Viral Origins and Invasive Cars: Criticism Abounds

In the realm of public health, a contentious debate is brewing over the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some argue that the focus on the virus’s origins is a deliberate attempt to control the narrative, with concerns raised about the manipulation of molecular biology and the potential for algorithms and assumptions to skew conclusions. Critics question the existence of a novel respiratory virus causing widespread illness and death, citing inconsistencies in all-cause mortality data. They also express concerns about the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines, urging readers to question the official narrative.

In the world of legislation, a recently passed infrastructure bill mandates the installation of kill switches in all cars by 2026. While presented as a measure to prevent drunk driving, critics voice concerns about potential abuse and invasion of privacy. The kill switch could be misused to prevent driving during lockdowns or national emergencies, and it could also be exploited by hackers. The legislation also includes provisions for monitoring in-car noises and conversations, raising further privacy concerns. The cost of implementing this technology is unknown, but it is likely that consumers will bear the expense.

On the international stage, criticism is being leveled at the Biden administration and the American Empire. Accusations include engaging in violence and supporting genocide in Gaza, war in Ukraine, and a cold war with China. Critics argue that America is the source of conflict and violence, and that it is a violent, rapacious, and genocidal empire. They also criticize Biden for his aging appearance and his history of supporting wars.

Finally, in the realm of decision-making, the element of time is being introduced. The spectrum of time ranges from having all day to make a decision to needing to make a decision on the spot. The argument is made that by breaking decisions down into smaller pieces, more options and opportunities can be created. This approach can lead to better solutions and sometimes, time itself can be the solution. The key takeaway is not to rush decisions, as doing so equates to giving away time, or in financial terms, selling an option at zero.

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