"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

I weigh 170 so the dosage prescribed for me is 1 16mg pill.
Not necessarily. It might be 2 or 3 times that depending on why you're taking it (which handily, would still be multiples of 16). Have you seen Dr. Kory's I-MASK+ protocol at flccc.net? It varies depending on whether you are taking it prophylactically, potentially exposed, or experiencing symptoms. You don't want to take too little for the situation.



Such is the upside down world we live in. A world where Bill Gates, a man who was involved with a convicted pedophile and child trafficker, is heralded as a hero.


God bless Pierre Kory.
Just donated a large sum to FLCCC. Keep it coming, Chris and Pierre.


FYI - In an interview on FLCCC.NET, Dr. Kory said that if you are experiencing C19, then hit hard for a short duration rather then light for a longer duration with IVM and other supplements.


Check out flccc.net mask protocol for recommendations on supplant amounts. Also try the india market contact on the FLCCC.NET on the pharmacy link.


URL please

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Vaccines, ivermectin, the new antivirals. It’s all there.




C.J. Hopkins spelling it out pretty clearly. For those who think that protesting, sick outs, walk outs, blockades and strikes do not work, have a re-think. Every single person is needed to join in the efforts to prevent this from escalating to the next step. People are rising up all over the world - we must all step up to help. Not later, not after things have escalated to the point of being unbearable, but NOW!

.... The way I see it, the next six months will determine how successful the initial stages of the roll-out of this new totalitarianism will be. By April of 2022, either we’ll all be showing our “papers” to the New Normal Gestapo to be able to earn a living, attend a school, dine at a restaurant, travel, and otherwise live our lives, or we will have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery. I do not expect GloboCap to abandon the roll-out of the New Normal over the longer term — they are clearly committed to implementing it — but we have the power to ruin their opening act (which they’ve been planning and rehearsing for quite some time). So, let’s go ahead and do that, shall we? Before we get purged, or unpersoned, or whatever. I’m not sure, as I haven’t seen a “fact-check” yet, but I believe there are some commercial airline pilots in the USA who are showing us the way.

When Dr. Kory started to well up with tears talking about his email from Dr. Tess Lawrie, I myself became a bit choked up, and not for the first time in this past 18 months.
The first time that I saw Dr. Kory was when he testified at the behest of Senator Johnson in D.C. and I was damn near bawling.
I still get that way every time I hear Dr. Marik, Dr. Kory, Dr. Varon, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Lawrie or any of the other true heroes of this pandemic speak.
I’m a bit self-conditioned to get more mad at others when listening to CM, but that’s because the PP platform is a different game for me after the last two years here.
My emotional response to what should just be good medical practices shows exactly how far down the road of bullshit our “leaders” and “experts” have taken us. For power and profit and <insert other motivation here>.
The fact that when I actually find truth telling and humanity in doctors I become overwhelmed with emotion and find a small bit of hope in the world speaks volumes to me about the fact that despite all the external condemnation I receive from family and “friends”, I can trust my decision making now. I must ignore the naysayers and follow my gut because that is how I found PP and the FLCCC. And it has worked for me and mine.
I no longer fear this virus. My family survived it using FLCCC protocols, albeit self-administered without the help of a personal physician.
What I fear is when (not if) my sister with MS comes into contact with it. Or when (again, not if) my septuagenarian father with Parkinson’s come into contact with it. And they follow CDC/FDA protocols handed to them by inept doctors and corrupt hospitals and they just go home and ignore me telling them that I have the supplements and medicine to help. Completely safe and effective treatments, not “safe and effective” as in the words of our “leaders”.
Then two weeks later when they may be on Remdesivir or a respirator, there is nothing anyone can do for them but begin to grieve.
But I can’t do anything for the hypnotized. And I need to just let them be because they are adults who chose to have decisions made for them by corporations, governmental agencies and media outlets instead of figuring it out for themselves.
I really hate to make this statement, but I truly believe we are seeing Darwinism at play here. It takes a ton of strength to be fit enough to increase one’s chances of survival, and I am seeing a large swath of our population who just doesn’t have that fitness about them.


Listening to Dr. Kory talk about how he was shocked to discover the power of all these natural things, reminds of that time John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie commissioned “The Flexner Report” to completely annihalate the study of natural medicine in the United States, in a favour of an oil-powered Big-Pharma Monopoloy.
Learn about The Flexner Report, and you’ll understand how these billionaires put in place the system that is killing us all at the moment.


Looks like there was enough push back, even though they only allowed email presentations. Some here say there might have been some on the board with a hint of common sense, I am not sure.
Now we work to get the Dog Damn Masks of these poor kids. Its like waterboarding and that is not too extreme.


Thanks for posting link for donations to FLCCC. I just did. I hope all of us PPers who are able will donate!


Look up Dr. Terry Wahls regarding MS, if you have not yet.


Arthur, we’ll on the same page on this one. What are your thoughts on this one?


He makes clear again this is about power and money. I have no idea how the hell people fight this anymore.


Thank you Chris and Dr. Kory…both of you always lift my spirits in such a healing way. Bravo to all at the FLCCC.
As to Milgram-as unethical as the experiment was, and as dark as the reported findings turned out to be - at least no one died. Recent re-reading of it cleared questions that have weighed heavy on me for the past 20 months. Obedience to those who self-proclaim authority is the goal of the dark side. “Just following orders from superiors” was the excuse used by so many accused at the Nuremberg War Criminal trials.
You are saving lives every day by treating patients, sharing valuable research and knowledge. I am very grateful to both of you.


(Second attempt) “They” snatched my first from me.
I’ll need to triangulate on the alien implant angle Hladini. But it is strong supporting evidence that my model is correct; that this is the Alien exercise as described by retired historian Dr. David Jacob’s book “Walking Among Us.”
By triangulate, I mean find corroborating evidence; which shouldn’t be long coming as surely there must be somebody else out there with a microscope and samples.
The problem we all face is mental phase-lock that Ingo Swann describes in his book “Penetration”.
I woke this morning to the realization that we are flatlanders, because all our lives are spent in two dimensions. It is only recently that we have begun to dabble in the third, with the advent of flight.
Therefore it is not surprising to discover resistance to a threat coming from the third dimension, which is of cause, Up.