a fair chance “THEY’ did it… however I’m not sure it was a solely US origin " Ill explain why next” so I’d say medium-high chance they are the culprit.
Since there is some evidence “Germany was about to back off in return for oil” That means “THEY” do not have total power over Germany anymore… this aligns with the desperate act of sabotaging it. It may be “THEY” within the German government when they realized they were losing the narrative and deal was going to be struck decided to just take the the entire pipeline off the negotiation table… Whether its was German/NATO/or US that “helped” is kind of immaterial as the orders for all would have come from “the Global parasites” I don’t think the US is calling any shots… Those are coming from the Global Parasites… any and all of the global parasite controlled countries resources could be leveraged to put the German people back in line… so I’d say -high chance they “THEY in the German government” are the culprit.
But in the end its the "Global Parasites that did it and remember they don’t believe in borders…


Yes, after this latest planned crisis, CBDCs are coming. It’s a matter of “when,” not “if.”
Centralized control, surveillance, and tracking of what you spend and where you spend it. With the ability to cut you off, for any reason.

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So we have a possible list of suspects.
US, Russia, Ukraine, germany/other european countries, china and an NGO like our WEFfer friends. Each one has their own motives and capabilities and also reasons why they wouldn’t have done it. I think Russia would be the first one I’d eliminate as a suspect because they have more tomlose than to gain. When I first saw it happened I was right on board with the “we did it” theory BUT the more I thought about it the more certain things didn’t make any sense. I want to explore other possibilites before I 100% commit to that theory.

I see no alternative to the US or the UK being responsible. Ukraine doesn’t have the resources nor the sea access. Russia would just keep the taps turned off - that way they can dangle the possibility of turning it back on to coax concessions. They have nothing to gain by reducing their options. If they want reasons to retaliate against the US they already have lots of them: the US having stolen hundreds of millions of dollars, the US sending rockets to Ukraine, the US providing targeting assistance, sinking the Moskva, etc. The UK and the US have the navies and the explosive expertise. The Germans might also, but again they don’t have anything to gain. If they don’t want to buy the gas they can just not do it. Only the US, UK, and Poland have anything to gain by destroying the pipeline.
Russia is almost certain to retaliate. The question is where and when.
I expect they will first work on obtaining hard proof that the US was responsible. They can be go public with their evidence and try to split the Europeans from the US by stressing that it is as much an attack on Europe as on Russia.
This stunt is also likely to harden China’s position on the war. The treachery involved is off the charts and China has to see it as another reason to distrust the US.
The question is where and how will they retaliate. They can attempt to keep plausible deniability but given the US advantage in satellite spy capability that would be hard.
They could retaliate in more inventive ways that would also achieve other goals. The situation in Syria has been a stalemate for a long time. If I were Putin I’d give the Syrians weapons they could use against the US forces there and help them drive the US out. There’s no difference between what we are doing in Ukraine and the Russians doing that in Syria. They could also help the Iranians. Having the US defend its occupation of Syria would be expensive in men, material and international stature. Sinking a US aircraft carrier using a hypersonic missile launched from Syria would be a dangerous but conceivable escalation.


One of the things that I wonder about is this. Certainly there are people in Germany (intelligence agents, diplomats, industry CEO’s, etc.) who know that the US or Britain is responsible for this.
Now, they know for certain that Germany is being sacrificed for the geopolitical aspirations of other nations.
I wonder if this event (just like the sanctions) could, in one way or another, boomerang on the perpetrators.


Well if evidence points toward US or UK… Germany could start a domino effect of collapsing NATO… That’s not very neighborly to cut off your ally gas … the…new Italian government would probably bail out with Germany …But regardless of what nation did it… if e are going to write a fictional novel …I think its state independent … like the old Bond Spector evil organization… some European country was going to bail on Russian sanctions… it probably didnt even require navy seals… Klaus could have made a phone call and some highly skilled divers were given some C4 and jumped off a fishing vessel…


I would not only like to see them collapse NATO, I would like to see them collapse the EU. The EU is a profoundly anti-democratic organization.

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The Great Simplification

uh oh. It’s being discussed. Aubrey and Nate Hagans discussing Declining world energy reserves.

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Censorship Guardians: Check Mate!

Happy to have you back, Chris!
I have no doubt this will go to the US Supreme Court, but Alex Berenson recently reported on a court-ruled win for our 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech) rights: Twitter and Facebook and YouTube lose; the First Amendment wins.
You’re worth every penny though, Chris, and we’re happy to support you!

Bank Failure

Any rec’s on diversifying banks so that I don’t have too much cash in one bank, wrt FDIC 250K insurance ?

I’m thinking a pod of highly trained dolphins, with special security clearances, could work too. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

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Didn’t you hear …Scientists have recently decided Dolphins are are actually smarter than humans…"not that that was a high bar anyway "odds are they are smart enough to take a hard pass on participating in our stupid clown show :slight_smile:

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Scientists have also recently determined that chipmunks are actually smarter than the Biden administration.

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Well I say “nuts” to the chipmunks!
Wait…they don’t EAT nuts, do they?

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Douglas Adams proved mice the smartest animal in the universe.


Fantastic Wealthion Video With Danielle Dimartino Booth

Few people understand the Federal Reserve like Danielle DiMartinoBooth. She was an advisor to the Fed for many years
She’s says she’s more concerned than any other time in her career, including the 2008 financial crisis
In this excellent interview on Wealthion she talk about just how bad things are likely to get. What a smart woman!


Nicely draws some conclusions from interviews
Danielle’s interview
WEBCAST: Danielle DiMartino Booth 1-on-1 with Lacy Hunt (
Another question and answer
Dr Lacy Hunt Ph.D, internationally known economist, joins us to discuss his thoughts. Are we in a… - YouTube