US Elections and Economic Policy: LIVE on the Duran

Chris, I thought your characterization of the process by which millions of illegal immigrants are flowing into the US as a “Machine” was very powerful. People need to understand that! The concept was strengthened by your description of all the coordinated support provided to facilitate the mass migration process, such as maps showing various groups’ favorite rest stops, and so on. You made it very clear that the current mass migration into the US is not just some random process where people are crossing our borders.

Thinking of this highly orchestrated migration process as a “Machine” helped shift and re-frame how I saw the migration process. I think it will help other people “get it” as well.


I assume you saw it, but if you didn’t, Nicole said on the other interview she did this week that Trump admitted it in private even though he hadn’t admitted it in public. I guess that was good enough.


I did not know about that private exchange… I am grateful that you clued me in, and that it indeed happened, i.e. that Trump is letting his pride get out of the way of reality. Best regards, Jim

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@cmartenson The question about the smart boarder wall was very poorly worded. Whitny Web discusses the smart wall and makes a compelling argument and warning. The warning is they will use the migrant invasion to get the smart wall built but then they will use it to prevent US citizens from leaving…