"This Is War": An Interview with Pierre Kory

Yes, we can’t even get ivm here in Australia, our equivalent of the FDA banned off label use. I managed to get some before then. Not much though so I don’t intend solely relying on it. There are many other aspects to the flccc protocol and other protocols. Vit D, zinc, quercetin, curcumin, melatonin, nigella satvia, mouthwash, iodine nasal rinse etc., and the flccc protocol makes clear a multi drug regimen is required for the different phases, but, nonetheless, the ivm thing concerns me. Pierre is the IVM guy. He is not known for the other recommendations. He has staked his reputation on loudly proclaiming ivm in particular. It would require a superhuman effort of selfless ego to back away from that. I am concerned that ivm not working (if that can be definitively proved) will discredit all other recommendations too. As the video says, that would be bad. If there’s one thing that’s come out of this, it is a vast increase in knowledge on the treatment of colds! Or a wider dissemination of such knowledge


Sorry to hear you’re from Australia Angus and this is from a remote Australia fan. You guys have some batshit crazy people in your government. Hope things will turn for the better, but am afraid for the near future. Stay strong and sane!
Agree on more clarity on IVM in general, I don’t need more confirmation on the efficacy, it probably helped me, already good health, just 2 days of running nose, had some fatigue and I did lose my smell, nothing major, but there was no control group of “me” so purely anecdotal. No harm, no foul. It’s as safe (actually safer) as asperin so it was good for me. That gold standard double blind RCT will not happen, it would have happened by now if health was the utmost priority. It will happen when hell freezes over, or when Fauci is convicted i.e. never.
Dr. Kory will step away from IVM as soon as proven wrong, he is not fanatic on IVM he is fanatic about healing his patients. Until now he cures patients with a protocol including IVM. If that works for him and other doctors chime in, it’s good for me.
Wish you good health, again stay safe and sane!


Thanks, good to hear you’re recovered. Haven’t had it yet. Not many people here have, yet thanks to an extreme government reaction, shutting down the economy, external and internal borders and terrorizing the population with police brutality, for our own health of course: https://twitter.com/randydeactivist/status/1441676904545677317?s=20
Some scary stuff happening in the world. I’ve been locked up here on prison island, but it seems just as bad elsewhere in the Western world. Seeing Trudeau videos really creeps me out now. Can’t believe they voted him back in. Stockholm syndrome I suppose. It’s clearly coordinated worldwide, by some very powerful, evil people. Maybe something along these lines: https://theconundrum.substack.com/p/the-covid-conundrum.
Getting some serious pushback now though, from protests in Italy, France, the US pilots and some US governors (Florida, Texas). The vaccine efficacy trending to zero is blowing the vaccine passport logic out of the water. Maybe enough people will see it’s nonsensical to wipe out whatever other agendas hide behind it.


Great to hear you two having a ball and a good laugh discussing the latest data


To our dedicated supporters: We must be making an impact, because Big Tech is coming after our small and mighty nonprofit with all that they have. First, Teespring shut down the FLCCC online store. I guess our t-shirts and mugs were more than they could bear. But don’t worry, we are working on a new and improved store with lots of new merchandise and plan to launch in a couple of weeks.

Today, an entirely new level of attack was levied by two more Big Tech players.

1. PayPal shut down our donation platform, suddenly and unexpectedly, because of what they call "being in violation of Pay Pal's Acceptable Use Policy." 2. Facebook has restricted posts, ability to add followers, and threatened to unpublish the page as a result of being rated as “Partly False by an independent fact-checker”.

These attacks join LinkedIn and Vimeo, which removed our accounts, and YouTube, which began taking down our testimonial videos months ago. The powerful forces of Big Tech, Big Pharma, government, health authorities, and mainstream media continue to suppress us. There is nothing false in anything that we post. This is an attack on our ability to fundraise, our free speech, and our efforts to share effective, safe COVID-19 prevention and treatment protocols to help people around the world stay out of the hospital -- and to save precious lives impacted by this dangerous virus. As a 501(c)(3) organization, 100% of our funding is based on donations from our supporters. We do not make a dime from any therapy or medication that is listed in any of the FLCCC protocols. Our team is dedicated to one thing -- saving the lives of those across the world that are impacted by COVID-19. Our team rallied today, and as a result, our new donation button is now live. We apologize for any inconvenience this shutdown may have caused. We appreciate every individual contribution and work hard to invest every cent wisely towards our cause. It is more important than ever to rally and fight back against these coercive attacks.

NEW Donate Button: Click Here

Thank you to all of the FLCCC Alliance followers and supporters that make our efforts so worthwhile. We want you to know how grateful we are to you for recognizing and supporting the urgency and importance of our work. With sincere gratitude, The team at the FLCCC Alliance

For more information on the FLCCC, the science and our protocols, please visit www.flccc.net


I was following the FLCCC prophy protocol and still got bad Covid. 6 days in hospital for pneumonia etc. Bad thrombotic stuff all through my body.
My mistake was not being quick to adopt the Aug 11 modification to that FLCCC protocol and listen to the Dr Marik presentation on the new challenges for Delta that prompted the modified protocol with more aggressive dosing etc. Delta moved in fast. Drs Kory and Marik had real challenges. The old protocol was no longer very effective against it. Dr Marik explains this in the Aug 11 weekly update from FLCCC.
When reading the article and related info on Brazil several things come to mind. None of the info reported what the specific elements of the “kit” were. So they may have been way under-dosing. Or not running a long enough course. So to blame IVM for failure in Brazil may be too simplistic.
Also they were wrestling with the P1 variant. That is a more difficult challenge than Delta. I suggest from what little has been said in the cited material that they may have been way behind the curve on adapting to the P1 variant with an updated dosing and treatment cocktail. Remember, success come from more than just throwing IVM at the problem.
Be alert to these issues. P1 (or something worse) may land in a town near you sometime. Pay attention to protocol changes. Get your supplies early. Don’t be wimpy on treatment. Hit it hard, early, and heavy.


I don’t feel that Business Insider is a legitimate news source.
During the 2016 elections they did everything in their power to support Hillary Clinton - without coming out and declaring themselves a Clinton asset. In other words, they pretended to be a news organization when they were not. During the primaries, they savaged Bernie Sanders. Then during the election campaign they savaged Donald Trump.
Had the articles been accurate, it would have been one thing. But factual inaccuracies and pure bias where often pointed out in the BI comment section. Eventually Business Insider got rid of the comment section.
After that experience, I “CNN’d them.”
Translation: I refuse to give any credibility to their articles.
So I would not be surprised if this article was a hit piece, just like the BBC article on Ivermectin.


Just look at the World O Meter (or any other data source) on Brazil and you scratch your head. Looks like Brazil damped down their covid curve real good. Article is either a misleading hit piece, misinformed, or way behind the data.
They picked a bunch of clinicians to comment on their experience. Makes it sound current, but was probably a while ago.
My opinion is it was a hit piece using true info, cherry picked, and out of date. Classic case of “cheating” but not “lying”.


Here is a screenshot from the WHO site. The top graph is cases, the bottom is deaths.
Both cases and deaths are going down


I was looking for the black cumin seeds and found some products offering black cumin oil in soft gels. Is the oil as good as the seeds or are important pieces lost that do not make it into the oil?


So they did!
Bought Media
Bought Politicians
Bought Elections
Bought Regulators
Bought Mandates


So, there are maybe not a whole bunch of Bible readers here—I say this because there aren’t a whole bunch anywhere including among church attendees—but I had something of an epiphany a few weeks ago that is relevant to the time we’re in.
It has to do with the four horsemen of Revelation 6. Specifically, the first one.
He rides a white horse, which denotes a conqueror (in the days of the Roman Empire, the victorious general rode into the conquered city on a white horse). He has a crown and a bow. The crown, a “stephanos”, is a champion’s wreath, as in ancient Olympic Games. The bow is the thing. I looked it up, and in the Greek it is transliterated “toxon”. It’s where we get the words “toxin” and “toxic”. That’s because archery was very often a vehicle for delivering not only wounds, but poisons. Alexander’s army faced Indian archers who’s arrows were tipped with snake venom. There were many nations who used poisoned arrows.
Ok. So a crown and a bow delivering toxin.
Every vaccine is a toxin. The spike protein that the COVID vax delivers and causes our bodies to manufacture is a toxin.
The Latin “corona” means “crown”. The crown of the virus is made of its spike proteins.
It fits pretty well, I think. Now, consider this weird campaign of vax mania. Sweeping the world and seeming to succeed everywhere, with ever more draconian tactics being employed. This also matches the career of the first rider. Conqueror’s crown, conqueror’s horse, and said to go forth “conquering and to conquer”. That answers to the sickening feeling we get that this isn’t going to stop.
The instances of “four riders” in the Bible (several Old Testament occurrences and one New Testament) show them having global missions and global influence.
If one were given a vision seventeen hundredish years before the advent of vaccines and hypodermics, and if the vaccine were actually a weapon of asymmetric war, a bow seems the most apt analog one could use to depict the future reality.
I simply offer my hypothetical interpretation.
wishing you all the best in these dread times.


I wonder if whomever is reporting Brazil’s experience with ivermectin is a compromised source that’s just trying to forward the worldwide agenda…


I so enjoyed this interview with Dr. Pierre Kory!! I’ve been following him since Chris M. first mentioned him and especially after his impassioned Senate testimony last December. He has so much integrity and balls of steel. I’ve listened to almost every FLCCC weekly webinar since the beginning (March of this year, I think?). The suppression, censorship, de-platforming, and outright lies being perpetuated by our public health and gov’t agencies is the “tell” that something very sinister is going on that doesn’t include the health and well being of the general population.
I am a librarian at a small private health sciences college and recently attended a regional meeting with other librarians that was held virtually this year. Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood and ended up skipping much of it. However, in one session I attended this was a comment that came up in chat:

I had to laugh for my thinking was exactly the opposite: “Do you have suggestions for talking with and having empathy for people who are brainwashed into trusting our government information and only following the narrative?” I wonder how many of the other 140 or so people present had the same thoughts? Surely I can’t be the only one but it does make for a sense of isolation. I can’t recall who posted recently about having a “fake life” in the working world to make a living and a “real life” outside of work with their core beliefs. That resonated with me.
The FLCCC Facebook still exists just barely. It’s where I first saw the Nebraska Attorney General’s ruling on Oct. 15th on IVM & HCQ:

“Allowing physicians to consider these early treatments will free them to evaluate additional tools that could save lives, keep patients out of hospitals, & provide relief for our already strained healthcare system.”
There's a 48 page PDF document that's pretty interesting too. Hopefully other states will follow!

I found that when I ask people when they were vaccinated after they start complaining about a lot of health problems, they start thinking about it and making connections. It’s my business though. A few people have come back and asked what they can do. The rest, I have to let go and hope someone reaches them. In the mean time, I mask and social distance for a whole new reason, JIC.


Bible reader here! Thank you for your observation about the white horse and crown and bow and related word study. I loved it! It would seem likely that we currently are living in the most exciting time since Christ walked upon the earth. (There have got to be many many saints who are watching all of this in wonder.) Truly, we are in a time that requires a spine of steel, right? I also love that you shared the greek for bow being toxin. The entire epiphany seemed perfectly on target! Just in case it is helpful… Last year my pastor did a long series on the book of Revelation. Word by word, chapter by chapter, Greek and historical context. You can check the series out at fourteen six.com. If you love learning this kind of stuff like I do, you will like jdfarag.org for prophecy update videos too. May we stay in the funnel of God’s plan and blessing…shalom.


Thanks for sharing Victoria, will check out those resources. Very interesting post by Daddy-O, had not heard that interpretation of the first horseman before, and I’ve heard and read a lot of preaching on the book of Revelation so it’s always interesting to read a different perspective.


Hi Angus,
It’s possible our regulatory bodies here in Australia have been “captured” and are completely corrupt and are lying. Or, it’s possible that when they say they’ve read all the IVM studies and have decided that it doesn’t work, that they mean it.
By the way, Dr Robert Malone says there’s no documentation that IVM was in the pill packet they handed out in India - he’s asked his contacts in India to get what was actually distributed, and they can’t find out.
So the big IVM success story may have been herd immunity, or whatever was in those packets, but maybe not IVM.


When Dr Kory relates his anecdote about dosing his first patient with IVM and she got better the next day, and he says “First patient, first dose, I was sold” and that “It could only be interpreted as this phenomenal response to a medicine”. Sorry, but no, it could also be interpreted as a correlation. The “ivory tower types” he derides are correct here, as is any person who understands science, and the dangers of sample sizes of n=1.
As a trained doctor, I just don’t understand how he can think unscientifically like this.

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Except someone on this site shared a picture of the package (it included ivermectin).