Truth Monopolies, Crypto Control, & Nature's Worth: Updates

In the realm of public discourse, the struggle to discern truth continues to be a challenge. The power dynamics at play often result in the monopolization of truth, with science increasingly being treated as a state religion. This is evident in the declining trust in vaccines, with figures like Dr. Peter Hotez facing criticism for avoiding debates and using labels to silence opposition. The manipulation of data within the vaccine safety community and a lack of transparency further exacerbate the issue. The need for open debate and the restoration of credibility to experts is underscored.

In the world of finance, Stellar’s “Real World” campaign, featuring Idris Elba, promotes a more equitable and borderless financial system. However, the involvement of Stellar and other major crypto players like Ripple and Ethereum in facilitating Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) raises concerns about privacy and control. The elite affiliations of these organizations and the interest of intelligence agencies in cryptocurrency add layers of complexity. The development of stablecoins by private companies also raises concerns about programmability and surveillance. The ultimate goal of these crypto players appears to be securing a stake in or control over the future global financial system.

In the geopolitical landscape, the Israeli government’s claim of fighting for survival against Hamas is challenged. The author argues that the path to real security for Israel lies in peace with Palestine and calls for the US to promote the two-state solution. The disparity in casualties between Israelis and Palestinians and the emergence of extremism in Israeli politics are highlighted. The author emphasizes the importance of the two-state solution for Israel’s long-term security and survival.

The influence of Jews in society, covering historical events, economic activities, and the emergence of anti-Semitism, is also explored. The intricate relationship between Jews and European elites, the impact of religion and politics on anti-Jewish sentiment, and the mainstream narrative of the Holocaust are critically examined. The text advocates for a discourse that incorporates unbiased knowledge about Jews while opposing Semitism.

Lastly, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is proposing a new kind of investment called “natural asset companies” (NACs) that aim to protect nature and make money. The proposal has drawn both support and criticism. Supporters argue that NACs can generate a return on investment by valuing the environment and supporting sustainable production. Critics, however, fear it could lead to strict management restrictions for public lands and foreign investment on federal lands. The Biden administration has shown interest in identifying the value of “natural capital” and its contribution to the economy, adding another layer to the ongoing debate.

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