UPDATE: America's Grand Jury, the People vs. Dr. Fauci to be Rescheduled

As promised, here is the latest statement from the producers of America’s Grand Jury. If or when we receive additional information, we will share it.

Last night we launched America’s Grand Jury with a live show featuring expert witness testimony in a simulated grand jury proceeding.

It had been the plan of the producer’s of America’s Grand Jury to continue the live stream format over the next several days featuring many of the world’s leading health experts.

The purpose of this event has always been to create a simulated grand jury investigation, with real evidence of alleged crimes for real world prosecution. After night one feedback, it’s clear that the American public wants to know the truth, and demands accountability.

While this project remains an important opportunity that needs to go forward, the logistics of producing this show live have proven challenging.
Last evening’s live show resulted in several technical glitches that impacted the quality of our presentation and our schedule.

Although last night’s show was very well received for its content, the decision has been made to suspend this week’s live program in favor of restructuring our format to remove the live action feature and focus on the production of a grand jury simulation of the highest quality. This information is too important not to be presented in the most effective way possible.

We have made new arrangements and will announce a new production schedule within in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for an announcement.

In the meantime, the producers of America’s Grand Jury have informed us that everyone having made a donation to participate on the live show will be refunded.

For more information visit www.AmericasGrandJury.com




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/americas-grand-jury-the-people-vs-dr-fauci-to-be-rescheduled/

Better To Get It Ridght

But disappointing to be sure. I will look forward to the finished product.


Lol. A spelling mistake In that sentence just made me laugh.


Comment From Marshall Mcluhan

The Media is the Message.

Hang In There Dr.

Post as needed.

Smart To Regroup And Get The Tech Issues Sorted Out

From the sections that were audible yesterday, it seems that this information is too important for its impact to be diminished through technical issues. I’m looking forward to hearing the case properly presented. I appreciated what I heard of your presentation, Chris.


The administration is trying to implement Federal Vaccine mandates again. Fauci needs to be held accountable for his treasonous actions. At this point it’s obvious he is working for the interests of big Pharma. if we can’t hold him accountable then, every unelected bureaucrat will be empowered to abuse their power at every opportunity. No one was held accountable for the Great Financial Crisis, no one is being held accountable for the ridiculous policies during Covid, of course they (bureaucrats) will be emboldened to just abuse power because no one will pay…


America’s Grand Jury

It looks now that the presentation is happening, on the CHD website. I believe it’s live, not yesterday’s

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That’s yesterday’s video. It says on the CHD website it’s postponed.

Grand Jury Videos

Watching this reminds me of high school debate, not demeaning it, that is just the only real legal or debate experience I have. Good memories. Too bad what should be able to be openly discussed and debated now is behind firewalls in the land of the cowed and home of the sheeple…steeple…

We really need smiley reaction icons. I admire your tenacity Arthur!

Stop The Who Treaty! - Deadline Apr. 13, 3pm Utc

Jessica Rose shared this today proposed treaty the WHO is attempting to pass to override countries from making their own judgment calls:
Comments are allowed until 3pm UTC (just under 11 hrs. from now for anyone still awake…there’s a ticker at the site below), but read the question carefully before replying: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/2022/04/stopthetreaty-comment-who-pandemic-treaty/66422/

Link To Yesterday’s Grand Jury

Watched first 28 minutes yesterday, with several minutes of silence and trials to connect with speaker. Not sure how the next 2 hours went.
I saved link to: live.childrenhealthsdefense.org
webpage and hope you don’t mind if I post it here, for everybody who would rather see/hear it in raw form before improved version is ready.
Go down to: Events and there is under 13.Apr.2022 Picture of Dr Fauci with mentioned link to publication.

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Thank you George.