Title 42 Invasion

What I find even more ironic is that as focus is diverted to the Southern Border the Northern has been just as porus with many international crime syndicates operating along it’s entire length, I know the Ukrainian Mafia was heavy into human trafficking along Washington’s border for a long while, at least it was < a decade ago

This is a REAL threat!!!

There is a foreign army inside our country. I use to think gun totem citizens can handle Left Wing nuts rioting.

But we have special Force units inside. Just a few thousand can shut down our grid, poison water, disrupt communications (power grid would affect have immediate and terrible impact).
I was In NATO, early eighties, our main enemy (in my case) was Soviet Spetsnaz. Even then, we were told male and female Spetsnaz were scattered in communities (Europe) and acted as sleepers. when activated they would start operations.
Today, it would be reasonable to accept that the Chinese, Iranian equivalent are now inside our country (thanks Obama-Biden). After they disrupt, then the gangs of mad-men (illegals-gangs MS13) will roam and burn. While we are dealing with goof balls, the Special units will continue to move thru country sabotaging infrastructure.
this could cause a recall of our military units (naval) back home , leaving other nations open to invasion (Taiwan, Israel, east Europe).

Hey, The enemy is here! …inside the gates!!! we are in big trouble, win or lose election. we can be effectively KO from world actions.

Dont need EMP.

and if dems lose and create havoc here, they can call for UN to step in.

How easy then to reduce US population and make way for more immigration? (i mean invasion)

Okay- Overactive imagination.
But I often wondered (in 90’s); How can a sizable force get into US (UN or some other hostile and under what pretext)?
Got the answer.
I did not realize how easy to just open the borders, letting gangs bring in arms and create stashes. Hmmph! probably with CIAFBIATF help.

The Invasion of US is actually a Clear and Present Danger. A Topic, I am surprised not taken up. We are in Real danger.

Thanks for keeping this post.
