Two Weeks to Go

There are just two weeks left to go until the only Peak Prosperity seminar being offered in 2014. 

This seminar weekend is going to be especially important. After 2+ long years of fabricated tranquility (the best market levitation $4 trillion can buy!), we are finally seeing the indicators that the central planners are starting to lose control of the system.

In other words: Reality is about to return from her forced exile. And she's not happy.

So there's an awful lot of new information and personal action we all need to process and prioritize.

Compared to past seminars, here are some of the new elements this year's weekend at Rowe will contain:

  • Updates and new developments Chris predicts are in store over the coming 24 months
  • Understanding the dynamics of the coming Great Wealth Transfer & how to position for it
  • Guidance for investing locally vs Wall Street
  • Identifying your value, community-wise and commercially
  • More specifics on physical preparation (skills to develop, gear to procure, etc)
  • Hard-hitting emotional preparedness exercises (are you -- or your partner -- on secure enough footing?)
  • More open Q&A time with Chris, Becca, Adam -- and James Howard Kunstler, who will be dropping in on the seminar
  • Advanced access to the new "Accelerated" Crash Course video

Every year we do our best to improve the curriculum, and we're especially excited about this year's. With an over-abundance of new content, new insights on how to present material for optimal retention, special 'celebrity' participants, and real momentum finally building in the macro environment -- we feel comfortable predicting this will be our most directive and valuable seminar yet. And as past participants can attest to -- that's a pretty high bar!

We're also very pleased with the mix of new and returning folks already signed up this year. As we always say, the biggest value from this weekend are the relationships with other concerned, conscientious individuals of like mind and goodwill that you will make here. This year's pool of participants looks stellar. Why not join it?

If you've got the availability and interest, come join us at Rowe in 2 weeks. Click here to learn more, or register using the button below.

It's our favorite weekend of the year, and we're pretty sure it will be one of yours, too.

                                                           Register Here


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Couldn't help the invitation. 

Pumped you're joining us. The pool of talent assembling for this weekend just got even deeper.
Love your new account photo, BTW cool

Welcome Tracker…I look forward to learning more about what Digital tracking is as well as general discussions on sustainability & Silver (and will be happy to discuss renewable energy as well).    Really looking forward to meeting J.H. Kunsler…glad to hear he will be stopping by (keep working on Charles Hugh Smith too…that would be great).  Adam, a key benefit of having only one seminar a year is it makes it easy to know which one to attend to reconnect with the greatest number of P.P. family members on a personal basis.  I hope others are encouraged to sign up for Rowe since it will be another year before this opportunity occurs again (and I have a feeling ALOT will happen in this next year). 

Thanks CEF,Hmm not sure about digital tracking. Maybe I mentioned Cybertracker somewhere which sounds like it could be digital tracking. Despite the name, the Cybertracker organization is highly focused in the real world. It's the only international organization that tests the skill level of wildlife trackers. The organization's name derives from a computer program developed so that computer illiterate bushmen in Africa could easily collect data on the movement of wildlife, population estimates, etc. through a picture-guided interface on a PDA/touch screen device. 
I am a certified in wildlife track & sign through Cybertracker, but I am not sure I am much of a digital tracker :confused: So if you ever need a wildlife tracker, not a digital tracker, I am for hire! 
Anyways, the cost of this workshop is very reasonable, maybe even generous. Given that I live only a few hours away from Rowe, I think it would be stupid of me to not make an effort to attend this. It should be fun!

I'm really looking forward to this upcoming seminar.  This time will be just as refreshing, and uplifting as all the others, and I am really looking forward to meeting everyone who is coming!
Strangely, talking about all the things we see in the world is relieving to me, as I know it is to others.  

Perhaps not strangely if you consider that the alternative is to bottle up all of the obvious nuttiness that passes for modern culture and sage advice these days.

At any rate, see you all soon!

I'm reviewing the attendee list for this weekend's seminar at Rowe and getting quite excited.
Several of the most prominent posters on are going to be there (I haven't asked their permission to publicly share their names here, so I won't) PLUS James Howard Kunstler will be attending for a good part of the weekend. I also see a good mix of returning seminar attendees as well as fresh first-timers.

Chris, Becca and I are working on the finishing touches to the new material we're integrating into the curriculum. It's all coming together nicely.

So with the combination of this new content with such a powerhouse of participants, I don't see how this can't be our most impactful seminar yet!

If you live within driving distance to western Massachusetts, it's not too late to join us this weekend…

I've been looking at this event with glee, since it was first posted on PP. Unfortunately I can't join you - there's simply too much work and rare opportunities for vacation, when you have two jobs. Oh well, maybe next year I can schedule the time off well in advance. I'm pretty bummed out.

Hold down the fort everyone…internet is pretty much non-existent where we are going and, besides, we like to have our full attention on the seminar.
I am quite excited.  Adam is here at the Martenson ranch (ok, that's a stretch of the property's description) and with Becca we've been honing and polishing and now it's time to call it done and head for the event.

So please continue with all the interesting discussions and I'll read them all with great interest when I get back.

[Hidden - Jason][quote=cmartenson]
Hold down the fort everyone…internet is pretty much non-existent where we are going and, besides, we like to have our full attention on the seminar.
I am quite excited.  Adam is here at the Martenson ranch (ok, that's a stretch of the property's description) and with Becca we've been honing and polishing and now it's time to call it done and head for the event.
So please continue with all the interesting discussions and I'll read them all with great interest when I get back.
I'd like to know what kind of dumbass gives this post a thumbs up.  Probably an Obama voter. 

I really would have like to go to this with my wife.  It was just so pricey for plane tickets across the US; it was too far of a reach.  Please consider having one of these on the west coast at some point and I will make every effort to be there. 
Thank you all  

[quote=Sterling Cornaby]I really would have like to go to this with my wife.  It was just so pricey for plane tickets across the US; it was too far of a reach.  Please consider having one of these on the west coast at some point and I will make every effort to be there. 
Thank you all  
Same goes for us. There are lots of PP members in Texas and we could perhaps host it here. 

I could get to Texas as well. It would be a easier then the East Coast for me (I could drive there in a very long day).