U.S. Faces Significant Risk of Running Out of Cash in June

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/u-s-faces-significant-risk-of-running-out-of-cash-in-june/

Semi-log Plots?

These numbers are so out of whack that many of these plots would be easier to comprehend on semi-log scales! No, not really, because we have to pay them back in linear terms of work, goods, and resources. Even so, these crazy “zoom it to the moon” plots show that the edges of fiscal reality will be reached in the near future. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Website Upgrade?

Hi guys, literally just saw this - a week late. I don’t think this showed on the home page until just now. This is the stuff I look for every evening (excellent post btw) but the last 2 weeks it seemed like nothing new was showing up. Now it appeared. Perhaps showing the most recent on the home page would help folks catch the hot topics. Same with the daily takes. Seems to be sorted by ‘most viewed’ or ‘most popular’. Not helpful from my perspective.
Sorry for the rant. ï»ż ? ï»ż


@69514, As of Friday of last week, the site received one of the many forthcoming upgrades to Peak Prosperity. Resilience Reels are the latest, and this is the area on the main site where these short videos will live. These videos were originally concepted to help drive new users from YouTube to the Peak Prosperity website to help grow the community. That being said, several folks requested that these videos also be hosted at Peakprosperity.com because they often times have compelling content about a current event, as well as information about what subscribers can enjoy back at Peakprosperity.com We heard the tribe loud and clear. The latest short video on the issue of Title 42 was just released on YouTube today, and is also available here on the homepage. We have a long list of great subscriber feedback that we are working diligently into future updates. This is just the latest
 no apologies for the rant :slight_smile:


As the legislative impasse persists, the impartial budget office underlined the fiscal strains that the government is facing. It further stated that the timing and amount of revenue received by the government, as well as its expenditures, uno online were difficult to forecast.


The United States faces a’significant risk’ of running out of cash in June, according to the Budget Office. According to the impartial Congressional Budget Office, a default would bring financial suffering, economic dislocation, dino game and significant increases in borrowing rates.


This is the type of content I seek out each evening (outstanding post, by the way), but for the past two weeks, it appeared that nothing new had been published. Similar to daily dosages. It appears to be organized by’most viewed’ or’most popular’. Thanks for keeping geometry dash lite in the know.


Do you have any mobile app so I get the news and live streaming. I am currently using the other app. . this one


A default would cause financial distress, economic disruptions and rapid increases in borrowing rates, the dinosaur game nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said.


I have been reading this article for a long time and loved every bit of it. The writing is amazing. Looking forward to reading skibidi toilet it more.


As I know, according to the Congressional Budget Office, there is a “significant risk” that the federal government would run out of money within the first two weeks of June, which would put the country in connections game default. This information was released on Friday.

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