Tutorial: How to Clean a Frog

How to clean a frog and prep it for dinner may not be at the top of everyone's "skills to know" list but it could come in handy in a survival situation or if you are feeling adventurous in the kitchen. 

From Hank Shaw:

OK, I admit it: This is not the most common skill you will ever need. I mean, how many Americans even eat frog, let along catch their own — especially outside of the Deep South? But you should eat more frogs, especially bullfrogs and especially if you live in the West, as I do. Bullfrogs, native to the Southeast, are aggressive, nasty invaders elsewhere. Here in California they are a scourge.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/tutorial-how-to-clean-a-frog/