"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

I felt the same way when I heard that.
“Tell me more.”


Curt….I hear your concern and understand your need to act to try to protect yourself.
My personal decision is based on a risk benefit analysis. The risk of getting severe Covid is low for me because I am optimizing my health (D3…Zinc…Quercetin …Vitamin C) and I am prepared to act immediately if I get sick. Early treatment is critical. And I have therapeutics ready to go. I even have an oxygen concentrator still in a box.
The other side of the equation is the risk of adverse events from the vaccine. Now it is estimated that 1 in 500 people have a significant reaction. And since the studies on these experimental vaccines are not complete, we have no idea what the long term effects could be.
Another consideration is getting on the booster treadmill. Each booster exacerbates the chances of an auto-immune reaction.
I certainly respect the danger from this man-made virus, but live in no fear of it.


I don’t know if it is the same list, but one of the speakers at the Rome summit had a slide of the medicines he thinks take care of just about everything. Might have been closer to two dozen and included mostly (entirely?) prescription medicines. I recall that HCQ and IVM were both on it.


It is a little frustrating listening to this after just watching a family member dying of Covid. So we get that there are treatments that work. But no discussion on how to find Drs that follow the flccc protocol. Is there a registry?


The “registry” is the list of telemedicine doctors. Doctors in hospital systems are unlikely to be allowed to do anything without jeopardizing their license. I know my local hospital is likely to kill me since I’m not vaccinated. So I have to make sure I have my own stash. It’s extensive but it’s what I believe I have to do.


Hi Chris,
There was a video in which you talked about Molnupiravir being released at the same time Merck was discrediting ivemectin.
Do you remember which episode that was?
It’s a pity that there isn’t a robust search function for the videos behind the paywall. That would make like so much easier. When I end up discussing something with a friend and need a reference, I end up having to wade through so many past videos that it becomes a pain.
When building the new website, would you be able to bring this search function, i.e. transcribing the text of the videos and then making the text searchable?
Thanks in advance for the link to the previous episode.


And magnesium.


I’m curious too… how does one get the human approved ivermectin in Canada?


" speculation is that high insulin levels somehow increase the expression of ACE2 receptors throughout the body leading to more severe Covid."
Possibly. However, insulin is regulated by zinc and magnesium. Deficiency of these and other micronutrients drives many ills. Our Western/Standard American diet of processed foods is micronutrient-poor.
Have you looked into Functional Medicibe via the Institute for Functional Medicine? They aim to address the underlying, root causes of disease. The Functional medicine doctor I worked with helped me get healthy again when regular doctors only knew to prescribe pharmaceuticals.


I have no idea how you can get IVM in Canada. Aim for the zinc ionophores epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea or quercitin, as well as eat plenty of citrus fruits. The antioxidant hesperidin seems to be able to block the spike protein. IVM’s two actions seem to be that of zinc ionophore and that it can block the spike protein from attaching.


Just curious how your neurologist friend distinguishes the two. What are the criteria he uses to determine this? I have the same questions about pulmonary emboli as well as heart attacks. Is it possible that he’s operating under a simple confirmation bias? Remember early on, before myocarditis became an unavoidable safety signal due to prevalence we were continually assured that it was not related to any vaccine. Now at least they are admitting the association and to a lesser extent, causation although clinging to the “very rare” dogma. I think the only way we can parse out vaccine-related vs non-vaccine-related events is through examining all-cause incidence of a given event. In theory the VAERS data was supposed to help us with this but if we ignore/discount the signals right out of the gate we won’t arrive at any other conclusion than “the vaccines are safe and effective”.


Get the horse paste. It’s the same medicine and not subject to the same restrictions.


The VAERS data is appeasement; the institution throwing out a bone to quiet the few barking dogs from bringing attention to a problem with vaccines that has existed as far back as…well, probably as far back as the implementation of vaccines; after all, that’s what gave rise to the 1986 childhood vaccine injury act. For…ever, vaccines have been accepted and unquestioned by the vast majority even though there have been cries in the wilderness such as Dr. Andrew Moulden who postulated with a viable hypothesis that all vaccines cause ischemic environments that could explain the rise in neurological disorders over the past few decades that seem to be coterminous with the increasing vaccine schedule. The MRNA technology doesn’t use normal mechanisms to activate the immune system, so what is causing the problem? The spike protein the jab codes our cells to produce? If only the propaganda wasn’t so deafening and brainwashing, we could get to the bottom of these signals.


And now starting October 18 the Dominican Republic is requesting vaccination cards or negative PCR tests to go to work, school, supermarkets, public transportation, etc… seems like the government has copy pasted these measures from whoever is calling the shots here, pun intended.


Watch this little video and try to decide for yourself which is more toxic/crazy: mixing politics with religion or mixing medicine with finance.


I don’t even use checks anymore. Or use billpay feature from my bank.


Good for you Drym2000 for changing your diet!
I did the same by going on the keto diet 3 years ago and according to my Dr., my blood work each year is better than most of his patients half my age.
I hit the gym, do heavy yard work etc. That’s the other half of the health equation, getting physically fit and strong!
I’d learned how dangerous synthetic sugars, High fructose, aspartame, GMOs etc. are for our bodies (yet approved by the FDA) decades ago.
I’ve not trusted the FDA since!


There have been a lot of posts about “what percentage of patients admitted to the hospital/ICU” that were vaccinated. Data outside the US suggests that higher numbers of vaccinated are admitted to the hospital than the numbers anecdotally reported in the US. Dr. Kory, what percent are you observing?


I am curious, too.
Tea tree oil is antimicrobial, though I am not sure to what degree it is antiviral. When anyone in our household starts getting sick, I have them start taking Epsom salt baths with a few shakes of tea tree oil, along with my other remedies (honey, lemon, ginger, garlic tea; zinc and either quercitin or green tea; elderberry syrup or lozenges; chicken soup or broth, nicely salted; turmeric tea with milk because it is absorbed better with a fat). That usually gets their health back on track pretty quickly.
Some antimicrobials include tea tree oil, garlic, ginger, elderberry


I found an app called Medici and downloaded it on my iPhone. Slick process-I have received 16mg Ivermectin pills in the mail-thankfully haven’t had to use them yet, have a 2nd batch en route. I weigh 170 so the dosage prescribed for me is 1 16mg pill.