In the Gulf of Oman, tensions are escalating as Iran and the United States offer conflicting accounts of the events leading to Iran’s seizure of an oil tanker. Iran alleges that the tanker, carrying Kuwaiti crude oil for Chevron Corp, collided with an unidentified Iranian vessel and then fled the scene. The US Navy 5th Fleet, however, views Iran’s actions as a violation of international law and a threat to maritime security. This incident is the latest in a series of retaliatory actions between the two nations, with the US imposing harsh sanctions on Iran after withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal.
Meanwhile, credit card companies like MasterCard and Visa are reporting a slowdown in consumer spending, a concerning indicator for the US economy. Adjusted for inflation, there was no growth in retail sales during the holiday season, marking it the worst performing season since 2017. This slowdown, coupled with an increase in delinquencies and defaults, suggests a potential recession. The total household debt in America is at an all-time high of $17.3 trillion, which, combined with historically normal interest rates, will lead to larger interest burdens and slower economic growth.
In the medical field, the concept of vaccine shedding, or the transmission of illness from vaccinated individuals to the unvaccinated, is being explored. The author of a recent article suggests that shedding may occur through respiratory transmission or skin-to-skin contact, and that symptoms can overlap with those of long COVID and vaccine injuries. Further research is needed to fully understand shedding and its implications.
The U.S. Army is experiencing a decline in white recruits, with numbers dropping significantly in recent years. Experts and Army officials attribute the recruiting problem to various factors, including partisan scrutiny of the service, an obesity epidemic, and an underfunded public education system. However, some argue that the emphasis on diversity hires and the perceived denigration of white people by the establishment are primary reasons for the decline in white recruits.
In the world of academia, a counter-terrorism course at Kings College is under scrutiny for its alleged politically biased and anti-government training. The author of a recent critique argues that civil servants misunderstand extremism and terrorism to the point of being a national security risk. They express concern about the course’s emphasis on downplaying Islamist extremism and giving more weight to right-wing extremism, which contradicts the findings of a government review.
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