Trump's Revolution and USAID's Billion Dollar Scandal

. . . so, to recap - the situation is that the Trump-Administrative-Blitzkrieg is uncloaking a bunch of rabid dogs and raccoons in the DS infrastructure – that are rapidly being brought to a state of great tension and hysteria by the DS controller overlords . . . and perhaps the next shoe to drop will involve we-the-people getting stuck in the same room with the same (dogs & racoons) – if/when the DS sponsors a FALSE-FLAG attack designed to cause a country-wide grid-down scenario – aka the lights-go-out re. power, communication and internet . . . it reminds me somewhat of:

On the one hand - the scene from the 2013 sci-fi “Snowpiercer” movie - when the lights go out in the train car where there is a stand-off between the folks from the back of the train and the jack-booted thugs sent from the front of the train.

On the other hand – the scene from 2009 sci-fi movie “The Watchmen” (the long version/cut) wherein the Rorschach character in the prison scene informs the other inmates that – he is not stuck in prison with them but rather it is they who are stuck in prison with him!

WARNING: Both referenced movies and indicated scenes therein are exceedingly explicitly graphically violent – and not for everyone. You have been warned!

Just to be clear, the Great Awakening that is unwinding the DS - is about peaceful noncompliance and disclosure of the DS run prison planet.

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I noticed the same thing… I thought “Trump is playing head games for some longer term strategy… Bibi’s not so sure it will work, but he’s trying to play along”


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Yeah, kind of a “Wait. What?” look on Bibi’s face.


You hadn’t seen the Oxfam rubbish in the U.K. (some years back) then. If you had, you would have pulled the pin on them long ago. So I take it you have pulled out now. Also get out of World Wild Life fund, if your into that.

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Let’s not forget the Snowpiercer plot was started by Geoengineering to cool the planet. Now if we can get a sniff of the monkeying around with cloud seeding etc. that would be something.

Musk, taking the food right out of Angelina Jolie’s poverty stricken kids’ mouths.


All the ways that our money (US taxpayer’s) are sent to Politico magazine:

USAID was the biggest payor
Dept of Education
Dept of Agriculture

No wonder the writing of Politico were always so aligned with The Swamp on stories of national significance.


Oxfam needs an audit too.

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Chris wonders why they mention the gilliotine in last few vids.

I know you are also exploring the Bible as well.

Revelation covers end-time events & perhaps the gilliotine comments are inspired by the ‘easy/hard framework’, also referenced as up/down or good/evil.

Many times current events foreshadow future fulfillment.

With that preface, you should read Revelation 20:4. ALLCAPS below to highlight.

Revelation 20:4 KJV
[4] “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were BEHEADED for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”



Zerohedge has a Market Cap article today for paid subs only that contains
the teaser quote:

“The [gold] markets are in total dislocation,

Someone should probably look into that :>


I’d say if you work for any of these that “resign” option should be high on your todo list tomorrow.


Thanks for the comic relief. Definitely a value add. I am looking forward to a future Scouting Report wherein Chris tells us when it is going to get easy. :wink:


IMHO, If the zombies get unplugged from the matrix due to some “event”, they’ll be thrust into the real world having to actually feel consequences. After the initial shock wears off, the longer their time in the real world lasts, the more red pilled they’ll become. See video for example testimony.


Looks like I’ll need to issue a correction…the celebrity-UKR video got fact-checked by…RT? That’s kind of awesome in its own way.

I don’t know how much we paid those celebrities…that will have to wait for confirmation.

In other news, Chelsea Clinton walked off with a cool $84 million:

I guess since Chelsea couldn’t cut it as a network talent, she had to turn to the family business of defrauding the American people.


If you’ve been debanked

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Trump Media to launch financial services after claims Republicans ‘debanked’


Thanks for the reply comment – you make a very good (and hopeful) point. Red-pilling (Great Awakening) is a very asymmetric process – that is depleting continuously some of the DS sponsored mass-formations.

Compassion and understanding is going to be key (I think) to rescuing those that can be rescued from the DS induced psychosis.

I agree if the “event” is such that it allows the necessary time and resources for the “zombies” to be red-pilled then many can be rescued (safely unplugged) – my concern is for a different type of event (that the DS will sponsor) that starts a rapid feed-back-loop leading to societal collapse involving (using) the zombies.

Again, thanks for the hopeful comment – to balance my gloom and doom.


Maybe Trump said the insane things about Gaza to set up the Muslim riots they probably have planned to gin up 9/11 level Muslim hate to justify the war with Iran they will obviously do for our President Netanyahu

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I feel very disappointed.

I had applied to USAID for some assistance for a chain of businesses I was developing in several of the Central/Southern Asian 'stans.

My application to build a chain of transgender surgeries combined with nightclubs, brothels and safe drug injection sites in Pakistan was approved. It would have been a successful business and helped out the community and would have promoted ‘American values’ as defined by the former Bidet administration.

USAID had granted me US$8 million create 3 of these combination centers in Pakistan. They had provisionally granted several million more to create centers in 2 other ‘Stans’.

Since the Elon Musk raid on USAID, my applications are now on hold and will probably be denied.

I feel so disappointed.


Well at least now you know oxfam is controlled by the DS and can act accordingly.