Truth, Steel, and Shrinking Populations

The UK Parliament recently hosted a significant meeting titled “For Truth, Democracy, and Freedom,” led by MP Andrew Bridgen. Despite attempts by the government to disrupt the proceedings, the meeting went ahead, albeit without the testimonies of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Mike Yeadon.

The meeting raised concerns about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) concentration of power and lack of transparency. Issues of governance, sovereignty, privacy, and gain of function research were discussed, with a health advocacy group sending a policy brief to British MPs outlining these concerns.

Meanwhile, across the pond, a climate-focused nonprofit, the Energy Foundation, has been funding climate initiatives and environmental groups in the U.S. Despite being headquartered in San Francisco, the foundation conducts most of its operations in Beijing and has significant ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The foundation’s financial filings reveal a decline in grant revenue in 2022, but an increase in grant contributions to outside groups and initiatives worldwide. This revelation comes amid a congressional probe into the CCP’s influence on the American environmental activist movement.

In the world of business, Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel has announced its acquisition of U.S. Steel Corp. in a $14.9 billion deal. The acquisition is a strategic move, taking advantage of government incentives designed to reshape the U.S. industrial base and boost domestic manufacturing. The deal has resulted in a 25% rise in U.S. Steel’s stock prices, and Nippon Steel has cited high domestic demand for steel, changes in the structure of the global economy, and new U.S. legislation as factors in the deal.

In a somewhat dystopian forecast, a computer model predicts a sharp population decline post-2032. The model suggests that this may have been the agenda of certain influential figures all along, with the aim of reducing the population through various means.

Finally, in the auto industry, the United Auto Workers (UAW) has signed new contracts with three major automakers — Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis. The contracts secure significant raises and salary guarantees as the auto sector undergoes a major overhaul towards electric vehicle production. The steel industry, including the newly merged Nippon Steel and U.S. Steel, stands to gain from these high-profile deals.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at