"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory



Search Robert Lustig on YT as heā€™s the best Iā€™ve found on this topic. He was the head of University of San Franciscoā€™s Pediatrics Endocrinology department for 18 years. UCSF is one of the top 5 medical centers in the U.S. He is world renowned. He has a bias towards high fructose corn syrup & sugar, probably because thatā€™s the main driver of type 2 diabetes in children. 40 years go most of those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were older than 50 years old. Now itā€™s being diagnosed in kids as young as 10.
This TED talk is on mark. I think the speaker is an adult endocrinologistā€¦.




When I saw that PayPal shut them down, I sent a C-note to FLCCC through their new funding portal.
I would not have contributed except for that. I have other charities that I give to. But when I saw Facebook and PayPal trying to shut down free speech, I got pissed.
Fuck these anti-free speechers.


So you know people who are the equivalent of mass murders, but because you know them, you hope they will stop. As one Marine said: letā€™s not go to nambe pambe land, besides its not Marine Corps policy.


Iā€™m in Canada, where things are very dark. So itā€™s encouraging to hear something positive about where things are going with the covid treatments and specifically Ivermectin.

By the way, how can a Canadian get Ivermectin? Can I get it imported from the US or India?


Iā€™m super curious about what the 10 compounds are that are anti-viral, and if thereā€™s any information on when they are indicated, dosages, etc. With whatā€™s coming down the pike, we should get used to treating ourselves!!
Also, FLCCC: screw Paypal, put up a Bitcoin address, let them try to censor that.


Thank you for posting the funding portal. I also was moved to donate in reaction to the insults added to injury heaped upon our heroes.


I have donated to FLCCC in the past and took this great interview as a prompt to assist again. Last time I used PayPalā€¦ now I get stuck on the donation page as I am in Australia and canā€™t get past the address page. Any ideas?




I have contacted them about non-USA addresses not being allowed and they have responded saying they will be assisting with this or sorting out the issue. Letā€™s hope it is soon. Try donating again in a day or two to see if it is fixed.


Dr. Kory will probably have to send Paypal and Facebook a thank you card, since their ignorance has prompted so many new donors.


Thanks inchicapi, will do.


Robert Malone states this is a site set up for doctors though open to the public. (Since it depends on Googles platform Iā€™m not sure what happens if it gets popular and it currently requires that you allow Google trackers, but even some of the content here requires that). It has one of Chrisā€™s videos talking about his rational for using Ivermectin along with many voices people will likely recognize.



The blatantly arrogant censorship and cancel culture of payment systems etc. For absolutely nothing corrupt or wrong. In fact, its the exact opposite. I would sue paypal yesterday. I am unsure where to go, other than legally with this , as it doesnā€™t seem to help. I guess banks donā€™t have to do business with you. But yes they do ā€¦ If a christian baker has to bake a cake for a gay wedding, I bet they have to do business with you if you are not doing anything illegal. ( problem is they will use biased , conflict of interest authorities to discredit you and say you are spreading misinformation ) information is protected under freedom of speech. So baring something other than spreading your opinion, right or wrong - is simple violation of civil rights. easy law suits. Needs to happen now. If the justice system will not stand up, and do what is right , Its simple, then we have no choice but do declare war and literally physically fight them , because otherwise it means forced vaccination and segregation, and no food or healthcare for you will soon be the norm. no banking., no job. no home, no rent, no travel etc.


Please pass on to Dr. Kory that I live in Canada and was not allowed to donate because it is restricted to US addresses. Please try and include us asap!!!
Keep up the great work - Cheers


Polish Doctor.


I havenā€™t listened to/read the interview yet, but I ran into some information regarding the vaccine ingredients. Been following the Stew Peters Show and he is interviewing a lot of doctors and scientists who have been able to observe samples of the vaccines under electron microscopes. Dr. Madej shared her findings with photos and video. Another two doctors shared their before and after blood samples from patients.
Now enter Dr. Zalewski from Poland who has analyzed several vials of vaccines and found the same creature as Dr. Madej. He also analyzed its chemical make up and found it to be made of carbon, aluminum and bromine (sic?). Until now, we have never known an aluminum based life form, and the damn thing lays eggs that grow into these creatures.
Check out the Stew Peters show, heā€™s a former detective/bounty hunter turned reporter. Pretty straight forward, a Christian, but not too overt about it. Heā€™s interviewing the boots on the ground kind of people, who have credentials.
Hereā€™s the original video of Dr. Zalewski:
I think my head is going to explode.
Meanwhile lots and lots of small aircraft plane crashes all over the place, and there may be a turn about on the issue of vaccinating airline pilots. VAERS has several pilot reports of death and disability/heart attacks. Some airlines have warned vaccinated passengers not to fly due to increased risk of blood clots. Pilots are are already susceptable to blood clots. And there may be another air trafic controller walk out.
Even before the Southwest walk out, cancelled flights have been exponentially higher than normal (pre-covid). I think part of the great reset is to destroy the transportation industries.


Given the tenuous state of the interwebs, a short book summarizing all the newly-learned (rediscovered?) antiviral strategies for lay people would be a great benefit to humanity ā€¦Chris & Pierre collab?


Dr Martinson said; I no longer worry about covid, I respect but not worry.
So much has come out about heart, (organā€¦) damage post covid even light cases that the no fear sayers are going to be causing so much harm in those who donā€™t take avoiding getting covid seriously (via all means including vacines).
So many errors in logic and thinking on BOTH sides, In my humble opinion. So sad!
We are ā€œboostedā€ and wear masks and avoid crowds blablabla. AND yes I have IVM in all sorts of cubby holes in glove compartments, suit cases, closetsā€¦ ā€œAll means necessaryā€ to avoid organ damage and brain damage etc etc.
No body refutes the risk of rhumatic fever damaging the heart, why are folks not giving the same respect to covid damaging organs? All this focus on avoiding deathā€¦ LOL which is a good thing but what are you (in some cases) post surviving?
Iā€™m wishing the best for all, thanks as well, Curt