"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

My sense is, our New Member is not being sincere when he is playing “devil’s advocate.” This is based on his other posts. To me, the “Devil’s Advocate” approach appears to be an attempt to inject plausible deniability into his actual goal of debunking/injecting doubt on early treatments (No Treatments For You, Plebe!), along with the constant pushing of the Holy Shot (May Pharma’s Blessings Be Upon It).
Of course I could be wrong…
But I don’t think so! :slight_smile:
Time will tell.


Always appreciate your contributions Jim, thanks.
The reason I backed gbell on the echo chamber comment was based on my perception of what I have seen in the comments in general, not what Chris has presented. Chris is long past the point where I would question his opinions, he backs them with data and does not present them as beliefs. This makes me come back for more.
We should maintain the free dialogue in the forum, this provides new insights and allows further opinion forming. even if it deviates from our starting point.
I would warn against simply chime in on what the consensus is and dismiss MSM completely, this would increase the risk of echo chambering. I advocate for solidifying our knowledge and uncovered truths in an easy accessible format, therefor I’m excited to see the new website soon. I really miss an easy overview and index on the topics and conclusions Chris presents in his videos. It would be so much easier to get a sanity check when needed by just browsing a comprehensive wiki like source.
The whole vaxx controverse could be peeled off one by one for instance. Just like the IVM debate, FED moneyprinting machinations, regional mandates, verifying politicians, fact checkers, peak oil/energy, etc…
Really looking forward to see the new website soon. Maybe there will be an option to grow a reputation of contributors too, I am sure Jim will appear among the higher ranks.


We must model what rational dialogue looks like, and hold ourselves to a higher standard so that we are taken seriously. We all look forward to learning how the new website will allow the neural net that is the PP.com brain trust to work better at making the knowledge imparted here more accessible.
I have mixed feelings about a reputation rating… do we know that is coming? Best regards, Jim


Thanks Dave, you are right. I traversed the thread more diligently and it appears gbell throws a little too much sand in the wheels of our understanding.
One must bring some good fresh data to question IVM’s safety indeed. Raising this discussion again is just distraction. Not backing this at all.
Echo chambering IS a problem of our social media laden world and it happens to some extent here in the comments too, still and so far we have figured it out together.


Not sure if the reputation scoring is on the horizon.
I would welcome some guidance on knowledgable contributors. So a reputation score would be an easy indication to see if posts of a certain PP member were valued by others before, not to represent a hierarchy or race (in the current forum ones average or total thumbs up would be a kind of reputation indicator)

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Health Canada issued a statement Tuesday politely reminding Canadians that despite what you may have read on social media, there is absolutely no evidence that ivermectin prevents or even treats COVID-19 and is not authorized to be used to treat the virus in Canada. “To date, Health Canada has not received any drug submission or applications for clinical trials for ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19,” the health agency said in a statement, which notes that poison control centres nationwide have seen a surge in calls regarding the drug. ....
The war continues... ?

Now the three taboos have more friends: vaccines, natural immunity, Ivermectin, HCQ. Those can really send people grabbing their coats and headed for the door.


Soon to add Nigella Sativa to that list?


Do you have a local agricultural supply store?

Dr. Kory has written an article on Merck’s new PILL to treat Covid 19. Click the link bellow.

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This is my very 1st PP post. A warning that the video is very disturbing & once seen it cannot be unseen. However it confirmed my suspicions.
I’ve been on a lonely journey searching for the reason my gut, my intuition has been feeling terribly unsettled, something doesn’t feel right about this world.
I wrote the following in my journal in May of 2021…
”Most people just hide their head in the sand. They just want to continue on, status quo, even though status quo is a hamster on a wheel, continuously spinning & getting nowhere. Trapped by life, working, toiling, raising kids, stressed out & distracted (on purpose by the powers that be). Too distracted to see what’s actually happening in our world. Destruction of the planet, loss of individual freedoms, heading towards a Borg world, we are controlled by a select few corporations (Vanguard, Blackrock, etc.) who own Big Pharma & the media. These kingpins are herding & manipulating the Human sheep towards their ultimate goal. Vilifying anyone or anything that stands in their way. Critical thinking is becoming rare, lost in manipulation, propaganda & brainwashing. Among many methods, they use the time-tested techniques of “divide & conquer” & philanthropy to hide their true motives & goals. I suspect voting is actually a joke, the outcome, no matter who “wins” is probably pre-ordained & merely gives humans a false sense of control. It’s a pacifier to a suffering lamb.”
So I guess I wasn’t imagining things after all.
Sorry to be such a downer. However, these insights have spurred me on towards preparing for the future with my eyes wide open. Garden, seeds, freezer, generator etc., all the things PP encourages!
It’s so nice to discover a like minded Tribe, I feel less alone. Even though I’m in So CAL I hope to travel to MA for a future PP gathering. Until then, Liz


I also really appreciate this video. Very very well done and clear! Great first post. Welcome to the tribe. ?

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Thanks for listening to your gut rather than tuning it out. I believe many people render themselves unable to see what is happening for the reasons you listed. I watched this video about a week ago and immediately forwarded it on. So much great information, although I regret the use of the robotic voice and dramatic background music. I think it can be used as a starting point in talking about the WEF and the Great Reset with others.

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I was happily surprised to see that Greg Hunter has done an interview with Dr. Pierre Kory on USAWatchDog: “Calamitous Suppression of Early CV-19 Treatment – Dr. Pierre Kory”. I believe Greg has a wide audience; hopefully this will help him get the FLCCC’s message out even further!


To coin a legal term, it’s a non obtinetur (something that cannot be obtained).
Medical practice dictated by policy rather than policy dictated by medical practice.