"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

Prof William Campbell - The Story of Ivermectin 8 Oct 2012


Wow, quite a reaction to a neutral, inquisitive post.
Enjoy your echo chamber.

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As supply chains continue to dissolve and sources for necessary supplements dry up—we all know how this is tending—providing oneself with beneficial dietary stuff is becoming critical. Assuming that everyone is aware of the health benefits of quercetin relative to the biological tactics being deployed against us humans, I thought a gardening tip might be worthwhile—if it’s been offered here already, I beg pardon.
I looked up the quercetin content of different alliums, and green onions rank really high, with about 12mg/gram. Great thing about them is they are easy to grow and keep growing. Just buy some at the store—while they’re still available?—and use all but the bottom inch. Plant the root-end in a container or raised bed and they hardly miss a beat. And they multiply.
here in Tejas the time is perfect for planting in beds, but up north the container option might be best at this point. Just keep them from hard freezes. They love cool and even pretty cold weather. Last winter’s deep-freeze here burned the tops down but didn’t kill the plants—everything under the snow cover was fine.
After they’ve put on a lot of growth, just eat the green tops and keep them growing. As they multiply, pull them out, separate, and replant them.
be careful with watering. Don’t water with a sprinkler but drench the soil as needed without wetting the leaves—avoid leaf spot fungus this way.
Blueberries are great for quercetin. Apples too, if you eat the skin. Purple onions are tops among the alliums.
Hope some will find this helpful.
Stay healthy.


I’m sure our ancestors ate a lot more. I have wonder if perhaps Japan’s overall health is related to the normal injection of small amounts of ivermectin. Kind of like the people of Flint get small amounts of lead daily, unless they work at avoiding it.


Agree with you gbell12, there is some echo chambering on this site (-edit: in the comments), that’s part of the problem in our world today. I like to play devil’s advocate myself a lot, especially on my self to induce some mental gymnastics :wink:
We are reaching a boiling point on both sides of the othering. I sense this is creeping up at my side as well. The fact you are here, means you are at least inquiring multiple angles of our current predicament (or you are a troll, which I believe you’re not!). I do believe we should look for common ground and unite more. Amplifying the truths we have uncovered more instead of introducing new, confusing lines of thought. The whole TPTB/Elite/Schwabism can all be true but is distracting. Let’s unite on what we agree on to be true and what we can do about it effectively (unless we are willing to sacrifice ourselves and a lot of brothers and sisters for the case of neutralizing the <1% resembling TPTB, nothing will change here).
Vaccines work, vaccines are relatively safe, but they are also pretty useless to many so apply wisely. Vaccines kill, that’s true too as is with all shots, to what extend, we don’t know and we are kept in the unknown, that’s simply wrong. The whole vaxx OCD around the world is maddening, like pursuing a fantasy of eridication against scientific reality. Pushing the sane to insanity. Creating a dichotomy of good, obediant vaxx people (let’s call them Pfizerman’s Friends from now on) versus evil vaxx hesitant (basically overload with any additional popular negative connotation at it at will). Man there is so much we could cover, let’s please unite and be strong together. This platform could be just that for us! I look forward to the new website, hopefully it creates more structure so we can separate the signal from the noise better.
For those who are unfamiliar with Fisherman’s friends, here is an old ad. We need more humor in this world. Especially now.
Sorry for the additional noise. It just helps keeping me sane.


One would have to deliberately isolate oneself from the copious reportage of studies on the benefits and safety of HCQ and IVM or lack intellectual curiosity altogether, preferring to adhere to ever more evidently propagandistic sources, to call those who search for truth on this matter an “echo chamber”.
Or one might be getting paid to troll.
I can’t see any other, more likely possibilities here. But I might be missing something, y’know.


I’ve said it before; how do we know what we know? This is not a trivial problem.
“Proof” to my mind is an imposter. There are only two proofs. Inductive and Deductive, neither are satisfactory.

  • Inductive: "I have seen a thousand swans, they were all white, therefore all swans are white. (The law of conservation of energy falls into this category)
  • Deductive: "Men build airships. I am a man, therefore I build airships." (Ultimately rests on an axiomatic Beliefs.)
So what have we got left? Evidence? All evidence is subjective. It has to be; somebody has to experience the results of an experiment. Intuition? Ah, now there we have a mystery. Do you trust your feelings? Mine have let me down many times.


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Just had a brief look at the numbers, but yet again, the info is lacking because they count those who are less than 14 days post dose 2 among the unvaccinated, and we have no idea what percentage of the total they account for. Could be 5% or could be 95%.


NordicJack is correct. Most drugs we use are the chemical analogs of naturally-occurring elements.
On a camping trip my then 13-year-old daughter, seeing I was dealing with a bad headache, went to a black willow tree—which she correctly identified!—and got some bark from it so I could make a tea. It worked. Salicylic acid from willow bark is the precursor of aspirin.
Sudafed is mostly similar to the active elements of ma huang, with a small but necessary change.
Silver ended my two-year struggle with CEBV—after only a day and a half. Knocked it clean out. (There’s an n=1 for ya.) So the burn creams and powders made from silver are safe and effective, as opposed to antibiotic drugs which would be toxic if used over a large burned area—but somehow neither safe nor effective if taken internally? Even when in the case of burns it is essentially used internally, what with the skin burned away?
It cured a kid’s conjunctivitis overnight. Ditto a bad strep throat. Cured my dying cat’s urinary tract infection—again, in a day and a half. The n=1s stack up. My dog, badly stricken with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, is fully recovered after a regimen of doxycycline and silver (the antibiotic came from PetSMart’s aquarium section. The idea of using the combination came from an article in the BBC). Neither my dog nor I have turned blue.
But none of my experience with silver—and all the other healing supplements I depend on—will matter to the medical establishment nor their ubiquitous trolls.
I guess I just baited them. Stand by…


As I have said before a well designed and effective “vaccine” has every element of the original virus in it which when injected into our bodies allow our bodies, every part of our varied and diverse immune systems, to recognise that virus and most all of its variations and deal with it appropriately.
The gene jabs have none of the virus in them. They just trigger the production of a protein similar to the one that the virus makes. Which means that our immune system only knows that.
It is the Pharma industry that is anti-vax. If they believed in vaccines they would simply produce some in the tried and true manner that has worked and been accepted for 50 years.
Without going into all the details suffice it to say that the gene jabs are a failed experiment and that is an understatement.


The natural world is truly wondrous, has everything we need and we have barely scratched the surface. Which is why we need to destroy it all at breakneck speed ;-}
Be a little careful with silver as it can seriously cut back on your beneficial microbiota with long term use.


There’s a lot of room for questioning what we believe and why we believe it—until there’s no longer such latitude, as it comes down to brass tacks and you have to abandon a line of reasoning or strengthen it or consider it resolved beyond doubt. Imperfect world—to grossly understate.
One thing I’m sure of, though, is that I’m being lied to on an ongoing basis. Big lies from a source of great evil and malevolence.
The time of brass tacks roars down on us like a freight train.


Yeah, I wiped out the beneficial gut flora once. Not pleasant. Ate yogurt and took acidophilus caps and got better. Thanks for pointing that out for the benefit of others.
but it speaks to silver’s effectiveness.


Terminator said,

Agree with you gbell12, there is some echo chambering on this site, that's part of the problem in our world today. I like to play devil's advocate myself a lot, especially on my self to induce some mental gymnastics ? We are reaching a boiling point on both sides of the othering. I sense this is creeping up at my side as well.
GBell is very welcome here.. and I speak with some authority on the matter because I know the moderators at PP.com and there have been discussions in the past about posters like this who feel the need to pull us back toward some kind of status quo or mainstream view. As long as GBell is sincere he is always welcome. Based on what I have seen over the last decade, you really have to make a total ass out of yourself to get censored here by Chris. That does not mean that his ideas will be accepted and that they will not even get attacked. Did you happen to see the title of this piece? We are at WAR. It's an information WAR. That's what GBell is stepping into. I have seen the echo chamber argument before and it does not phase me one bit. This is a unique place where what is now a small minority of people who question the mainstream narrative can come and be part of the dialogue that has a different view of what is accepted science. A different view of what is scientific consensus. We understand that the "consensus view" that many doctors and scientists hold today, that the vaccines are safe and effective, is in fact a coerced consensus, formed in an environment where dissent is not allowed. Dissent will get you thrown off Youtube and twitter at the least, and will separate you from you medical license at the worst. This is not the way science is supposed to work, but it is the way a new religion called scientism works in the court of our would-be rulers. What did Chris and Pierre discuss in their talk? They discussed the friends and colleagues that they have had to leave behind, to cut ties with, at least temporarily, because of the gaping chasm between what we know to be true in real science, and what others are accepting as true. As well, those who accept the dogma are the one's who become promoters of the othering - and unlike my othering of ideas... those of the scientism religion are othering you and me because they think we are BAD people, anti-social, unwilling to do the obvious social good of taking an experimental RNA injection. Pierre stated that he hoped that he would welcome those friends and colleagues back someday.. and I interpret that someday as a point in the future where the truth as most of us see it today is more widely accepted. This war of ideas is not an egalitarian playground where we can find middle ground. It is in fact a war. GBell is 36 posts into his adventure with promoting the mainstream narrative in the camp of the information enemy. If he wants a safe space for his ideas, he can go to Facebook. Unlike Facebook, we will not kick him off or censor his posts... we will instead engage him and his ideas head on. His inability to defend his views other than calling this an "echo chamber" is evidence of something...


Regarding the safety concerns so often trotted out - if I were to devil-advocate, I think the concern is giving those safe drugs in new contexts - to patients sick with COVID, and at higher doses than usual.
So, Gbell, where are you seeing safety-concern-trotting? After Chris's big tox review on IVM, I haven't seen a whole lot of safety-concern-trotting here. I did see some pretty extensive data-free propaganda operations from the MSM and our captured regulators - who appear to be doing a lot of heavy lifting for Pharma marketing. No surprise there - MSM depends on Pharma ad revenues - they can't bite the hand that feeds them. Same with FDA. 45% of FDA's funding comes from Pharma user fees. An apparent FDA rule: "there shall be no biting the Pharma hand that pays the salaries of 45% of the FTEs." https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/fda-basics/fact-sheet-fda-glance Right. So do you have any actual data on safety issues regarding ivermectin? Data is, after all, what separates the men from the boys. It separates the evidence from the propaganda. Do you have any?

I don’t either.




EDIT: I did misinterpret an earlier post, the part underneath, after “I could be wrong” remains valid.
Dave, I believe you and gbell20 are on the same page.
The safety trotting is by the MSM, he devil advocates that if safety is of concern, then just give it to the sicker patients as the risk/reward ratio will be different and in favor of using a potentially riskier treatment.
I could be wrong of course, if the dispute is that safety is the concern when IVM is given to too sick COVID patients then this is fair, IVM is most useful in early treatments as we learnt by now. It has perceived anti-viral properties, effective in the viral replication phase. Once the virus has build its army at war strength the inflammatory phase kicks in, rendering IVM less useful. Increasing the dose here can make adverse effects pop up, however no serious adverse effects were ever registered for IVM so that would be new information. IVM adverse effects in COVID patients was never trialed in db-rct’s so that claim goes same way as efficacy.
Safety concerns regarding IVM should be undisputed, the evidence is there. That is not echo chambering at all.
Efficacy can be a debate if you’re getting off on db-rct’s however there is strong signal it just does a near perfect job at early treatment. Why not the f*ck use it that way. If it does not work, it does not harm, yes, it will harm the enforced narrative, which becomes invalidated on the spot.

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