"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

I salute our Cousins.

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Yes long covid can be a real problem. I had it for a year (crushing fatigue and breathing problems) I feel better, except I seem to have asthma now. Will my lungs degrade over time? I feel optimistic, but who knows?
There are four other people who live in my town who all got infected in February 2020 and are still in very serious condition. I am familiar with the status of two at the moment. One has some sort of heart inflammation and cannot control her blood pressure. She can only lie down or walk (but still has little energy for it). She isn’t able to sit for very long. The other person who is a good friend of mine, has just returned home after four surgeries for femoral and intestinal blood clots that was caused by a heart infection. He had open heart surgery less than two weeks ago. All four people were athlete types. I don’t think my friend will ever be the same. Vaccination may have complicated his already complex long-hauler condition.
Everyone else I hear about who gets infected recovers really quickly. I know a teenage boy who got it 8 months ago who only lost taste and smell and had that weird prickly skin sensation that I also experienced. He is fine now but says salty food tastes really strange. So his brain was affected, let’s just hope it wasn’t anything to worry about.
I’m no longer afraid of covid either, but maybe it’s more that I’m out of mental energy than confident that my immunity will hold up. My worry-wort side is now focused on totalitarianism!


I bought horse paste from the USA on Ebay, but that was before it was on the media’s radar. Farm supply places would have it. But how you get the human type, I’d love to know!


I had a devistating AVM that nearly took me out. I was paralyzed on my dominant side and have worked for years to make a come back
learn how to walk, talk, drive and work again. And now my own goverment is plotting to kill me. It breaks my heart, but it won’t break my spirit and I vow to support those who fight for all of us and even are willing to fight for those who don’t even know there is a war going on. Dr. Kory and Chris, please take care of yourself. I pray for your safety and sanity every night. I hold you in the highest esteem and if it weren’t for you and your determination to do what is right and good and true, I think I would give up. But I will be in this fight with you until my last breath or until someone knocks the wind from those conspiring to end us all.


Here’s FLCCC list of pharmacies that ship and fill Ivermectin prescriptions.


Let’s re-phrase and say, this is the hill you’re going to LIVE on!
Just a thought


I live on Maui, and Dr. Malone (mRNA vaccine inventor) is here & has come to speak at a major demonstration/march for vax freedom, release from COVID restrictions, etc.
There have been 2 big demos before today. Plenty of coverage on Reddit and Facebook – people posting pics and videos and so forth (although the coverage on Reddit was mostly people disparaging the protest – but at least they existed). The planners for today’s events brought a whole bunch of amazing people (incl Dr. Malone) in.
I could not attend for a couple of reasons, but I was keen to see what all went on. I’ve been checking in on social media.
Nothing on FB, nothing on the local “newsy” websites, nothing anywhere. I literally have no idea if anyone actually got together to try and foment a better tomorrow. Thing is, I know dozens of people who went. They would mostly all be posting to their social media feeds about it (as they have at the previous 2 demos). But today
Just another data point. Big media and Big internet are really getting their chops honed. What’s the word for a totalitarian lickspittle? Oh, right: Totalitarian Lickspittle. Pretty soon, it seems like we won’t be able to express ourselves on any of the major social media sites. The gates are closing. Prepare accordingly.
May Fortune smile on us all!
VIVA – Sager


And now Pierre Kory and the FLCC have had their Facebook and Paypal shut down


Cant believe Pierre Korys’ FLCCC have had their PayPal and Facebook shut down


If governments were really concerned about survival of the human Species then diversity is the clear winner , for example vaccinate those that want it and respect those that don’t guaranteeing survival .
They have also made it very clear that we are going to have to get use to vaccines for life as the virus is here to stay .
When the virus appeared or was released they compared it to the Spanish Flu with a %20 mortality rate and that never eventuated , so the lie was born and is still being nurtured and protected .
In New Zealand the government makes it very difficult to to find the data on the deaths and adverse reactions , they deny their own statistics , they say 68 died and only one mite be from the vaccine , 20000 roughly had adverse reactions and 20000 had severe adverse reactions .I don’t know anyone that knows of anyone that has contracted the virus , I have two of my close friends that lost a friend after the second jab and a cousin after the first and my work mate has swollen glands and other issues since the getting the jab .
Why haven’t the cleaver people made a crowd funding initiative to hire the best lawyers on the planet to hold these people accountable ?
Voting for change will do nothing in New Zealand as both puppet parties are paid CCP stooges and the majority of people are dumber than mud so democracy will never work as the people ( dummies ) buy the lies every time , there’s no accountability , say what ever you want and do what ever you want when in power .


Hello all,
Reader from New Zealand here.
A couple of months ago I started researching alternatives to vaccination. In NZ it is now extremely hard to access Ivermectin or HCQ.
The NZ government and NZ Medical Coucnil is I believe actively restricting access to alternatives. I tried to obtain a prescription via my GP and he actively lied to me.
NZ customs are now intercepting drugs which individuals attempt to import.
In effect they are trying to force people to vaccines. Most of the NZ population is on board with this and I find it depressing (Im not depressed btw - but the whole bamboozle is a depressing situation). Many in the local NZ media are now trying to guilt and shame everyone to get vaccinated. Basically its been marketed everyone needs to take a stab for the wider collective
while actively removing options or even discussion of said options.
The policy is the vaccines are ‘safe’ and have been evaluated by NZs 'MedSafe". However when you look into this Med Safe (NZ) has simply based it evaluation on that from the US FDA!!! its insane
NZ as not even evaluated this vaccine independently (Pfizer), from what I can see

The NZ government also had to change NZ laws to allow the mass rollout, after they where initially challenged legally

The vaccine mandates and restrictions are now beginning

If anyone on this forum can help import alternatives Id be keen to chat with them.
I never would have thought this level of control, fraud and manipulation would happen in NZ and at the same time so easily swallowed by the majority of my countrymen
I pray my concerns are over reactions because if not the consequences could be appalling



Can’t thank you guys enough for that podcast. Loved the Tess Laurie story, and Pierre reaction. May I also thank you Pierre, for bringing Ivermectin to the attention of this Pommie,(Australian vernacular for British) now masquerading as an Australian these forty one years. Here it’s illegal to prescribe Ivermectin for Cov 19 as confirmed when I asked my doctor the question, should I need it, would he prescribe it, he replied, he was sorry but could not. So for the first time in my 73 years, I have gone against a doctors advise, and not without some trouble, (and this may help the Canadian commenter) acquired a supply from Apple Pharmacies, India. It cost me $70 US for 200 12mg tablets, including postage, and the fear of our boarder force intercepting this life saving medication. I now feel much safer, as Australia is about to open up, and take it’s chances. So please keep up the good work, as I could not live without the FLCCC weekly update. Incidentally I first discover the FLCCC when I saw Pierre’s chat with Dr John Campbell, in the UK.


Hi guys
Meant to say in my previous comment, that the next time Pierre, you tell the Uttar Pradesh story, add the fact that the Indian Bar Association, have instigated proceedings for criminal negligence, against the WHO for the omission you mentioned in the podcast, ie for the failure to attribute their praise for India’s success to Ivermectin!


Hi kiwixport,
search internet for:

  • Quercitin in combination with vitamine C
  • Artimisia annua
  • Cinchona bark
    And of course the PP for more info about vitamin D, zinc etc


Very troubling observation, Sager. I wonder is this might herald the return of local or even neighborhood newspapers or newsletters, i.e., knowing where your news comes from and being able to trust it. Perhaps as an addendum to the “Saturday, 9am, at the Library” movement. “When all else fails, Ham radio prevails.” also comes to mind
Aloha, Steve.


We get down To the level where we only trust our own tribe, or Ohana. Everybody else is suspect. And in this day and age, with good reason


Try this site for natural sources/alternatives to the banned substances.
Do your homework, of course. This is not my domain, it’s more my wife’s and she’s got us consuming black sesame seeds w/raw honey, white pine needle tea, and several other additions to the standard protocol. Don’t forget fresh or powdered turmeric. See if your gov’t is banning Quercetin, a nice alternative to hydroxychloroquine.
Willow edit - take your turmeric with freshly ground black pepper and a fatty food like cream or coconut oil for best absorption.


Thanks for sharing another great interview with the magnificent Dr. Kory Chris!
The first time I saw him, in his testimony for senate, I did believe it would be a game changer too. For a while I honestly believed the pandemic was over. Well, as I learned quickly I was not in the vulnerable group, so I never had real fear for the virus but the FLCCC topped it off with a recommended early treatment. The pandamic was over! How naive.
This man deserves a medal, together with his group of doctors fighting for the good cause and actually treating and curing people.
I would call on all those easy money makers that are now temporary flooded with cash because of FED money (mainly the stocks and crypto lurker and other money for nothing players), to contribute lavishly to an association that actually does provide a value add to humanity.


Chris, anyone else here behind the paywall.
I have followed all the early treatment development and watched the FLCCC story, spread their protocol far and wide, advocated for early treatment with my family.
Chris obviously has great integrity, and Pierre Kory seems a brave man with great integrity too. Therefore I was quite surprised to come across this:
It is quite at odds with the Uttar Pradesh story which is heralded as an Ivermectin success. Despite using Ivermectin in Covid kits, Brazil has had this experience:
"Brazilians quickly discovered – through heart-wrenching personal experience – the limits of treating COVID-19 with ivermectin. Brazil suffered some of its worst death rates yet in late 2020 and early 2021, even in heavily ivermectin-dosed areas, as the more transmissible P1 variant spread quickly across the country.
“Look at what happened in Brazil,” Natália Taschner, a Brazilian microbiologist and research scholar at Columbia University in New York City, said. “Then wonder: if this drug worked, would Brazil be in such bad shape?”
And Brazil indeed has done very badly - look at the graph at https://www.google.com/search?q=brazil+covid
"Dr. Kevan Akrami, an infectious disease and critical care physician working in the northeastern city of Salvador, said. “Whether somebody was taking it or not didn’t seem to have any impact on whether or not they got hospitalized or ended up dying from their COVID infection.”
Dr. Ana Carolina Antonio, who works at a government hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil, told Insider many of her ICU patients took ivermectin in the spring – some trying to prevent COVID-19, others “to early treat their first symptoms.
Their strategy didn’t work.
In fact, Antonio estimated roughly 70% of her ICU patients admitted during the country’s deadly second wave (in late 2020 and early 2021) had taken ivermectin, and “I regret to say most of those patients have died,” she said.
About half of all her critically ill patients died, and 80% of ventilated patients didn’t make it, regardless of whether they’d tried ivermectin.
She called the heartbreak of the situation “indescribable.”
“I’ve never seen so many young and previously healthy patients dying,” she said. “I have already cared for many patients who took ivermectin and were still in the ICU for COVID-19.”
This concerns me. My narrative, in part prompted by this site and the FLCCC, has been that the vaccines are unsafe and ivermectin is safe and effective. The Brazillians have tried it, declared it doesn’t work, and are turning to vaccines. Do we have confirmation bias? Have we invested too much in this narrative to keep an open mind? Chris, if you see this, please ask Pierre and his new Brazillian FLCCC member to explain the Brazillian experience


Hi Angus,
Let’s start to say that neither HCQ nor IVM are miracle drugs, although I believe they can be life saving for many. For many, not for all. That’s a big difference. Especially if numbers matter and big numbers are involved

Not sure if you’re really on to something substantial, some feedback from Chris/Dr. Kory would be welcome indeed but distracts them (again). The situation in Brazil is harsh, 600k+ deaths in 18 months is tough, but do appreciate there are 220M+ Brazilians.
I did some quick googling (should be duckducking but hey):
Please check: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/brazil/
Crude death rate per 1000 for Brazil:

About 1.5M Brazilians die in a year (~ 2.3M in 18months...). The 2020 number is not in there, there might be other sources, but I doubt given the figures seen in other countries on excess deaths (in 2021 sometimes even lower than baseline) the numbers in Brazil will be much higher than 2019 maybe a few 100k's extra. Not trying to provide a Darwinistic twist, but death is a fact of life and each of us will face it, more or less unexpected and the death rate in Brazil is substantial without the extra added for a virus already. I believe anyone will be infected, the more careful you are the better protected you are (standing inside in a unventilated room with 100's people, coughing and sneezing for an extended period of time will have a negative effect for instance). With a substantial viral load your immunized body can get overloaded and will get you infected and possibly get sick, prevention is part of the puzzle. Believing there is a miracle drug will add to the spread, simple because people will be too relaxed. That might be one of the many reasons there are still deaths related to COVID in Brazil too. Anyway, I do not like the article, not because I'm in a confirmation bias, but because it is chiming in on a popular narrative, adding to the confusion, nudging to an all or nothing conclusion on IVM which is simply unfair. I simply detest all too firm statements, especially from the ruling bodies, MSM outlets and especially product vendors. Not saying it's complete BS, but like to see Chris' confirmation to comfort my bias ;-) The good news for Brazil is, deaths are down, infections are down so they are getting through this.